
Sunday, August 16, 2015

GWEDeathbringer_27's blog

Check out the blog there is a minor upgrade I should call
it  :) And its fresh out of making it:  

and yesterday was splendid I platooned with some clanmates and
had a blast unfortunately my computer was lagging the whole
time which I was not to pleased but the first match on my now fully upgraded
Cromwell on my first day back on Worldoftanks but the rest was
just crazy I wish you were there to see how horrible the lag was
and my computer a few weeks ago was not behaving like that before so I'm not sure
what was supposed to be different yesterday I still don't know what was up with
it I only guessed that maybe I have stuff opened so I closed the whole thing down
(The websites I had open) And it still behaved the same I'm still like 'really?
Are you kidding me?'  So this lag messed up my whole performance and I had a world record
ping rate which was 999 and I was on the East server that I'm supposed to
be on usually like if I was to go west server I'll get a ping rate like up to 150 or something like that
but not 999 I mean literally if you were to get that ping rate its like its all over
it messes your performance, It makes you not able to stop your tank from getting it to go where it
needs to go, Makes you like unable to control the tank, Makes your screen kind of
freeze. If anyone had this happen to you, you know Exactly what I'm talking about then
I'm like fuke this lag I'm out and you know how many times I restarted
the computer? Like 5 times and still no change I still can't believe it. Its just crazy.

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