could i make you a commander and ill leave a message on the board of whats going on
Need to be fair to dean though
Okay will do
you were executive before him , you do have the credit for it just tell him your experience or something
You guys could be partners for couple weeks
so if one of you feel down on energy just switch rank
to do it i believe the commander and executive have to be online
could you login to world of tank
ill promote ya and make message
I'll login right now
K I'm logged in
Opps caps
There's 4 online
Waren, Walker, Bjfigs,Da
And myself
And okay
I think I'm still blocked on Teamspeak 

I'm blocked from our clan chat on Teamspeak
I'm not sure why though
I'm trying
Says failed to connect to server
Its have problems loading page I'll try again
Its not loading
I'm currently online in game
What should I do?
message anyone online to get on teamspeak for emergency powers, duck in trouble with life
someone threatened him at work and got dismissed but not fired so i gotta clear some stuff out and need to make adjustments for group quickly
incase that guy might actually go physical, ill have to be careful about my job more
at least for 4 weeks
basically message damaybak to get online, idk if anyone else is
No He's no online
Perhaps he's online in Steam
I'll see if I can get Steven online
I'm Private
im going to make you and steven personnel officers
the help you guys could do for me
is to calm and reassure the group everything ok, however Dorkyduck needs to take a leave of absence till he sorts things out at work.
one of my co-workers was really rude and got sent home.
i have to work with him again
I left steven a message he's online but afk
he on teamspeak
im going to ask him and you to post on the clan message board and just reassure the group everything fine
and maybe announce your back if you like an officer role to help out
Will do

i didnt want to say it but
they hired a rat
this guy gang related or something
mustve faked the interview
I wish they did a back ground check on him
And anything for a friend 

wonder what he said: uh ill be on the phone, mess up my co-worker's registers, forget to clean up my work station, and think my co-workers lazy dont do my work. Hire me.

lol Yeah I guess that's what happened
i didnt bother to touch my phone to reach my mom
or was i offered a break
this guy stereotypical
but i did tell him
10 minutes after i met him
Dang I wish I didn't forget what a stereo type was
God do I hate forgetting 

that i would leave him in his own space but I have a tendency to do everything by the book under 4 minutes. and worked similar job
he treated it like a joke, but we did shake hands i guess
worked for an hour
bought me an hour then he raged at me lol
He has no right to do that especially when he was just hired
he asked me how long i been working there, like how the hell does he have the ***** to ask me that
he doesnt even know how to make coffee
let alone make a payment on the box without making a mistake
i wasnt that bad on my first month dude lo
I'm starting to thing my moms co- worker joe and him are very similar 

In those behaviors
ill have to find a way
i cant ask my boss to not work with him
i think it doesnt match the shift leader position if i want lol
You could write in a note documenting what he did right? Like logging everything in in a file?
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