
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A friend that bosses you around

Its funny how at first glance you think they will be a nice person
they are of course maybe then you befriend them  right then all of a sudden this person
wants to contact you on Skype by calling and texting you on skype
you know the conversation might be like a normal conversation at first then all of a sudden
she wants to know what you are during you know every moment its like
this person won't give you any space and she's real young in her teens and you are only 3 years
older than she and you keep telling her that you are unavailable during the week
but you are open during the weekend to hangout and chill out but its like talking to a brick wall
I mean she asks you everyday regarding just that and you keep telling her the same thing 
you know its like being poked every time you know after awhile you start to get annoyed I mean
she won't stop asking she is like a handful in a bad way.So its time for you to put a stop to it
and knock her off your contact list on facebook I mean if she keeps during that she might as well
not be her Girlfriend at all I mean really I mean if you want to enjoy your favorite book you just gotten just 7 days ago but its like this girl will compare herself to your favorite book and ask 'Which is more important me or the book?' I mean what kind of shit is that? isn't that crazy?

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