AboveTopSecret.com for Oct 30, 2016 @ 11:18 PM EST
Wikileaks Explodes!
MSNBC/WSJ/NYTimes/WashPost! Media Blackout Ending! Chelsea Comes Clean!?
Published on Oct 28, 2016
The Clinton corruption is now being covered by MSM. The New York Times,
Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, Bloomberg , and Washington...
So a journalist by the name of H. A. Goodman
laid out his theory of what has happened that prompted the FBI to
reopen the investigation.
Anthony Weiner - Huma
As we all know he was caught sending inappropriate images / text
messages to a 15 year old girl. During...
In the midst of all the hubbub regarding the
reopening of the investigation in to former Secretary Clinton's use of a
personal email server, Wikileaks
has continued in its mission to bring to light that which government
would rather us not know or talk about.
As a result, there has been a new release today of emails from the
Podesta files.
The count now stands at:
(36891 results,...
A pathetic Rachel Maddow (MSNBC) pouring on the coals in reaction the the re-opened Hillary email scandal investigation.
So sad.
A good video from Mark Dice.....
The FBI’s announcement that it planned to reopen its...
don't worry i believe I wail be find its
just the combination of being homeless for the last four months and
drinking daily as a poor co[ping
mechanism land me with a seizure they are talking about putting me in
the ICU never the less i am DONE with alcohol for good, this ia a eye
opener...dont worry a bout me ill keep you up to date... cheera
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