| Happy Fathers Day!! Page 1, 2 | | Jwnlwplus4 | 60 | 629 | (26) | today 12:46 AM | today 12:25 PM |
| Heartfelt Prison Letter From Tommy Robinson. | | #FREETOMMYROBINSON | 25 | 506 | (13) | today 5:59 AM | today 12:25 PM |
| Pizzagate, DC Dirty Little Secret, Young Girl's Shocking Reveals, Link to 18 similar vid, Warning All Very Disturbing Page 1, 2, 3 | | NotStarvingActress | 61 | 2,836 | (26) | today 6:06 AM | today 12:25 PM |
| Leaked Photo of Barack Obama Dressed as Satan Goes Viral Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 | | Tess. | 203 | 8,892 | (67) | today 4:52 AM | today 12:25 PM |
| Jesus Hasn't Resurrect Yet, Only 2000 Years/2 Days Have Passed Since His Deathdate, One More Day to go Folks! Prepare to Get Blown Away!!! | | KABOOM THE MOONS | 17 | 750 | (24) | today 12:06 AM | today 12:25 PM |
| How would you call the force that keeps a gaseous layer on a solid ball against near perfect vacuum, even, if the ball spins with a velocity of.. Page 1, 2 | | Emerald_Glow 2.0 | 48 | 648 | (6) | today 9:58 AM | today 12:24 PM |
| 'The streets are filthy, there's trash everywhere - It's disgusting!': Tourists express shock and horror after visiting San Franci Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | | Anonymous Coward | 107 | 3,116 | (14) | today 12:11 AM | today 12:23 PM |
| The Swamp: Judge Who Jailed Manafort Also Cleared Hillary Clinton in Benghazi Case | | SWAMP IS DEEP | 7 | 174 | (8) | 06/16/18 6:38 PM | today 12:23 PM |
| BREAKING :2 injured as woman with box cutter attacks people in French store, reportedly shouts ‘Allahu Akbar’ | | Robogow | 16 | 301 | (2) | today 10:35 AM | today 12:22 PM |
| Judge Jeanine Opening Statement On IG Report: It Rocks! | | ~kpm~ | 27 | 648 | (25) | 06/16/18 11:11 PM | today 12:08 PM |
| Father's love letter , An Intimate Message From God To You . Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | | Anonymous Coward | 104 | 4,965 | (55) | 06/27/10 8:53 AM | today 11:58 AM |
| 17 people shot, 1 dead, at Art All Night festival event in Trenton NJ Page 1, 2 | | Hawk-02 | 46 | 1,295 | (7) | today 8:21 AM | today 11:55 AM |
| Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.5 Philippines*5.4 Fiji*5.2 Fiji*5.2 Pakistan*5.1 Loyalty Islands*5.0 Papua New Guinea*5.0 Myanmar ~ Pg 10020 Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 10016, 10017, 10018, 10019, 10020, 10021, 10022, 10023 | | Simple27 | 300,680 | 8,748,613 | (5,923) | 10/22/13 11:55 PM | today 12:25 PM |
| So Big Bad Putin helped attack America on September 11th | | Anonymous Coward | 6 | 42 | (6) | today 12:18 PM | today 12:25 PM |
| FLASHBACK: Three Years Ago Today – Donald Announced His Historic Run for President — WATCH HOW MEDIA MOCKED HIM | | Teenie Russian | 2 | 24 | (1) | today 12:15 PM | today 12:25 PM |
| Who is this Anomaly faggot? What kind of dipshit believes this horseshit? Page 1, 2, 3 | | Tex | 80 | 1,164 | (13) | today 4:13 AM | today 12:25 PM |
| Parents face $132,000 claim after kid knocks over sculpture Page 1, 2, 3 | | Jacek Coltutt | 88 | 1,719 | (4) | 06/16/18 9:10 AM | today 12:24 PM |
 | Has Anybody Seen This Map Before? Truly Bizarre! Page 1, 2, 3 | | Anonymous Coward | 83 | 1,126 | (13) | today 10:58 AM | today 12:24 PM |
| When is the I EAT MY OWN POOP Global Currency Reset scheduled to happen? | | 27 | 7 | 70 | (1) | today 11:52 AM | today 12:24 PM |
 | Netflix introduces "DRAG TOTS" a children's show! | | HarshingMyMellow | 17 | 308 | (1) | today 10:51 AM | today 12:24 PM |
| PROOF: 99.99% of Atheists believe in God... | | Anonymous Coward | 1 | 20 | (1) | today 12:20 PM | today 12:24 PM |
| A prime example of 'academic' bias against the Bible | | Anonymous Coward | 6 | 58 | (2) | today 11:05 AM | today 12:23 PM |
| Eruption Happening NOW Big Island Hawaii Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375 | | Rev Woo-Woo | 11,223 | 599,396 | (488) | 05/03/18 10:41 PM | today 12:23 PM |
| World Cup thread and updates! Day 3! Argentina 1 VS Iceland 1 final! Peru VS Denmark starts now! Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 | | Truth Seeker! | 1,115 | 13,972 | (51) | 06/14/18 7:37 AM | today 12:23 PM |
| The 'ruler of the world' has enslaved man for self inflicted extinction. How does our creator offer freedom? | | DGN | 23 | 180 | (4) | 06/16/18 11:31 AM | today 12:23 PM |
| EVOLUTION The dumbest debate in the world Page 1, 2 | | Anonymous Coward | 54 | 321 | (4) | today 6:38 AM | today 12:23 PM |
 | Trump comments today on his former campaign manager, Paul Manafort: “Manafort had nothing to do with our campaign” Page 1, 2, 3 | | Anonymous Coward | 83 | 547 | (12) | 06/15/18 11:56 AM | today 12:22 PM |
 | Fathers are the least liked of both parents Page 1, 2 | | Anonymous Coward | 33 | 294 | (9) | 06/16/18 11:46 PM | today 12:22 PM |
| Barcak Obama is a Commie toad and that is not even his real name | | Ma Tizzle | 6 | 97 | (3) | today 3:15 AM | today 12:22 PM |
| I think women simply a commodity?? | | Drblackchad | 25 | 299 | (9) | today 9:33 AM | today 12:22 PM |
| Plant that causes third-degree burns, blindness found in nearby states | | Hawk-02 | 17 | 611 | (5) | today 8:39 AM | today 12:21 PM |
| QAnon: It's on, don't panic ii Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561 | | keybored | 16,828 | 828,411 | (306) | 03/16/18 12:54 PM | today 12:21 PM |
| Daily Prayer Thread !!! Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 515, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522 | | Goofy for God | 15,649 | 351,159 | (430) | 11/09/15 8:49 PM | today 12:21 PM |
 | Sick! 71% Of Liberals Don’t Want Peace With North Korea Because Trump Would Gain Popularity | | DEMORATS B DEMORATTING | 0 | 7 | N/A | today 12:21 PM | today 12:21 PM |
| Ask a Elohim/Nephilim/Fallen Angel anything. Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | | At | 106 | 948 | (3) | 06/16/18 2:48 PM | today 12:20 PM |
| Bible Proof The Rapture Theory is False Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 | | Osmium76 | 278 | 2,866 | (47) | 06/16/18 7:26 AM | today 12:20 PM |
| If i say this outloud ill be ban from my social life. | | Anonymous Coward | 19 | 350 | (3) | today 8:44 AM | today 12:19 PM |
| Jewish revisionist David Cole interviewed by Ry Dawson 2014 about WWII history Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 | | Anonymous Coward | 254 | 8,138 | (62) | 07/20/14 5:54 AM | today 12:19 PM |
| CIA 'Neither Confirms Nor Denies' Knowledge Of True Identity Of Satoshi Nakamoto Bitcoin creator | | DEEP STATE IS THE PRESIDENT | 4 | 70 | (2) | 06/16/18 7:24 PM | today 12:18 PM |
| The Sheer Number Of People Who Have Repeatedly Lied To Us Daily To Keep the Coup Alive Is Staggering Page 1, 2, 3 | | Anonymous Coward | 77 | 1,837 | (38) | 12/15/17 3:44 AM | today 12:18 PM |
| Anyone know the difference between a DREAM and a VISION? | | Anonymous Coward | 6 | 66 | N/A | today 10:18 AM | today 12:18 PM |
| How Did baby boomers not notice and allow huge companies to ruin our food in America ? Page 1, 2 | | Anonymous Coward | 37 | 290 | (5) | today 9:35 AM | today 12:18 PM |
| Should the chosen one do anything? Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 | | Anonymous Coward | 330 | 2,919 | (5) | 06/13/18 3:44 PM | today 12:18 PM |
 | Teens who've had sex drops by 10 percent .. surprising, yes ? | | Anonymous Coward | 9 | 128 | (1) | today 11:49 AM | today 12:18 PM |
 | All In The Family: Law Firm Hired By Disgraced FBI Agent Peter Strzok Donated More Than $24K to Hillary Clinton | | NO SHIT........ | 0 | 7 | (1) | today 12:17 PM | today 12:17 PM |
| Too many Asshole Muslims in US - Get the Fuck Out! Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | | Fuck Muslims | 176 | 6,066 | (51) | 09/04/15 12:55 PM | today 12:17 PM |
| A man that can't do 10 pull-ups Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | | Anonymous Coward | 96 | 2,314 | (13) | 06/13/18 8:18 PM | today 12:17 PM |
 | Name a better guitar player than Yngwie Malmsteen Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 | | Anonymous Coward | 208 | 4,410 | (12) | 01/20/18 3:59 PM | today 12:16 PM |
| Janey's Breaking News And Reports-THERE IS NO LONGER A NUCLEAR THREAT FROM NORTH KOREA - TRUMP P1462 Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 1464, 1465, 1466, 1467, 1468, 1469, 1470, 1471 | | Janey | 44,104 | 2,345,182 | (1,687) | 04/08/18 9:00 AM | today 12:16 PM |
 | KABOOM THE MOONS is Taking their Fiction way too Seriously | | Anonymous Coward | 1 | 27 | N/A | today 12:09 PM | today 12:16 PM |
| Watch this - backyard drone does 500KPH!!! | | Anonymous Coward | 4 | 121 | (1) | today 11:35 AM | today 12:15 PM |
 | Rudy: FBI Agents Conspiring Against Trump who cried when Hillary Clinton lost the presidency, Should ‘Go To Bellevue’ Psych Ward | | BOUT FUKKKING TIME :) | 0 | 8 | N/A | today 12:15 PM | today 12:15 PM |
 | Everything Happening to Everyone on The Planet Right Now is to Make One More Spritual. Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | | Anonymous Coward | 172 | 3,651 | (21) | 04/14/18 3:08 PM | today 12:15 PM |
| GLP-Jukebox Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 12469, 12470, 12471, 12472, 12473, 12474, 12475, 12476 | | CaptCarter | 374,267 | 7,748,065 | (1,893) | 12/01/12 12:30 AM | today 12:13 PM |
| Child Porn Victim Tells Her Story, Marie Claire Mag | | NotStarvingActress | 2 | 96 | (3) | today 12:01 PM | today 12:13 PM |
| The dreamer of dreams is reeling with sadness Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | | Anonymous Coward | 106 | 2,517 | (15) | 06/08/18 11:20 PM | today 12:13 PM |
| Fathers Day....5 adult children, 1 card....And Mum bought the card.... | | Anonymous Coward | 9 | 152 | N/A | today 11:24 AM | today 12:12 PM |
| Relax. Everything Is Going Exactly According To Plan | | Anonymous Coward | 26 | 564 | (5) | 03/23/18 7:57 PM | today 12:09 PM |
| Interesting SECRET SERVICE video | | wisconsin | 1 | 83 | (1) | today 11:47 AM | today 12:09 PM |
| Cops be aware! - "Each person has the right to resist an unlawful arrest" | | Anonymous Coward | 0 | 33 | (2) | today 12:09 PM | today 12:09 PM |
| Seriously though, what do you think those huge radio telescopes are really used for? | | Anonymous Coward | 8 | 151 | (1) | today 7:34 AM | today 12:09 PM |
| If the U.S. dollar became backed by gold and people are able to redeem their money for gold, then what happens when… | | Ivanka Soetoro | 0 | 12 | N/A | today 12:08 PM | today 12:08 PM |
| Has joachim Low started pooking his arse yet and sniffing his turd? | | Anonymous Coward | 1 | 22 | (1) | today 12:03 PM | today 12:07 PM |
| God and the Lamb shoon. | | Soon Connery | 4 | 49 | (1) | today 11:51 AM | today 12:06 PM |
| Best herb or supplement for heart health? | | Anonymous Coward | 9 | 428 | (1) | 06/10/10 3:59 PM | today 12:06 PM |
| Want to fight or treat flu? Make Golden Milk - be sure and use a pepper to help absorb the tumeric, make it sweet for the kids. | | Anonymous Coward | 3 | 75 | (1) | 02/13/18 2:06 PM | today 12:05 PM |
| I basically do whatever my wife says | | Anonymous Coward | 15 | 142 | (3) | today 11:29 AM | today 12:05 PM |
| Watch the sky... between 25 May and 16 June... there will be a big ufo event that will break the news Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 | | Prepare your mind already | 493 | 14,771 | (43) | 05/25/18 4:22 PM | today 12:05 PM |
 | Why the fuck so you Americns call "Ground Pork" Sausage? Page 1, 2 | | Anonymous Coward | 52 | 508 | (7) | today 9:52 AM | today 12:05 PM |
| How come I never hear about whites commiting heinous acts against old black ladies? | | Anonymous Coward | 0 | 11 | N/A | today 12:05 PM | today 12:05 PM |
| I got tips on how to use magic to fend off bullies | | Anonymous Coward | 5 | 85 | N/A | today 11:35 AM | today 12:04 PM |
 | What kind of asshole lays down foil over ther grill grates before grilling? Page 1, 2, 3 | | Anonymous Coward | 77 | 1,078 | (5) | today 8:33 AM | today 12:04 PM |
| I am a Extra Terrestrial++ Ask me a Question And i Will Respond Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 2030, 2031, 2032, 2033, 2034, 2035, 2036, 2037 | | EXTRA TERRESTRIAL | 61,086 | 4,510,951 | (4,196) | 06/18/05 1:09 PM | today 12:04 PM |
| Teen girls are all on anti-depressants | | Anonymous Coward | 1 | 58 | (1) | today 11:59 AM | today 12:04 PM |
| Jesus said: ‘I am the light of the world.' The light of our world is the sun, but Christ is more than the sun | | Anonymous Coward | 2 | 34 | (1) | today 11:25 AM | today 12:03 PM |
| We tend to equate good with God himself. But no! Good, like evil, is only a servant of God. God is much more than good | | Anonymous Coward | 2 | 21 | (2) | today 11:28 AM | today 12:03 PM |
| Texas Walmart Holding Migrant Children Calls the Cops on US Senator!!! | | VigilantTexan | 9 | 396 | (2) | 06/14/18 11:28 PM | today 12:03 PM |
 | Men cannot give birth. Men cannot give birth. Men cannot give birth. | | Mr.Fox | 17 | 212 | (4) | today 9:00 AM | today 12:00 PM |
| Rap music isn't art, rap music is shit!! | | Anonymous Coward | 9 | 65 | (3) | today 11:51 AM | today 12:00 PM |
| Virtues are the highest eloquence of man | | Anonymous Coward | 0 | 9 | N/A | today 12:00 PM | today 12:00 PM |
| The whole transgender movement came out of nowhere Page 1, 2 | | Ta Rizzle | 39 | 623 | (5) | today 3:12 AM | today 11:59 AM |
| For All The Asshole Father's on Father's Day | | Crash | 28 | 383 | (10) | today 9:00 AM | today 11:58 AM |
| The Great Tribulation and the Rapture. Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 | | Judethz | 306 | 4,227 | (55) | 06/11/18 12:50 PM | today 11:57 AM |
| Just saw a Time Warner ad shit talking direct tv meanwhile they are getting aquired by Direct TV parent company | | Anonymous Coward | 0 | 14 | (1) | today 11:57 AM | today 11:57 AM |
| Vatican scholar John Allegro on Magic Mushrooms and Jesus Page 1, 2, 3 | | Seed Planter | 76 | 6,667 | (45) | 12/06/17 7:53 AM | today 11:56 AM |
| Trump will build the Wall - then bomb Mexico off the map | | Beaners Beware | 18 | 148 | (1) | 04/14/18 5:09 PM | today 11:54 AM |
| Merkel Half dead - R I P Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 | | Anonymous Coward | 274 | 11,417 | (48) | 06/14/18 12:39 AM | today 11:53 AM |
| Trump will bomb and invade Canada and Mexico Page 1, 2 | | The Trump Thump! | 33 | 399 | (3) | 06/01/18 4:38 AM | today 11:53 AM |
 | Americans are depressed and suicidal because something is wrong with our culture Page 1, 2, 3 | | Armed Snowflake | 71 | 1,150 | (14) | 06/09/18 7:02 PM | today 11:53 AM |
| DNA the most complex data file in the universe, contains 3 billion digital cell assembly bio-molecular codes. Who wrote it? Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 | | DGN | 321 | 5,183 | (45) | 06/02/18 11:06 PM | today 11:53 AM |
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