| Trump: maybe Obama feels comfortable in a mosque. Page 1, 2, 3 |
| Nerve03 | 66 | 2,485 | (16) | 02/03/16 8:43 PM | today 2:12 AM |
| NEW analysis of LAVOY FINICUM'S murder - each shooter numbered and magnified. Page 1, 2, 3, 4 |
| ^^MW^^ | 108 | 2,893 | (48) | 02/03/16 8:32 PM | today 2:12 AM |
| BREAKING! Federal grand jury returns indictments against Bundys and co-defendants Page 1, 2, 3, 4 |
| PIR | 95 | 3,079 | (12) | 02/03/16 7:36 PM | today 2:12 AM |
| Now What Would You Do Negro?!? Page 1, 2, 3 |
| ^TrInItY^ | 71 | 2,276 | (33) | 02/03/16 11:49 PM | today 2:11 AM |
| Zika is in Dallas, Texas Page 1, 2, 3, 4 |
| The Comedian :D | 95 | 1,807 | (14) | 02/03/16 1:50 PM | today 2:11 AM |
| Washington, DC considers paying ‘at risk’ people for not committing crimes Page 1, 2, 3 |
| Rem700 | 63 | 1,489 | (5) | 02/03/16 7:42 PM | today 2:08 AM |
| Astronomers Comments on the Planet X/Nemesis Cover-up and Approach Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 |
| Daddysgirl | 498 | 33,524 | (106) | 01/29/16 2:52 PM | today 2:08 AM |
| Cigarette_Smoking_Man | 50 | 1,664 | (19) | 01/27/16 11:51 PM | today 2:07 AM |
| Livestream video of another interview w Victoria Page 1, 2 |
| CountryWise | 44 | 1,254 | (14) | 02/03/16 5:56 PM | today 1:49 AM |
| Thanks to GLP YOU can get rid of Windows 10 sneaking into your computer. Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
| Miggy | 138 | 4,205 | (15) | 02/03/16 9:16 PM | today 1:47 AM |
| Updated Statement from LaVoy's Family WOW...says McConnell Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 |
| Anonymous Coward | 193 | 6,801 | (52) | 02/03/16 12:48 PM | today 1:43 AM |
| Jeb Bush begs town hall attendees to ‘please clap’ Page 1, 2, 3, 4 |
| Anonymous Coward | 93 | 3,396 | (23) | 02/03/16 7:17 PM | today 1:35 AM |
| Bankrupt Americans Still Traveling???? Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
| Anonymous Coward | 139 | 4,338 | (12) | 02/03/16 6:38 PM | today 1:34 AM |
| Not much GLP reaction to Rand Paul ending presidential campaign. Page 1, 2, 3, 4 |
| Anonymous Coward | 100 | 1,799 | (10) | 02/03/16 9:47 AM | today 1:33 AM |
| Hitler reacts to Trump's 2nd place finish in Iowa caucus. Page 1, 2, 3, 4 |
| Cigarette_Smoking_Man | 97 | 3,959 | (73) | 02/03/16 3:44 AM | today 1:31 AM |
| Breaking News:North Korea's mobile missile launcher seen moving. Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
| Dettro | 173 | 7,435 | (16) | 02/03/16 7:26 PM | today 1:15 AM |
| Sandy Hook : Ex post facto and Jonathan Reich....Frim Malloy's desk and admin, and what he doesn't want u to know |
| Power of the people | 4 | 141 | (4) | today 12:32 AM | today 1:10 AM |
| Is the FBI getting ready to move on the Refuge in Burns, OR? Page 1, 2, 3 |
| Ozark Granny | 90 | 2,346 | (15) | 02/03/16 5:36 PM | today 12:52 AM |
| Hamas' new tank - funny. Page 1, 2 |
| Hugh G. Wreckshun | 41 | 2,526 | (8) | 02/03/16 5:48 PM | today 12:27 AM |
| LIVE Stream: Donald Trump Rally in Little Rock, AR- Barton Coliseum (2-3-16) Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
| Anonymous Coward | 145 | 3,860 | (16) | 02/03/16 5:51 PM | today 12:18 AM |
| Is the furor over "legalized rape group"/RooshV/Return of Kings engineered to defame Trump? Page 1, 2 |
| Dingleberry Harvester | 31 | 791 | (4) | 02/03/16 9:28 PM | today 12:01 AM |
| Trumps aircraft makes emergency landing in Nashville |
| BuTT MoNkEy | 23 | 590 | (2) | 02/03/16 10:17 PM | today 2:12 AM |
| Department Store - Buy 1 get 1 *versus* 50% off |
| Anonymous Coward | 6 | 159 | (2) | 02/03/16 1:59 PM | today 2:12 AM |
| European immigration crisis - NEWS / Finnish PM halts plan to house refugees at his home, p. 35 Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 |
| KneelB4Zod! | 1,046 | 39,433 | (57) | 08/27/15 7:45 AM | today 2:12 AM |
 | Makers of 'mindblowing' sex robot with virtual vagina swamped with orders Page 1, 2, 3 |
| The Comedian :D | 73 | 1,388 | (9) | today 12:04 AM | today 2:12 AM |
| Koala gets kicked out of tree and cries! |
| Astral Goat | 13 | 143 | (2) | today 1:46 AM | today 2:12 AM |
| Are you a thread killer? Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 568, 569 |
| Who. | 17,044 | 328,757 | (485) | 05/24/12 4:41 PM | today 2:11 AM |
| Let's talk about Ted Cruz lying on Ben Carson to "fix" the IOWA votes. |
| Anonymous Coward | 17 | 118 | (3) | today 1:17 AM | today 2:11 AM |
| I am BLACK - ask me a question |
| Anonymous Coward | 14 | 117 | (2) | today 1:30 AM | today 2:11 AM |
| What are the trigger words? Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
| Anonymous Coward | 151 | 5,371 | (1) | 06/02/13 2:21 AM | today 2:10 AM |
| Trees in the forest are social beings! Page 1, 2, 3 |
| Hila Witkutin | 74 | 1,334 | (16) | 02/02/16 9:21 AM | today 2:10 AM |
| As a Jew... Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
| Sky Ward | 161 | 1,600 | (14) | 02/03/16 5:11 AM | today 2:10 AM |
 | I've searched everywhere on the Internet...how to I join the illuminati? |
| Anonymous Coward | 14 | 178 | N/A | today 12:42 AM | today 2:10 AM |
| Anyone here bracing themselves from one last Stupid Gesture/Act from Obama |
| Anonymous Coward | 21 | 300 | (7) | 01/20/16 9:39 AM | today 2:10 AM |
| 69:15 Let not the waterflood overflow me. Christian Opinions Wanted. |
| AMIII | 1 | 24 | N/A | 02/02/16 4:20 PM | today 2:09 AM |
| It's Coming.... The piece from Breitbart coming today... another tweet Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 |
| BlueMoon721 | 446 | 26,366 | (33) | 02/03/16 10:12 AM | today 2:09 AM |
| Mary the Jewess, the first true alchemist of the Western world |
| Goat Fish Woman | 1 | 33 | N/A | 02/03/16 11:33 AM | today 2:09 AM |
| Have you seen the moon lately? |
| AMIII | 23 | 458 | (1) | 02/03/16 9:57 PM | today 2:08 AM |
| I Quit Uber today Page 1, 2 |
| Ubergal | 57 | 1,160 | (2) | 02/03/16 8:43 PM | today 2:07 AM |
 | Prayer
experiment..Post a Prayer for something you really NEED, not WANT. Post
your results in 7 days if your prayer was answered or not. Page 1, 2 |
| Anonymous Coward | 37 | 192 | (1) | 02/03/16 10:02 PM | today 2:07 AM |
| One of The Most Feared Men on the Planet to the US & Zionsts~ |
| ORGANICQAL | 27 | 1,543 | (13) | 06/06/13 2:44 AM | today 2:06 AM |
| L.A. Metropolitan Area - Black S.U.V. digital surveillance? |
| Anonymous Coward | 1 | 46 | N/A | today 1:33 AM | today 2:05 AM |
| Trump shouldn't have never challenged Al-Waleed Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
| Anonymous Coward | 130 | 887 | (5) | 02/03/16 11:38 PM | today 2:05 AM |
| Clinton is def going to win it, a dindu can testify it, proof |
| Anonymous Coward | 4 | 46 | (1) | today 1:36 AM | today 2:05 AM |
| You managed to grab the microphone on a big tv channel during live broadcast, what do you say? Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
| Anonymous Coward | 150 | 4,167 | (2) | 05/16/15 3:33 PM | today 2:05 AM |
| Doom prediction made easy with astrology Page 1, 2 |
| astrodoomster | 39 | 563 | (8) | 02/03/16 9:42 PM | today 2:05 AM |
| All German students to learn Arabic |
| Anonymous Coward | 4 | 103 | (1) | 02/03/16 8:52 PM | today 2:04 AM |
| Experts Say LETHAL LEVELS of Radiation spewing from leaking gas well in Los Angeles! |
| Anonymous Coward | 5 | 139 | (3) | today 1:06 AM | today 2:04 AM |
 | Why Do Nice Guys Exist But Nice Girls Don't? Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 |
| Anonymous Coward | 183 | 2,607 | (42) | 02/03/16 5:13 PM | today 2:04 AM |
| Why can't I grow a beard? Page 1, 2, 3 |
| Anonymous Coward | 61 | 992 | (2) | 02/01/16 10:50 PM | today 2:04 AM |
 | What's this?? Led Zeppelin loses in court over "Stairway to Heaven"! Page 1, 2, 3 |
| Anonymous Coward | 66 | 3,549 | (5) | 10/18/14 6:36 PM | today 2:03 AM |
| Why oh why did I search google for it? why??? |
| Anonymous Coward | 10 | 567 | (1) | 11/09/15 4:05 PM | today 2:03 AM |
| Hey Australians |
| Anonymous Coward | 3 | 69 | (3) | today 1:40 AM | today 2:03 AM |
 | House |
| Richard | 2 | 82 | N/A | today 1:11 AM | today 2:02 AM |
 | IF had to go to prison an could choose ANY cell mate in history that's been in prison WHO would it be? Page 1, 2 |
| Anonymous Coward | 31 | 277 | (2) | 02/03/16 8:40 PM | today 2:01 AM |
 | Opening GLP threads crashes my web browser 100% of the time now! WTF??? Page 1, 2, 3 |
| Anonymous Coward | 62 | 860 | (1) | 02/02/16 5:56 PM | today 2:01 AM |
| German politician says migrants should be SHOT at border if they’re trying to enter country illegally. |
| Dumachii | 8 | 120 | (3) | 02/01/16 5:20 PM | today 2:01 AM |
| If the bible says fallen angel Apollyon is the Sun God Apollo, then who is Zeus? |
| Anonymous Coward | 30 | 2,893 | N/A | 06/26/13 2:38 AM | today 2:00 AM |
| Alobar | 3 | 70 | (1) | today 1:09 AM | today 2:00 AM |
| The Superbowl is a super homo celebration!! |
| Anonymous Coward | 0 | 12 | N/A | today 1:59 AM | today 1:59 AM |
| NightHawks Unite!!!! Defend the Noory,George from persecution Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 |
| Just signed up idiot defense | 639 | 19,212 | (219) | 04/28/15 9:21 PM | today 1:59 AM |
| I'm at the emergency room,my ear blew up,air of my face is on fire....ear infection going worse fast |
| Zakk | 29 | 485 | (2) | 02/02/16 1:33 AM | today 1:58 AM |
| Baltimore Bleeds (15) - 2/4 BLM shitstain Deray McKesson enters Mayoral race Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 |
| Baltimoran | 497 | 11,969 | (9) | 08/19/15 6:07 PM | today 1:56 AM |
| Who built our MOON? Little known information suggesting our moon may not be what it seems. |
| 33 | 28 | 725 | (11) | 02/03/16 9:43 PM | today 1:56 AM |
| LED ZEPPELIN plagiarism |
| Anonymous Coward | 18 | 360 | (8) | 02/03/16 9:43 AM | today 1:54 AM |
| Holistic Doctors Are Bieng Murdered In There Homes |
| Anonymous Coward | 5 | 290 | (1) | 08/26/15 3:48 PM | today 1:51 AM |
| So Rand decided to shift away to defending his Senate seat - Good choice. |
| Anonymous Coward | 3 | 30 | N/A | today 1:10 AM | today 1:50 AM |
| GLP-Jukebox Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 5156, 5157, 5158, 5159, 5160, 5161, 5162, 5163 |
| CaptCarter | 154,886 | 2,241,865 | (858) | 12/01/12 12:30 AM | today 1:49 AM |
 | Can't anyone see why the countries of the world must find common ground about what's going on with the Earth? |
| Anonymous Coward | 4 | 91 | N/A | 02/03/16 7:48 PM | today 1:47 AM |
 | Well,..I hate to break it to all you GLPtards but,... |
| zacksavage | 19 | 800 | (5) | 12/05/15 1:25 PM | today 1:47 AM |
| THIS IS IT: major announcement about anti-matter ghosts living in our atmosphere |
| magicman1618 | 25 | 1,206 | (9) | 02/02/16 7:06 PM | today 1:47 AM |
| Common dream: Show up for college test unprepared after missing many/all classes ? |
| Anton Chigurh | 15 | 207 | N/A | 02/03/16 11:36 PM | today 1:46 AM |
 | Transgender Illinois Girl Scout sells thousands of boxes of cookies despite hateful remark and social media trolls. Page 1, 2, 3, 4 |
| Anonymous Coward | 111 | 2,641 | (23) | 02/03/16 9:11 AM | today 1:46 AM |
 | Fucking Lol!!!! Page 1, 2 |
| Anonymous Coward | 40 | 894 | (14) | 02/03/16 8:25 PM | today 1:45 AM |
| Direct Quote From a Girl off Some Shitty Site I Was On Page 1, 2 |
| Anonymous Coward | 45 | 1,138 | (4) | 02/03/16 10:01 PM | today 1:44 AM |
 | "The power of the purse" sounds gay |
| Anonymous Coward | 0 | 29 | (1) | today 1:44 AM | today 1:44 AM |
| Was Cosby's Son Ennis Murdered as Retribution For Cosby Raping Someone's Daughter? Page 1, 2, 3 |
| Shirley U. Jest | 72 | 8,120 | (11) | 11/20/14 12:04 AM | today 1:43 AM |
 | Been a rough challenging week |
| Booger Cancer | 5 | 59 | N/A | today 1:09 AM | today 1:42 AM |
| BREAKING! Ted Cruz declared Natural Born Citizen Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 |
| The Comedian :D | 307 | 8,277 | (29) | 02/03/16 1:16 PM | today 1:40 AM |
 | Black History; Republican Robert Smalls |
| Robert Smalls | 1 | 35 | (2) | today 1:27 AM | today 1:39 AM |
| You Can Live Forever !!! Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100 |
| Anonymous Coward | 2,971 | 101,611 | (256) | 02/01/14 9:55 AM | today 1:39 AM |
| Middle East situation - military reports, videos, photos, discussion... Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160 |
| KneelB4Zod! | 4,779 | 119,262 | (168) | 12/12/15 2:22 PM | today 1:39 AM |
| What do the kids from the left see in Bernie Sanders? Page 1, 2 |
| Anonymous Coward | 37 | 398 | (4) | 02/03/16 11:26 PM | today 1:39 AM |
| Yisra'El, End of Days and The Messianic Way Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 1111, 1112, 1113, 1114, 1115, 1116, 1117, 1118 |
| JazzyG | 33,526 | 769,249 | (528) | 03/31/15 6:28 PM | today 1:38 AM |
| Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.2 Indonesia*5.2 Kermadec Islands*5.1 Kermadec Islands*5.0 Kuril Islands*5.0 Russia Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 4888, 4889, 4890, 4891, 4892, 4893, 4894, 4895 |
| Simple27 | 146,846 | 2,864,803 | (3,201) | 10/22/13 11:55 PM | today 1:37 AM |
| Led Zeppelin Stole The Rock Classic, "Stairway to Heaven." Page 1, 2 |
| Dismas | 45 | 4,455 | (16) | 06/14/07 7:45 PM | today 1:37 AM |
 | What's with all you dumb fuckers using this term cuck? Page 1, 2 |
| Anonymous Coward | 38 | 785 | (6) | 01/26/16 12:34 AM | today 1:36 AM |
| Are they wiping the web of certain UFO Vids? |
| Anonymous Coward | 3 | 82 | N/A | today 1:21 AM | today 1:36 AM |
| Real facts about Windows and online Privacy |
| Anonymous Coward | 7 | 75 | N/A | today 1:26 AM | today 1:36 AM |
| Mad World Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382 |
| Seer777 | 11,436 | 123,824 | (60) | 12/09/15 11:39 PM | today 1:35 AM |
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