This shit almost completely had me fooled
until I read this the 5th time and then emailing this to my Step-dad and then having him help
me understand what I was reading even after the 5th try which
when I read about the first half of it it by the fifth time after I read it I realized that it was not even exciting and on top of that, They actually want me and everyone to go
sympathize with people who don't even belong to this country and to help them! Can you fking believe this bullshit?And you can read about it if you don't believe me I even copied and pasted
all that you see and the agreement forms from all 3 papers that can be downloaded (Only a Student can make a copy of the actual agreement forms) I can't help you in that department I can only help you by doing this --------What I'm doing now.
Also all of the papers are from the
Office of Student Life
Student Affairs Division
And even if you are not a Student I'm sure that you can still get the papers that will say everything that you will eventually see when you scroll waaaay Down that will be the agreement forms be on the lookout for stuff like this this shit is also one of the reasons why this country is in a shit hole.
name is Hector Urbina I’m part of Seminole State Volunteer Leadership
Team 14 and I’m reaching out to you with more details about an upcoming
volunteer opportunity.
On September 24th, Seminole State Volunteers, partnered up with The Hope CommUnity Center, will be participating in the service event Citizenship Practice at (Location).
This event is done with the purpose of learning what people who are
trying to earn their american citizenship have to go through..
As volunteers, we will be helping students go through a practice exam that is supposed to replicate the actual citizenship test.
event is a great opportunity to lend a helping hand to our community
and also to obtain community service hours, meet new people and have
fun! 😊
All volunteers will meet outside the Hope CommUnity Center at 8:30am
Address: 1016 N Park Ave, Apopka, FL 32712
**We will be providing transportation to this event if needed. We will meet at 7:30am outside the multipurpose room.**
Please wear comfortable closed toe shoes and long pants (jeans recommended).
Thank you so much for your time and interest in helping out during this service e
vent. Please confirm your attendance as soon as you can so your spot can be reserved. Preferably before September 15th.
If you already did, please disregard this message.
hesitate to contact me if you have any additional questions. You can
reach me at 407-579-2313 and my email is
Upcoming Events
You've heard of a pub crawl, but what about a Career Crawl? This event offers you a fun, interactive way to engage with professionals from a variety of industries, learn about different career paths, ask questions, and get advice to help you solidify your career plans.
The event is two hours in length, however you are welcome to come and go as needed. Food and drinks will be provided.
Career Crawl
Wed., Sept. 14, 11 am - 1 pm
Sanford/Lake Mary Campus, C-110 A&B
Wed., Sept. 14, 11 am - 1 pm
Sanford/Lake Mary Campus, C-110 A&B
Learn more about Skanska here.
Hello Leadership Institute Applicant,
Thank you so much for your interest in participating in the upcoming
Leadership Institute taking place from Friday September 30th until Saturday October 1st.
We are getting closer to the date so we need to finalize your application process.
This is what you need to do:
Attached to this e-mail you will find the following documents:
· 2016-0930-1001 Agreement for Off Campus College Activity
o Read this form carefully.
o Print your name clearly.
o Initial in the three (3) indicated spots on the left.
o Sign and print your name at the bottom.
· 2016-0930-1001 Emergency Contact Info
o Read his form carefully.
o Print your information neatly and clearly.
o Make sure it is legible.
· 2016-0930-1001 Student Travel and Behavioral Agreement
o Read his form carefully.
o Make sure you understand the information.
o Sign and print your name at the bottom.
order for you to finalize your application process, YOU MUST PRINT,
STUDENT LIFE OFFICE, by Noon on Monday September 12.
The Offices of Student Life are located at each campus at the following locations:
ALT-102 @ the Altamonte Springs campus
HEA-205 @ the Heathrow Campus
OVF-108 @ Oviedo Campus
C-102 @ the Sanford/Lake Mary Campus.
You can also scan and e-mail back your forms to us via e-mail.
If we do not receive your completed forms by the above deadline we will
assume you are no longer interested in attending and will then remove
you from the list.
Do not delay, fill out your forms and turn them in ASAP.
Thank you and we look forward to receiving your paperwork. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Sincerely yours,
Mauricio E. Garcia
Assistant Director
Student Life Office
Seminole State College of Florida
100 Weldon Blvd.
Sanford FL 32773-6199
Student Center C102
Phone: 407.708.2678
Fax: 407.708.2964
“Find Your Passion, Live Your Purpose.”
Agreement to Participate
I __________________________________________hereby state that I am physically and mentally capable of safe participation in Seminole State College's Off Campus Activity listed below. I have been advised that the activities in the program may include, but are not limited to: transportation to and from the off campus site, instruction in or out of the classroom, field trips or outdoor activities. While few injuries ever occur, I am aware that participation could lead to injuries that may require first aid or emergency medical treatment. I understand that I am responsible for the costs of any medical treatment arising from participation in the program.
Off Campus Activity:
I acknowledge that as a participant in these activities it is my responsibility to abide by the rules and regulations applicable to the activity, to follow the directions of the activity supervisor, if present, and to help ensure the safe conduct of the activity for all concerned.
Release of Liability
I assume all risks and hazards incidental to the conduct of this program and hereby release Seminole State College from any claims for personal injury or property damage resulting from the negligent acts or omissions of Seminole Community College, its faculty, staff, agents or employees.
Permission for Emergency Treatment
If an advisor accompanies students, I hereby authorize Seminole State College to obtain emergency medical treatment for me in the event I am unable to give consent to such treatment and in the event that my parent(s), relative(s), next of kin or emergency contact person(s) cannot be reached, in order to protect and preserve my health and well-being. I understand and agree I am financially responsible for the cost of any medical treatment I may require in connection with this activity.
Participant Signature Date
Print Name of Participant Participant Date of Birth
___________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature (Required for participants under 18 years of age)
___________________________________________________________________ Print Name of Parent/Guardian
Friday, September 30 - Saturday, October 1, 2016 - Leadership Institute
Print Last Name: ________________________________
CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: This card will be destroyed /shredded following the retreat we will not keep this information in our files! Please print the following neatly:
Name (first and last name): _______________________________________
Age: __________ Date of Birth: ______________
Student ID #: __________________________________
Medical conditions we should know about in case there is an emergency: ________________________
Allergies (food, medications, etc.): ________________________________________________________
Current Medications: ___________________________________________________________________
In case there is an emergency please provide the name of two emergency contacts below. The contact should not have the same number so that we can go down the list and contact the second person if the first person does not respond to the phone.
Contact #1 Name (first and last): __________________________________
Contact #1 Home Phone: _____________________________ Contact#1 Cell: ____________________
Contact #1 Address (include street, city and state): ___________________________________________
Contact #2 Name (first and last): __________________________________
Contact #2 Home Phone: _____________________________ Contact#2 Cell: ____________________
Contact #2 Address (include street, city and state): ___________________________________________
NOTE: This information will be destroyed following the retreat and will not be kept in our files. The information you share will be kept confidential and provided to emergency/hospital personnel only in an emergency. By providing this information and signing below I authorize Student Life staff to use and appropriately share this information with medical personnel.
Signature: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________
Printed name: ____________________________________
I _________________________________________acknowledge that it is a privilege to attend the
________________________________________________________________ in my role as a member
of the Seminole State College of Florida ____________________________________________________.
I will serve as an ambassador of the College at all times and must exhibit behavior consistent with the College’s Code of Conduct. I understand that I must follow all College policies and those put in place by my advisor and the convention organizers.
I understand that the cost of this program is approximately $ _______ and that I may be responsible to reimburse all or part of the fees to the College if I fail to attend, decide to leave on my own, or if I am sent home for any reason.
My signature and student ID number below are provided to acknowledge the details mentioned above and to authorize Seminole State College of Florida to bill my student account if I fail to meet my obligation to attend, decide to leave on my own, or if I am sent home for reasons related to conduct/behavior. The determination about reimbursement will be made by my advisor in consultation with the Director of Student Life.
1 comment:
O and almost about the career path I found out that its
For college students who graduated
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