| KRATOM! Call To Action!! We need your help!! Page 1, 2, 3 | | JimmyBones | 87 | 1,634 | (27) | today 9:01 AM | today 5:55 PM |
| TOWNHALL: Liberals Are Pushing The Country To The Edge | | Doc Savage | 14 | 312 | (8) | today 5:18 PM | today 5:55 PM |
| This Left The Audience SPEECHLESS | This Is WHY You're Not HAPPY Page 1, 2, 3 | | Anonymous Coward | 79 | 2,831 | (28) | today 3:02 AM | today 5:54 PM |
| GO BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM! Trump Calls For "Immediate" Deportations Of Illegals With "No Judges Or Court Cases" Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | | Anonymous Coward | 109 | 1,266 | (35) | today 2:00 PM | today 5:54 PM |
| Steven Jospeh Christopher Threatens President Trump - Update Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | | ^TrInItY^ | 142 | 3,422 | (21) | today 1:21 PM | today 5:52 PM |
| June 24, 2018 TURKEY ELECTIONS — Secularism vs Erdogan, who will win? Page 1, 2 | | Anonymous Coward | 53 | 812 | (11) | 05/23/18 12:17 PM | today 5:51 PM |
| MAXINE WATERS Tells MSNBC Viewers to Continue to Harass Republicans at Restaurants (VIDEO) | | NI66RA LOGIC | 12 | 164 | (1) | today 5:28 PM | today 5:51 PM |
| As a centrist I find this whole left vs right thing deliberately devisive with no possible positive outcome. Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | | I may be wrong... | 142 | 1,582 | (24) | today 9:54 AM | today 5:51 PM |
| Dear America, The LEFT Has Declared War On You (Not news at all its always been happening) Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 | | LoneStarRising | 367 | 5,444 | (92) | today 11:57 AM | today 5:50 PM |
| Q said "they won't be able to walk the streets" and now... Page 1, 2 | | Anonymous Coward | 53 | 3,092 | (13) | today 1:33 PM | today 5:44 PM |
| Washington Post Columnist: ‘Southern Poverty Law Center Has Lost All Credibility’ Page 1, 2 | | BOUT FUKKKING TIME :) | 52 | 1,401 | (20) | today 10:34 AM | today 5:39 PM |
| WOW: Just on Fox - cotton picking mind Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | | A1Janitor | 132 | 5,930 | (14) | today 8:37 AM | today 5:39 PM |
| Video: Left-Wing Activists Harass Florida AG Pam Bondi at Movie Theater Page 1, 2, 3 | | Teenie Russian | 62 | 1,616 | (11) | today 9:51 AM | today 5:37 PM |
| FBI consultant reveals banks are moving towards the Blockchain Page 1, 2 | | Terrebonne | 33 | 1,668 | (13) | 06/23/18 1:18 PM | today 5:24 PM |
| What happens in the heavens determines what happens on earth. The Dust Storm on Mars Is So Huge It Now Encircles the Entire Planet | | christian | 26 | 1,244 | (13) | today 1:01 PM | today 5:23 PM |
| Macron calls for sanctions against EU states refusing migrants Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | | Anonymous Coward | 130 | 1,914 | (19) | today 4:21 AM | today 5:13 PM |
| One VERY Easy way to SPOT people that have fallen away from the Holy Spirit - SUNDAYS AND MONDAYS | | Anonymous Coward | 0 | 1 | N/A | today 5:55 PM | today 5:55 PM |
| Just curious: How do white Trump supporters, feel about other whites who are 100% again you? | | Anonymous Coward | 2 | 9 | N/A | today 5:52 PM | today 5:55 PM |
| The Old signs use to read "NO BLACKS ALLOWED" the new signs will read.... | | Anonymous Coward | 9 | 133 | (1) | today 5:16 PM | today 5:55 PM |
| If Trump shot up a high school, would you still worship him? | | Anonymous Coward | 11 | 45 | (1) | today 5:16 PM | today 5:55 PM |
| Lately, glp seems pretty uptight. Page 1, 2 | | Anonymous Coward | 32 | 328 | (5) | today 2:46 PM | today 5:54 PM |
| Mandela Effect UNBELIEVABLE I don't remember this scene from David Bowie Jim Henson LABYRINTH film happening this way... | | LostReality33 | 7 | 478 | (3) | 06/07/18 11:24 PM | today 5:54 PM |
| THE THEORY FLATHEADS AND FLATulance | | Anonymous Coward | 10 | 48 | N/A | today 5:21 PM | today 5:54 PM |
| Trump officials should eat at Trump food places! | | Anonymous Coward | 5 | 30 | N/A | today 4:48 PM | today 5:54 PM |
| An Amazing and Miraculous Story of a Jewish Woman Coming to Faith in Jesus Christ | | Anonymous Coward | 8 | 79 | N/A | 06/23/18 5:40 PM | today 5:54 PM |
| GLP-Jukebox Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 12526, 12527, 12528, 12529, 12530, 12531, 12532, 12533 | | CaptCarter | 375,973 | 7,774,367 | (1,922) | 12/01/12 12:30 AM | today 5:54 PM |
| For all you red necks claiming illegals have no rights in the Constitution | | Lefty the liberal | 9 | 94 | (2) | today 5:11 PM | today 5:54 PM |
 | RESTAURANT Owner Who Kicked Sarah Sanders Out... Meryl Streeps Cousin | | Anonymous Coward | 20 | 343 | (3) | today 1:06 PM | today 5:54 PM |
| Burger King refuses to serve uniformed officers, Louisiana police department claims | | Anonymous Coward | 1 | 10 | N/A | today 5:49 PM | today 5:54 PM |
| Most "redneck" state outside of the South? | | Anonymous Coward | 1 | 5 | N/A | today 5:53 PM | today 5:54 PM |
| Cadi haters? ATS-V drops your bitch ass German cars....again. | | Anonymous Coward | 4 | 69 | (2) | today 3:47 PM | today 5:54 PM |
| I don't feel safe with all the Crazy Leftwingers walking around. | | Anonymous Coward | 3 | 19 | N/A | today 5:48 PM | today 5:53 PM |
| How to stop liking someone that you have liked for a very long time? Page 1, 2 | | Anonymous Coward | 54 | 749 | (1) | today 8:46 AM | today 5:53 PM |
| Different Strokes for Different Folks.. an open Music thread. Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 2069, 2070, 2071, 2072, 2073, 2074, 2075, 2076 | | strangela | 62,280 | 2,570,230 | (451) | 06/24/11 12:28 AM | today 5:53 PM |
| Girls are weird as fuck Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 | | Merit | 334 | 6,335 | (267) | 06/17/18 6:26 PM | today 5:53 PM |
| Don’t Be a Sucker - [Video] | | Anonymous Coward | 2 | 25 | (1) | today 4:45 PM | today 5:53 PM |
 | Hate Trumps Love: Red Hen Restaurant Has Sign in Window With MLK Quote About Love Turning Enemies Into Friends | | HA HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA | 4 | 44 | N/A | today 5:36 PM | today 5:52 PM |
| Ww3 inch closer today update Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147 | | Anonymous Coward | 4,390 | 65,355 | (53) | 10/10/17 4:04 AM | today 5:52 PM |
| How can a man get a girl 50 years younger as a wife or permanent girlfriend? Page 1, 2, 3 | | Anonymous Coward | 79 | 1,077 | (10) | today 5:26 AM | today 5:52 PM |
| Crack opens up ten miles from Fuego Volcano in Guatemala..another vent opening? | | Anonymous Coward | 4 | 133 | (4) | 06/13/18 4:58 PM | today 5:52 PM |
 | The "See" Of TRANQUILITY | | DO YOU SEE? | 2 | 20 | N/A | today 5:47 PM | today 5:52 PM |
| Timelines To A Global Reset 2016-2017 Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628 | | The TAO | 18,830 | 1,685,666 | (5,400) | 09/28/14 10:58 PM | today 5:52 PM |
 | Heaviest metal song ever made. | | Anonymous Coward | 0 | 13 | N/A | today 5:52 PM | today 5:52 PM |
 | Vice Chair of Senate Intel Panel Mark Warner: ‘Get Me One More Glass of Wine and I Will Tell You Stuff Only Mueller and I Know’ | | WTF IS WRONG WITH THIS SHIT | 1 | 36 | (1) | today 5:30 PM | today 5:52 PM |
| Can the pilot of a Private Aeroplane turn his transponder OFF for Privacy ? | | Obnoxious Pakistani UK | 7 | 42 | (1) | today 5:41 PM | today 5:52 PM |
| What is going on with cell phone battery drainage??? | | Anonymous Coward | 8 | 118 | (1) | today 5:13 PM | today 5:51 PM |
| Trump calls for deportations without judges or court cases | | Anonymous Coward | 17 | 177 | (7) | today 3:54 PM | today 5:51 PM |
| School teaches people not to think, but to believe leftist agenda. | | Anonymous Coward | 1 | 23 | (3) | today 2:27 PM | today 5:51 PM |
 | Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino: The Trump Investigation “Started with Zero Evidence at All” – Trump Was Spied On Illegally! | | NO SHIT........ | 5 | 108 | (9) | today 12:46 PM | today 5:50 PM |
| The worst military airplane disaster in california history Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90 | | Anonymous Coward | 2,671 | 39,811 | (15) | 07/22/17 1:14 PM | today 5:50 PM |
| Janey's Breaking News And updates ISRAEL FIRE PATRIOT MISSILE AT INBOUND UAV - P1483 Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 1478, 1479, 1480, 1481, 1482, 1483, 1484, 1485 | | Janey | 44,527 | 2,371,328 | (1,774) | 04/08/18 9:00 AM | today 5:50 PM |
| What did grandma cook that you can't replicate? and you wish to taste again it so bad. Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | | Anonymous Coward | 118 | 1,359 | (3) | 06/23/18 10:17 AM | today 5:50 PM |
| 'Overjoyed' Brigitte Nielsen, 54, welcomes fifth child | | TUMBLER | 1 | 46 | (1) | today 5:38 PM | today 5:50 PM |
| Mac/iPhone vs Windows/Android | | Anonymous Coward | 12 | 122 | (1) | 06/23/18 3:52 PM | today 5:49 PM |
 | Is this the most important question of your life? Yes it is. (Hint: It's not a religion question.) Page 1, 2 | | Anonymous Coward | 33 | 786 | (9) | 06/22/18 3:57 PM | today 5:49 PM |
| Tommy Robinson Files Appeal Page 1, 2 | | Anderson_G | 52 | 561 | (15) | 06/23/18 3:16 AM | today 5:48 PM |
 | Whites were never HANDED the modern world, modern wealth, modern schools, modern social programs. They CREATED them themselves. Page 1, 2 | | Anonymous Coward | 37 | 453 | (21) | 06/23/18 3:15 PM | today 5:48 PM |
| Cheated on my fiance with her mother's younger sister Page 1, 2 | | Anonymous Coward | 48 | 959 | (8) | today 1:36 PM | today 5:48 PM |
 | Mathew 15:12 - Pharisees were "Scandalized" - by This Word...? | | Pie Hole | 25 | 219 | (1) | 06/08/18 12:04 PM | today 5:48 PM |
| Magnificent proof of 'evolution's' missing links'.... or...uhhh....ooopssssss....? Page 1, 2 | | DGN | 56 | 482 | (10) | 06/23/18 1:49 AM | today 5:47 PM |
| 3 points to look at - Iran, NK and Mexico | | Anonymous Coward | 5 | 93 | (1) | today 11:49 AM | today 5:47 PM |
| Did you ever go back to Church? Page 1, 2, 3 | | TheAviator | 88 | 496 | (3) | today 12:59 PM | today 5:46 PM |
| Immigration protesters bused in to McAllen Texas. Some 200 protesters from the League of United Latin American Citizens, who were bussed in from | | Anonymous Coward | 3 | 59 | (1) | today 1:59 PM | today 5:46 PM |
| EARTHQUAKE Activity Highest in Last 20 Years By Far!! Page 1, 2 | | Anonymous Coward | 53 | 953 | (18) | 06/15/18 10:16 AM | today 5:46 PM |
 | Erdogan Reelected As President Of Turkey According To State-Run Media, Opposition Claims Manipulation | | WAS HILLARY ON THE BALLOT ?? | 0 | 5 | N/A | today 5:45 PM | today 5:45 PM |
| Do you think you think for yourself? | | Anonymous Coward | 10 | 104 | N/A | today 4:31 PM | today 5:45 PM |
| Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.9 Central East Pacific Rise*5.5 Fiji*5.2 Hawaii*5.1 Argentina ~ Pg 10067 Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 10065, 10066, 10067, 10068, 10069, 10070, 10071, 10072 | | Simple27 | 302,147 | 8,771,995 | (5,956) | 10/22/13 11:55 PM | today 5:45 PM |
| Pictures of some of my artwork and creations. | | LTHN. | 4 | 66 | (2) | today 5:29 PM | today 5:45 PM |
| Bourdain Murder Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | | Anonymous Coward | 148 | 6,105 | (18) | 06/15/18 3:13 PM | today 5:45 PM |
 | Rejected Hard Last Night Going Out | | Anonymous Coward | 28 | 676 | (3) | today 2:44 PM | today 5:43 PM |
| Eruption Happening NOW Big Island Hawaii Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432 | | Rev Woo-Woo | 12,956 | 657,174 | (564) | 05/03/18 10:41 PM | today 5:43 PM |
| UK bad teeth myth destroyed... | | Anonymous Coward | 15 | 206 | (2) | today 4:01 PM | today 5:41 PM |
| Canada senate passes pot bill as vancouver gets hundreds of tremors | | Anonymous Coward | 4 | 88 | (4) | 06/22/18 12:10 AM | today 5:41 PM |
| QAnon: It's on, don't panic ii Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 595, 596, 597, 598, 599, 600, 601, 602 | | keybored | 18,051 | 885,504 | (332) | 03/16/18 12:54 PM | today 5:41 PM |
| The Eight Beatitudes | | Anonymous Coward | 2 | 29 | N/A | today 5:34 PM | today 5:40 PM |
| There is something insane in religions Page 1, 2 | | lota | 34 | 374 | (5) | today 11:18 AM | today 5:39 PM |
| Donald Trump To Finally Reveal ‘Secret U.S. Alien Files’ Page 1, 2, 3 | | Anonymous Coward | 71 | 1,617 | (9) | today 9:07 AM | today 5:39 PM |
 | I want to do DMT | | Anonymous Coward | 16 | 249 | (1) | today 3:28 PM | today 5:39 PM |
| White woman "appears" to call cops on 8 yr old girl selling water Page 1, 2 | | Anonymous Coward | 32 | 588 | (4) | today 11:38 AM | today 5:39 PM |
| The World at War Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 2651, 2652, 2653, 2654, 2655, 2656, 2657, 2658 | | JazzyG | 79,714 | 2,681,438 | (1,558) | 03/31/15 6:28 PM | today 5:39 PM |
| Pakistan fart hell Page 1, 2 | | filter | 33 | 668 | (7) | 06/19/18 4:29 PM | today 5:38 PM |
 | I Started Taking Lithium Orotate For My Depression.. It WORKS ! Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | | Kangaroo | 110 | 3,526 | (19) | 09/13/17 7:47 AM | today 5:38 PM |
| I'm seeing articles talking about a Recession/Depression very frequently in the mainstream media outlets now. | | Anonymous Coward | 15 | 190 | (3) | 06/23/18 11:54 PM | today 5:38 PM |
| OK, So now the left implies Trump is Hitler, What next ? Compare him to Satan ??? | | Anonymous Coward | 0 | 8 | N/A | today 5:38 PM | today 5:38 PM |
| Breaking: Explosions & flashes in the sky over Saudi capital of Riyadh – reports (VIDEO) | | Anonymous Coward | 5 | 226 | (3) | today 2:16 PM | today 5:38 PM |
| No hormones, no plastic straws and now no meat: A&W ‘goes full retard’ | | Cartel™ | 6 | 153 | (2) | today 5:04 PM | today 5:38 PM |
 | If SITSA Is Signed Into Law It Will Create An Entire New Schedule Named "A" & Give Attorney General Unprecedented New Drug War Powers | | Psychonaut SN7 | 7 | 186 | (2) | 06/21/18 8:33 PM | today 5:38 PM |
| Black Police Officer Shoots 9 YR Old White Girl and Her Dog (Body Cam Footage) Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 | | Anonymous Coward | 325 | 8,370 | (38) | 06/23/18 5:55 PM | today 5:37 PM |
| Phone battery doesnt even charge to 100% anymore. What gives. | | Anonymous Coward | 5 | 52 | N/A | today 5:25 PM | today 5:37 PM |
| Huge explosion destroys German apartment building leaving 25 injured and several feared trapped in the rubble | | Tess. | 12 | 227 | (5) | today 5:57 AM | today 5:36 PM |
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