
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Christmas by:Jonathan Cuevas

Christmas isn't something to take for granted  you know
also Christmas is a time to be happy,Have fun,be with Family
yeah things are hard all around us and yes we do have bad things
going on in our country I know but you know we have each other
nothing else right now matters right now I mean come on Christmas
is around the corner for Christ sake!!!!Chill out!!!!!yeah work is hard
I know I mean my mom explained it to me we had a long talk
you know and my step dad who is like a real father to me told me she worked 60
hours that's too much yes but she has to make sacrifices yes in
order to squeeze time on the weekend to go with us to see my step-dads folks which
we did today but that's not the point.Christmas is a time to spend time with
family,and have fun as I said earlier Christmas is NOT about presents its a time of giving yes
that's true but also you know enjoy every precious moment you have with them.
And put away all the anger you have towards someone because sooner or later what they did will
catch up with them doesn't matter when but it'll catch up in time.
Also may you have a Merry Christmas love you all and I wish the best for you.

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