
Wednesday, March 8, 2017

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Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385


User ID: 44334522
United States
10/22/2013 11:55 PM

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Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
Hi everyone hi

I've been posting recent EQ's on a friend's thread who decided to take a break from GLP, so I figured I would start my own thread and just do what I was doing I welcome anyone to join, and just like an earthquake app on your phone that alerts you of a new EQ, that is what I plan to do here. This will be a laid back thread with one goal in post recent quakes for awareness. For the most part I will only post quakes with a magnitude of 3/3+, however there are always exceptions.


Added 4/19/14

Here are the ones most of us leave up all the time:

[link to]

[link to]

There are several of these below and can link them all if you want. I have them because half the time one or another don't work.
[link to]

[link to]

[link to]

[link to]

To add, these are just the quake ones I leave up all the time. When solar events happen, then there is a whole bunch more. lol
 Quoting: whiteangel

Live Quake Cam [link to]

Added 4/13/16

Earthquake info sites:
[link to]

California and Nevada
[link to]

Clickable Georga stations
[link to]

ABC7 live cam
[link to]

USGS 1day 2.5+ worldwide
[link to]

Recent Earthquakes Near Western Montana
[link to]

PNSN Recent Events
[link to]

Utah Recent Earthquake Map -> Has Yellowstone Nat Park
[link to]

University of Alaska
[link to]

UC Berkeley Seismological Lab
[link to]

Earthquake Map Central and East USA
[link to]

Earthquakes Within ALL of USA, Canada, Mexico 2.0+ Last 7 Days
[link to]

ANF - Recent Seismic Events Map
[link to]

[link to]

GEOFON Extended Virtual Network (GEVN)
[link to]

Hawai'i Volcanoes and Earthquakes
[link to]

Interactive Fault Map
[link to]

Japan Quake Map
[link to]

The Juan de Fuca Microplate System
[link to]

CSEM - EMSC LAtest Earthquakes
[link to]

Mount Rainier
[link to]

National Data Buoy Center
[link to]

Athena nanometrics Recent Earthquakes
[link to]

Iceland - Vatnajökull - earthquakes during the last 48 hours
[link to]

World Earthquakes live
[link to]

YellowstoneContin Network
[link to]
 Quoting: joinca

Added 10/30/16

was going through my historic saved images earlier, and found something interesting.

this image was an Iris saved image I found, saved in May 2008..

[link to (secure)]

you can see the date it was saved in the top left of the image, May 20 2008

and this one is today's image..

[link to (secure)]

saved from here..

[link to]

click them both, and click and compare them

see the pink dots? they're Eqs from the past 5 years before the image was taken, so in the first image, it shows EQs between 2003 to 2008, and today's obviously shows between 2011 to today

notice the way the mid ocean ridge in the Indian Ocean seems to light up when you click and compare? Notice the faults south and south east of Japan? they are REALLY lit up.

also the mid ocean ridge off South America. not as well lit up as the previous examples, but a definite uptick. Look at soiuth america itself too.

i LOVE hard data like this! chuckle

what is interesting to me is DESPITE the intense EQ activity after the 2004 Eq and tsunami, which show up in the first image obviously, today's image is far more active, although admittedly, Indonesia does seem a little bit less active now than it does in the 2008 image, apart from the plate cracking events clearly shown off Sumatra's west coast.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 73289909

Last Edited by Simple27 on 03/08/2017 10:05 AM
~*Ride the Wave*~

User ID: 30859703
United States
10/23/2013 12:04 AM

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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
5* and I'm on board.. Simple.. I'm sorry about CH.. He will be missed greatly..
but, the continuation of EQ is an important thing because it's connected to so many things..
Thank you!!! Simple... I will be here.....
"There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact".
Arthur Conan Doyle
"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth".
Arthur Conan Doyle
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Anonymous Coward
User ID: 2911653
United States
10/23/2013 12:11 AM
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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
Awesome Simple, glad you started this thread. Lets get to work.
Simple27 (OP)

User ID: 44334522
United States
10/23/2013 12:14 AM

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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
5* and I'm on board.. Simple.. I'm sorry about CH.. He will be missed greatly..
but, the continuation of EQ is an important thing because it's connected to so many things..
Thank you!!! Simple... I will be here.....
 Quoting: 4thhorseman

Thanks 4H, and yes he will be missed, but you are correct...the information is far too important and it is a lot easier for me to work on my own thread. I appreciate your support : )

~*Ride the Wave*~
Simple27 (OP)

User ID: 44334522
United States
10/23/2013 12:14 AM

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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
Awesome Simple, glad you started this thread. Lets get to work.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 2911653

Thank you for the support also!! And that's right, let's get to work!! rockon

~*Ride the Wave*~
Simple27 (OP)

User ID: 44334522
United States
10/23/2013 12:20 AM

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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
Thank you for the "stars" from those who have posted and also those who have not yet : )

~*Ride the Wave*~
Simple27 (OP)

User ID: 44334522
United States
10/23/2013 12:21 AM

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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
Here we go

M3.1 - 14km W of Alberto Oviedo Mota, Mexico (BETA)
2013-10-23 04:17:09 UTC

[link to]

Last Edited by Simple27 on 03/05/2014 12:58 AM
~*Ride the Wave*~

User ID: 30859703
United States
10/23/2013 12:21 AM

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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
Just wanted to add this here....

I just wanted to repost this from another thread..

This article appeared a full year before the huge quake and tsunami in Japan...
Thread: PIN WORTHY - California Here Comes The Big One – Sea Monsters Are A Warning Sign (Video) (Page 5)
Thread: PIN WORTHY - California Here Comes The Big One – Sea Monsters Are A Warning Sign (Video) (Page 5)
Oarfish omen spells earthquake disaster for Japan

Japan is bracing itself after dozens of rare giant oarfish - traditionally the harbinger of a powerful earthquake - have been washed ashore or caught in fishermen's nets.
By Julian Ryall in Tokyo
7:00AM GMT 04 Mar 2010
...In recent weeks, 10 specimens have been found either washed ashore or in fishing nets off Ishikawa Prefecture, half-a-dozen have been caught in nets off Toyama Prefecture and others have been reported in Kyoto, Shimane and Nagasaki prefectures, all on the northern coast.

According to traditional Japanese lore, the fish rise to the surface and beach themselves to warn of an impending earthquake - and there are scientific theories that bottom-dwelling fish may very well be susceptible to movements in seismic fault lines and act in uncharacteristic ways in advance of an earthquake - but experts here are placing more faith in their constant high-tech monitoring of the tectonic plates beneath the surface. ...

Last Edited by 4thhorseman on 10/23/2013 12:24 AM
"There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact".
Arthur Conan Doyle
"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth".
Arthur Conan Doyle
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User ID: 30859703
United States
10/23/2013 12:25 AM

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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
Ok, Simple I'm pinning to help get started...

OK, that didn't seem to work.. lol.. I will keep trying..

Last Edited by 4thhorseman on 10/23/2013 12:29 AM
"There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact".
Arthur Conan Doyle
"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth".
Arthur Conan Doyle
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[link to (secure)] Tower 7
Simple27 (OP)

User ID: 44334522
United States
10/23/2013 12:28 AM

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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
Ok, Simple I'm pinning to help get started...
 Quoting: 4thhorseman


just kidding! thanks 4H for the support : )


But please note, I am East Coast and have to go to bed shortly. Although most of you know I am quite a night owl!!
~*Ride the Wave*~

User ID: 30859703
United States
10/23/2013 12:30 AM

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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
Ok, Simple I'm pinning to help get started...
 Quoting: 4thhorseman


just kidding! thanks 4H for the support : )


But please note, I am East Coast and have to go to bed shortly. Although most of you know I am quite a night owl!!
 Quoting: Simple27

Can't get it to work??? WTF

Last Edited by 4thhorseman on 10/23/2013 12:30 AM
"There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact".
Arthur Conan Doyle
"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth".
Arthur Conan Doyle
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[link to (secure)] Tower 7

User ID: 48785076
10/23/2013 12:30 AM
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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
My ears??

Well im listening Global Underground 017 Danny im waiting for a big one.

According to this guy:

thebarcaroller: 18 hrs ago.

we are starting to see signs in the solar wind stream that the earthquake is not too far away,, strong density spike while solar winds are relatively low around 320km/s. the large hole does cover the California region however i focused on the southern component of the hole itself for this watch, i feel its unlikely to be higher than 28° north latitude. Research indicates that (18-28°) as mentioned in the video.

And it seems Mexico has front seat.

Good work S27 !!
with tears streaming down my face.

You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.
Simple27 (OP)

User ID: 44334522
United States
10/23/2013 12:33 AM

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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
Wow, just got alert for this one. It's 4 hours and 15 minutes old! wtf

Magnitude 3.1
Date time 2013-10-23 00:16:16.8 UTC
Location 45.69 N ; 26.50 E
Depth 145 km
[link to]

I wonder if there will be more "pop ups" that occurred during that quiet period tonight!
~*Ride the Wave*~
Simple27 (OP)

User ID: 44334522
United States
10/23/2013 12:34 AM

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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
Magnitude 4.7
Date time 2013-10-23 04:19:34.0 UTC
Location 54.06 N ; 160.10 E
Depth 100 km
[link to]


Last Edited by Simple27 on 03/05/2014 12:59 AM
~*Ride the Wave*~

User ID: 30859703
United States
10/23/2013 12:36 AM

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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
Should be in the works, for the pin.. I hope..
"There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact".
Arthur Conan Doyle
"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth".
Arthur Conan Doyle
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[link to (secure)] Tower 7
Simple27 (OP)

User ID: 44334522
United States
10/23/2013 12:37 AM

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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
My ears??

Well im listening Global Underground 017 Danny im waiting for a big one.

According to this guy:

thebarcaroller: 18 hrs ago.

we are starting to see signs in the solar wind stream that the earthquake is not too far away,, strong density spike while solar winds are relatively low around 320km/s. the large hole does cover the California region however i focused on the southern component of the hole itself for this watch, i feel its unlikely to be higher than 28° north latitude. Research indicates that (18-28°) as mentioned in the video.

And it seems Mexico has front seat.

Good work S27 !!
 Quoting: Mal´Ek

Thank you for being here and for the info!!

~*Ride the Wave*~
Simple27 (OP)

User ID: 44334522
United States
10/23/2013 12:39 AM

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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
Should be in the works, for the pin.. I hope..
 Quoting: 4thhorseman

No stress if it isn't. No pin needed. Just need to keep the info flowing : )

~*Ride the Wave*~

User ID: 47489539
United States
10/23/2013 12:40 AM

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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
Thanks, Simple, for keeping up the work on the EQ's- one of my favorite things to follow besides hurricanes!

Who is CH? I probably have posted in his thread or at least read it but the initials fail me, lol, sorry. Sorry that your friend left. :(
Simple27 (OP)

User ID: 44334522
United States
10/23/2013 12:40 AM

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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
Should be in the works, for the pin.. I hope..
 Quoting: 4thhorseman

No stress if it isn't. No pin needed. Just need to keep the info flowing : )

 Quoting: Simple27

Lol, it's pinned. Thank you 4H!

:you are awesome:
~*Ride the Wave*~
Low Earth orbit

User ID: 45825497
United States
10/23/2013 12:41 AM

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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
Hi everyone hi

I've been posting recent EQ's on a friend's thread who decided to take a break from GLP, but I'm starting to believe he may not be returning so I figured I would start my own thread and just do what I was doing I welcome anyone to join, and just like an earthquake app on your phone that alerts you of a new EQ, that is what I plan to do here. This will be a laid back thread with one goal in post recent quakes for awareness. For the most part I will only post quakes with a magnitude of 3/3+, however there are always exceptions.

I wish my friend didn't leave : (

So as of now, here is the first of this thread's earthquakes!

Magnitude 3.5
Date time 2013-10-23 03:13:16.0 UTC
Location 22.05 S ; 67.69 W
Depth 191 km
[link to]

Also wondering how everyone's ears are?? Mine are crazy lately!!

 Quoting: Simple27

I thought i was going insane, the ringing is sooooo loud i can barely hear other low level noises. I'm right in the middle between L.A.and S.F. ...

Last Edited by M*walk on 10/23/2013 12:42 AM
**Dear Sir, I have a complaint
Can't remember what it is**

Sabedoria é saber que eu não sou nada,
Amor é saber que eu sou tudo,
e entre os dois os, movimentos da vida.
Simple27 (OP)

User ID: 44334522
United States
10/23/2013 12:44 AM

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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
Thanks, Simple, for keeping up the work on the EQ's- one of my favorite things to follow besides hurricanes!

Who is CH? I probably have posted in his thread or at least read it but the initials fail me, lol, sorry. Sorry that your friend left. :(
 Quoting: ScarlettOHell

I'm happy to see you here!! CH is Completely Humbled, formerly known as GT500. He is an amazing person, however he has decided to take a break from GLP. I was trying to keep his thread updated, but it is a lot easier to stay on top of your own thread than someone else's here we are. I hope he will return. But again, glad you're here : )


And by all means, please feel free to share info on hurricanes here. I'm all for EQ's, weather, solar, etc.

~*Ride the Wave*~
Simple27 (OP)

User ID: 44334522
United States
10/23/2013 12:46 AM

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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
Hi everyone hi

I've been posting recent EQ's on a friend's thread who decided to take a break from GLP, but I'm starting to believe he may not be returning so I figured I would start my own thread and just do what I was doing I welcome anyone to join, and just like an earthquake app on your phone that alerts you of a new EQ, that is what I plan to do here. This will be a laid back thread with one goal in post recent quakes for awareness. For the most part I will only post quakes with a magnitude of 3/3+, however there are always exceptions.

I wish my friend didn't leave : (

So as of now, here is the first of this thread's earthquakes!

Magnitude 3.5
Date time 2013-10-23 03:13:16.0 UTC
Location 22.05 S ; 67.69 W
Depth 191 km
[link to]

Also wondering how everyone's ears are?? Mine are crazy lately!!

 Quoting: Simple27

I thought i was going insane, the ringing is sooooo loud i can barely hear other low level noises. I'm right in the middle between L.A.and S.F. ...
 Quoting: M*walk

Also glad to know it's not just me. Strange as we live on complete opposite coasts. It's like I temporarily go deaf in one ear or the other multiple times per day. Sometimes it's so intense that it hurts. Although, I am coming down with something. But the ear thing is different...
~*Ride the Wave*~
Simple27 (OP)

User ID: 44334522
United States
10/23/2013 12:48 AM

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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
Magnitude 4.8
Date time 2013-10-23 04:19:35.9 UTC
Location 54.00 N ; 160.15 E
Depth 109 km
[link to]

 Quoting: Simple27

downgraded to 4.6

[link to]
~*Ride the Wave*~
Simple27 (OP)

User ID: 44334522
United States
10/23/2013 12:50 AM

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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
Magnitude 4.3
Date time 2013-10-23 04:03:11.0 UTC
Location 16.83 S ; 71.88 W
Depth 137 km
[link to]

46 min ago
~*Ride the Wave*~

User ID: 47489539
United States
10/23/2013 12:51 AM

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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
Thanks, Simple, for keeping up the work on the EQ's- one of my favorite things to follow besides hurricanes!

Who is CH? I probably have posted in his thread or at least read it but the initials fail me, lol, sorry. Sorry that your friend left. :(
 Quoting: ScarlettOHell

I'm happy to see you here!! CH is Completely Humbled, formerly known as GT500. He is an amazing person, however he has decided to take a break from GLP. I was trying to keep his thread updated, but it is a lot easier to stay on top of your own thread than someone else's here we are. I hope he will return. But again, glad you're here : )


And by all means, please feel free to share info on hurricanes here. I'm all for EQ's, weather, solar, etc.

 Quoting: Simple27

Awe, thanks, looking forward to reading and posting in here, my friend! hf

As far as the ears go, they've been clogged and at times, ringing, which drives me nuts. Worse, though- for some reason, I cannot stand anyone whistling lately. The pitch really irritates me, no clue why?

I've posted in and read GT500's threads. Bummer that he's taking a break, hope he comes back soon! He'll be missed.

User ID: 20188364
10/23/2013 12:52 AM
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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
Simple27 (OP)

User ID: 44334522
United States
10/23/2013 12:53 AM

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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
Thanks, Simple, for keeping up the work on the EQ's- one of my favorite things to follow besides hurricanes!

Who is CH? I probably have posted in his thread or at least read it but the initials fail me, lol, sorry. Sorry that your friend left. :(
 Quoting: ScarlettOHell

I'm happy to see you here!! CH is Completely Humbled, formerly known as GT500. He is an amazing person, however he has decided to take a break from GLP. I was trying to keep his thread updated, but it is a lot easier to stay on top of your own thread than someone else's here we are. I hope he will return. But again, glad you're here : )


And by all means, please feel free to share info on hurricanes here. I'm all for EQ's, weather, solar, etc.

 Quoting: Simple27

Awe, thanks, looking forward to reading and posting in here, my friend! hf

As far as the ears go, they've been clogged and at times, ringing, which drives me nuts. Worse, though- for some reason, I cannot stand anyone whistling lately. The pitch really irritates me, no clue why?

I've posted in and read GT500's threads. Bummer that he's taking a break, hope he comes back soon! He'll be missed.
 Quoting: ScarlettOHell

Thanks for sharing about your ears! We are very close to one another. Driving distance for sure. Nice to have you my friend hf
~*Ride the Wave*~
Simple27 (OP)

User ID: 44334522
United States
10/23/2013 12:54 AM

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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
 Quoting: M1.618

Thank you for your continuous support M1

hugs cheers
~*Ride the Wave*~
Drunk Uncle

User ID: 33731653
United States
10/23/2013 12:55 AM
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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
I'm going to have to help out on this thread, I am definitely a quaketard, I check [link to] multiple times per day. Btw, what happened to GT? Loved that guy1dunno1

How would you like me to help?

Last Edited by Dr. Drunk Uncle on 10/23/2013 12:56 AM

User ID: 46813305
United States
10/23/2013 12:55 AM

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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
Ears ringing almost constantly and I don't even live in EQ zone.......supposedly >.< I've had this happen though when they happen a state away and Mexico is getting them regularly the past few. Also north in OK has been pretty regular lately.
The permanent temptation of life is to confuse dreams with reality. The permanent defeat of life comes when dreams are surrendered to reality.

User ID: 30859703
United States
10/23/2013 12:57 AM

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Re: Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.1 Pacific-Antarctic Ridge ~ Pg 7385
Hi everyone hi

I've been posting recent EQ's on a friend's thread who decided to take a break from GLP, but I'm starting to believe he may not be returning so I figured I would start my own thread and just do what I was doing I welcome anyone to join, and just like an earthquake app on your phone that alerts you of a new EQ, that is what I plan to do here. This will be a laid back thread with one goal in post recent quakes for awareness. For the most part I will only post quakes with a magnitude of 3/3+, however there are always exceptions.

I wish my friend didn't leave : (

So as of now, here is the first of this thread's earthquakes!

Magnitude 3.5
Date time 2013-10-23 03:13:16.0 UTC
Location 22.05 S ; 67.69 W
Depth 191 km
[link to]

Also wondering how everyone's ears are?? Mine are crazy lately!!

 Quoting: Simple27

I thought i was going insane, the ringing is sooooo loud i can barely hear other low level noises. I'm right in the middle between L.A.and S.F. ...
 Quoting: M*walk

Well, do you have an evacuation route? That's not a good place in the San Joaquin Valley if that's where your at..
"There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact".
Arthur Conan Doyle
"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth".
Arthur Conan Doyle
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