
Thursday, May 5, 2016

-_- Finally today after the 2nd of May I finally decide not to be lazy and post what I find
lol after dealing with some kid in a facebook group that when he talks I can guarantee that he has not went to school forever I'm not going to share What Group it happened in but this is what happened I'm not going to post the whole thing but here it is so a lot happened its finally over he finally decided to go too bed now he was not making a whole lot of sense you will see what I meanin some of his sentences:

What kinda admins you got here .... letting the reporters play in here smh

Austin Santos
Austin Santos The admin wont do shit, they too fuckin lazy, they arent here for anyone nbs
Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert Ggggaaaayyyy
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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert Well they probably suck as much as you do this would be why
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Austin Santos
Austin Santos They wont do shit, why do you think im bouta leave this bs group, these admin dont do what they supposed to, and at this rate they never will, thats why there is so much wrong with this group lately
Austin Santos
Austin Santos Bitch, i get blown, i recieve not give, ya still backwards asf bitch, and if i was an admin, i would fix so many fuckin problems with this group nbs
Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert Dude I run a group like this I would of booted you long ago. Reports don't last. Everything else nfg oh and must be above 18 kids like you are annoying lol
Austin Santos
Austin Santos Bitch im almost 18 so stfu, and im not even single so arent 90% of the people in this group, so gtfo bitch if you dont like me, then dont talk shit and just fuckin leave, its that fuckin simple a hell of alot better than what ya doing which is pickin a fight you for damn sure wont win, tf deuces
Michael Peck
Michael Peck WTF... Austin you even hit puberty yet...??
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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert Nope he's 17 and 25 % black. He's hood niga
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Austin Santos
Austin Santos Who tf are you nigga, everyone in this group is backwards asf nbs
Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert He looks like a juggalo are you a juffalo. .. little wee one?
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Michael Peck
Michael Peck So there's a 25% chance the water will bead off your pubes when they finally come in...??
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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert He's going to cornrow that's sht
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Austin Santos
Austin Santos Ya last name is missing two letters mf, "er" bc its what you eat nigga... pecker
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Michael Peck
Michael Peck That's mr. Pecker To You
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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert I will have your pecker please 😉
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Austin Santos
Austin Santos Yea, you would you cum guzzling gutter whore, and is that a racist joke cracker?
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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert A black guy gets a job and actually works
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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert That's a joke lmao
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Jonathan Cuevas

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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert Excuse my while I go back to kindergarten to pick up my insults lol
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Austin Santos
Austin Santos Nigga my pubes are fully grown and my balls dropped when i was 13 nigga, 4 years ago mf so stfu
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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert You have to excuse him Michael this boy was touched deeply by his dad and uncle when he was just a young tater tot
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Ryan Crezh Collin
Ryan Crezh Collin Fuck off dog shit Austin!
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Ryan Crezh Collin
Ryan Crezh Collin Your face like a dick
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Ryan Crezh Collin
Ryan Crezh Collin Bullying on girl i will cut ur throat! Be careful
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Austin Santos
Austin Santos Yeet nigga, learn the story before you get on some fool shit nigga, she started talkin shit first... i just defended myself, so... stfu mf
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Ryan Crezh Collin
Ryan Crezh Collin What kinda defending?
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Jonathan Cuevas

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Curtis Clinton
Jonathan Cuevas
Jonathan Cuevas

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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert I just came here for the rape
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Michael Peck
Michael Peck Me to Austin was just about to explain to us about his sexual molestation by his uncle
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Ryan Crezh Collin
Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert I hope he's writing out some long story I won't read lol
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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert Austin just checking on you. You okay little buddy ?
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Austin Santos
Austin Santos How about y'all niggas stop comin at my family thats been dead for 10 years, bc y'all niggas crossin into some uncharted fuckin waters that you wont be escaping from nbs
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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert Why you going to report me ... or maybe call me some names. I'm shaking in terror.
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Austin Santos
Austin Santos No point, not like the fuckin admin are gonna do their fuckin job...
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Michael Peck
Michael Peck It's okay you can always admin these nuts
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Austin Santos
Austin Santos What nuts nigga, you mean the strap-on ya wearing... that dont count nigga
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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert Pfff strap ons that's beginner's sht.
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Michael Peck
Michael Peck Austin are you confiding in your infedelities
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Jonathan Cuevas
Jonathan Cuevas Don't mind me I just got here
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Austin Santos
Austin Santos And yes im a juggalo bitch, got a mf problem ho?
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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert Knew he was a juffalo. . They are always so angry and make no sense
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Jonathan Cuevas
Jonathan Cuevas Plus his spelling is not so good
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Jonathan Cuevas
Jonathan Cuevas Anyway I'm going to watch the show
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Austin Santos
Austin Santos Nigga you make no sense, nigga dont even know how to spell "juggalo" right... nigga plz
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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert Mines been bad but it's the only way to keep from giving him something to report. Dirty butthurt juffalo
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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert Lmfao you clearly don't listen to the music you claim to be ... so once again your a juffalo
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Austin Santos
Austin Santos I think i just got diarreah from his comment, ima be shittin water for the next week and a half, watch
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Austin Santos
Austin Santos Thats how fuckin stupid this nigga is
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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert You make no sense all that faygo and dead hooker smell must be getting to your brain.
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Austin Santos
Austin Santos Nah fam, faygo is the shit
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Jonathan Cuevas
Jonathan Cuevas Lol That's how you can tell Austin been drinking he does not know what he is even talking about lol and I did notice that he likes Saying nigga and abbreviating words like he has not went to school forever is it just me or am I the only one thinking this?
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Irmgard Lambert
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Jonathan Cuevas

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Curtis Clinton
Curtis Clinton
Jonathan Cuevas
Jonathan Cuevas O and Austin Santos Have fun puking for the next 4 weeks
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Jonathan Cuevas
Jonathan Cuevas Love to see a video of you doing that
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Jonathan Cuevas
Austin Santos
Austin Santos Yea you would you fuckin pedo, lmao
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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert Send me a copy next. Lol
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Jonathan Cuevas
Jonathan Cuevas Austin that sentence does not make any bit of sense it does not even come close even making sense when I type I make sure people understand what I'm saying that is the difference between me and you
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Austin Santos
Austin Santos All y'all pedos wanna see my puke, huh?
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Austin Santos
Austin Santos Ya fuckin illiterate, fawk you mean nigga
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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert Please explain yourself lol
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Jonathan Cuevas
Jonathan Cuevas Lol Austin come back to me when you read the whole dictionary maybe you would learn from it. lol
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Austin Santos
Austin Santos I know words, im not dumb asf unlike everyone comin at me in this fuckin post, ima real nigga gang gang
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Jonathan Cuevas
Jonathan Cuevas Let's see you prove it Austin Santos Show me your 'Words' that you know
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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert It, bat , cat , bird , report , nigga , ngs, btch, I , me lmao
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Deblito Jây
Deblito Jây Why ya'll coming at young Austin Santos
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Austin Santos Good looks bro, ya my nigga
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Jonathan Cuevas

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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert Delbito are you from the 25% nigga crew too?
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Deblito Jây
Deblito Jây Na I just wanna know
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Jonathan Cuevas

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Jonathan Cuevas
Jonathan Cuevas Deblito Jây You have to read the whole comments to understand why.
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Deblito Jây
Deblito Jây I read them
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Jonathan Cuevas
Jonathan Cuevas

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Austin Santos
Austin Santos Y'all mf's needa hop off my nigga Deblito real talk before someone catches these hands and get the works real talk
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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert You have to find me lol
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Jonathan Cuevas
Jonathan Cuevas Same here but if you find me I won't be easy
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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert It's okay I like the struggle lol
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Austin Santos
Austin Santos I dont needa do shit, also fyi you look high asf in ya pfp, deuces
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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert No I'm drunk there's a difference lol
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Jonathan Cuevas
Jonathan Cuevas Austin Santos You really need to read the whole dictionary and come back hopefully you will learn from it.
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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert And you are the only person who has your back Austin. Sad reality really.
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Austin Santos
Austin Santos Thats even worse, i knew someone couldnt just be that fuckin ugly, there had to be something wrong... doesnt mean ya still not ugly
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Deblito Jây
Deblito Jây ?? God aye Irmgard Lambert my drunk face is way worse so to me just beautiful
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Austin Santos
Austin Santos Nah nigga, i know words mf, we went over this already, im just tired asf rn
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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert Excuses excuses
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Jonathan Cuevas
Jonathan Cuevas And there is a bed not far from you you could go to sleep at any time lol so that's a poor excuse you have there Austin
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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert First your dad raped you ... then you became black now your a juffalo, there always seems to be an excuse with you.
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Austin Santos
Austin Santos Im being so dead ass rn, why y'all think im repeating myself
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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert Because you're stupid ?
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Deblito Jây
Deblito Jây Aye dude Austin Santos just calm down 💯 its like when you say something its gonna make yo situation worse you just entertaining them tbh
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Austin Santos
Austin Santos You needa chill wit the family shit, nbs, my fuckin family is dead you fuckin slut
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Deblito Jây
Deblito Jây Oh and I'm black to 😂😂 I'm 50%
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Austin Santos My nigga... she needs to chill with the family insults tho, bc my fam has been dead for 10 years real talk
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Deblito Jây
Deblito Jây Damn black right?
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Jonathan Cuevas
Jonathan Cuevas Lol She does not even know your family nor do I and I don't care to know them
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Austin Santos
Austin Santos Well fuck you too, jonathan cuevas
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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert He's 25% black
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Deblito Jây
Deblito Jây Aye Austin Santos hmu tell me what happened
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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert He did the white thing a murder them in their sleep. He was outraged begin the only back family member lol
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Austin Santos
Austin Santos This nigga is so lucky we dont live in the same area... idve fuckin slaughtered him by now nbs
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Deblito Jây
Deblito Jây god wassup with the FAM insult rs man
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Irmgard Lambert
Irmgard Lambert You ain't going to do nothing little boy. You're just a keyboard warrior

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