
Sunday, September 11, 2016

Lets point out some things

I swear Hillary makes almost everything about gender literally
may I say more?

  • First and for most she is very good at lying.
  •  Second she is a Fucking criminal who obviously does not want anyone to see or figure out who she really is on top of saying what some people want them to hear on top of being one of the puppets that this Serrow's guy is using on top of other people he's using and controlling I bet you by the time I'm done with finishing pointing out some things sometime in the future someone is gonna get mad and attempt to take me out of the picture by however they deem necessarily or claim to be 'necessarily'.  
  • Anyway Hillary does not want to admit she got caught in selling information to other nations or other people outside this country.
  • Third She is connected with other criminals and Treasonous people. Why should anyone trust or listen to Treasonous people or trust them? Or even want a Criminal to be President to make things worse than it already is.
  • Furthermore she does not call the Damn terrorists for what they really are she calls them 'Radicals'  Why? She obviously supports them or keeps telling herself that they are just 'Radicals' Other people these people 'Radicals' As well why I bet you when you call the Terrorist for what they really are they think you are being a 'Racist' when you are not you are stating a fact. Today is the Day on the Historical day that these bloody terrorists Destroyed the Twin Towers or have you or anyone forgotten that its why Each year this day September 11 we remember everything that happened that day. So many lost their lives that Day.
  • And She attacks people that tell the truth or she'll find what they say for some reason she will find it offensive.
  • Did I mention that she won't talked about anything that is actually important? Well there you have it. I've already given you Documentaries of what she has done on one of my posts.
  • Anyway most of the people are not so different than Hillary.
Do you need to know more?

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