| Thread | | Poster | Replies | Views | Rating | Posted | Updated |
 | Was Chris Wallace the 3rd debate moderator fair? [Poll] Page 1, 2, 3, 4 |
| SHR | 110 | 7,082 | (21) | 10/19/16 11:36 PM | today 7:02 AM |
 | Who Do You Think Won Tonight's Presidential Debate? [Poll] Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 |
| ^TrInItY^ | 398 | 25,334 | (53) | 10/19/16 10:36 PM | today 7:00 AM |
 | Major Online Polls Are Being RIGGED! Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 |
| Anonymous Coward | 360 | 12,859 | (74) | 10/19/16 10:55 PM | today 6:52 AM |
Emotional Former FBI Asst Director James Kallstrom - Clinton Foundation
Should Be Investigated Under RICO Laws of The United States Page 1, 2, 3 |
| Anonymous Coward | 68 | 4,105 | (91) | 10/19/16 6:45 PM | today 6:41 AM |
 | CNN Cuts feed of Rep. Chris Collins When He Brings Up WikiLeaks Page 1, 2 |
| Anonymous Coward | 31 | 2,528 | (20) | 10/19/16 7:59 PM | today 1:45 AM |
| Hillary's 4 Minute Nuke Response Time - Classified Info? Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
| Jatq | 134 | 6,111 | (31) | 10/19/16 11:29 PM | today 7:00 AM |
| Alien Grays Are Just Androids... new exclusive Billy Meier UFO interview |
| Anonymous Coward | 28 | 1,152 | (6) | 10/19/16 1:15 PM | today 6:56 AM |
| CNN focus group declares TRUMP the winner Page 1, 2 |
| Interocitor | 48 | 2,038 | (21) | today 2:25 AM | today 6:56 AM |
| Putin on Russia-US Relations Deteriorating: It all started with NATO bombing of Serbia / Yugoslavia Page 1, 2, 3, 4 |
| Anonymous Coward | 96 | 2,900 | (36) | 10/19/16 6:16 PM | today 6:56 AM |
| Megyn Kelly Just Tore Donna Brazille a New One [VIDEO] Page 1, 2 |
| TidesofTruth | 36 | 1,378 | (14) | 10/19/16 11:49 PM | today 6:55 AM |
Putin Vows To Extend Aleppo Ceasefire & Calls For Work On New
Syrian Constitution, As Merkel/Hollande Accuse Russia/Syria Of War
Crimes |
| SN7 | 10 | 738 | (3) | 10/19/16 7:30 PM | today 6:55 AM |
| Just evicted a tenant ... Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
| Anonymous Coward | 146 | 5,821 | (24) | 10/19/16 7:22 PM | today 6:54 AM |
| NUCLEAR WAR if Hillary Clinton wins - here's how it will happen... Page 1, 2 |
| Cigarette_Smoking_Man | 58 | 2,916 | (18) | today 12:44 AM | today 6:54 AM |
| RED ALERT! Numerous Poll Daddy polls rigged for Hillary! Not accepting Trump votes! Page 1, 2 |
| Inquire Within | 53 | 1,641 | (23) | 10/19/16 11:15 PM | today 6:53 AM |
| UFO Researcher Found Dead After Vomiting "Black Liquid" |
| Kai (VALIS) | 23 | 1,066 | (9) | 10/19/16 8:08 PM | today 6:51 AM |
| Donna Brazille just called Megyn Kelly a THIEF For Asking About Podesta Emails!! Page 1, 2, 3 |
| Flying Elvii | 88 | 3,406 | (14) | 10/19/16 11:46 PM | today 6:48 AM |
| Trump told them FUCK YOU....if I don't win this, we will revolt !!!! Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
| Anonymous Coward | 121 | 5,298 | (54) | 10/19/16 10:42 PM | today 6:48 AM |
| Hillary wants to save Mexican anchor babies, but a 9 month baby in womb, kill it... Page 1, 2, 3, 4 |
| Anonymous Coward | 93 | 1,465 | (42) | 10/19/16 9:25 PM | today 6:40 AM |
| Why are UFO always present at natural disasters? |
| Anonymous Coward | 23 | 548 | (2) | 10/19/16 12:34 PM | today 6:39 AM |
| BREAKING: New FOIA Emails Confirm Hillary Committed PERJURY… The Jail Time Is BRUTAL Page 1, 2 |
| Deplorable KC_Goldshine | 60 | 4,199 | (30) | 10/19/16 7:24 PM | today 6:38 AM |
| Howard Stern BLACKLISTED After Taking MAJOR Stand For Donald Trump Page 1, 2 |
| MsAphrodite | 42 | 3,708 | (16) | 10/19/16 11:17 PM | today 6:31 AM |
| Nfl Owners Are Losing Money & They Don't Know Why? Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
| Jail_Clinton_March | 135 | 5,212 | (21) | 10/19/16 4:47 PM | today 6:28 AM |
| Robert Creamer writes for HuffPo, emails Podesta, promoted Obamacare, wrote failed book |
| Inquire Within | 10 | 545 | (3) | 10/19/16 7:36 PM | today 6:28 AM |
| Trump will not concede... The elections are rigged. Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
| Centurion | 170 | 4,376 | (31) | 10/19/16 10:18 PM | today 6:27 AM |
| DRUDGE POLL UP! 80% Trump 20% Hillary 103,106 votes Page 1, 2, 3 |
| Inquire Within | 86 | 3,106 | (18) | 10/19/16 10:05 PM | today 6:27 AM |
| Ok guys. I never posted before but here is George Soros saying he knows Hillary wins. Its fucking rigged. Prep now. Page 1, 2, 3 |
| Anonymous Coward | 87 | 6,407 | (37) | 10/19/16 4:20 PM | today 6:14 AM |
| Anonymous Coward | 34 | 1,655 | (9) | 10/19/16 7:45 PM | today 5:16 AM |
| Jill Stein: Donald Trump Is Better, Hillary More Likely To Start Nuclear War Page 1, 2 |
| Anonymous Coward | 38 | 1,454 | (25) | 10/13/16 11:18 AM | today 5:10 AM |
| The reason no one on here knows the "when", and why most predictions fail. |
| The Messenger | 6 | 1,191 | (4) | 01/30/15 1:03 PM | today 3:46 AM |
| The 10/19/2016 FINAL PRESIDENTIAL EVIL DEADBATE Thread and Drinking Game - Watch Live! Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157 |
| ScrumpTheDeplorableTexan | 4,708 | 144,966 | (104) | 10/19/16 12:00 PM | today 3:30 AM |
| Trump said she commited crime after crime and should never be able to run |
| Air daddy 56 | 16 | 845 | (9) | 10/19/16 11:55 PM | today 3:02 AM |
25mins > Bill Clinton Son Danney Williams Surprise Pre-Debate
Announcement in Las Vegas <LIVE LINK > REPLAY now available Page 1, 2 |
| LunaFlora | 35 | 2,118 | (10) | 10/19/16 7:32 PM | today 2:31 AM |
| Obama’s half-brother will be at Vegas debate cheering for Trump |
| Wash 2.0 | 26 | 872 | (14) | 10/19/16 7:32 AM | today 12:22 AM |
| There's a desperate attempt by some parties to portray feminists as 'liberal'... |
| Anonymous Coward | 18 | 82 | (2) | today 6:34 AM | today 7:04 AM |
| Hillary looked like she had a facelift tonight |
| EscapeTheMatrix | 21 | 370 | (2) | today 2:21 AM | today 7:03 AM |
| Elite Family Insider Returns for Q&A Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423 |
| the darkness comes | 12,678 | 1,523,981 | (479) | 05/04/11 6:36 PM | today 7:03 AM |
| How old are your clothes? |
| Anonymous Coward | 0 | 11 | N/A | today 7:02 AM | today 7:02 AM |
| Any glpers make beats |
| Anonymous Coward | 10 | 100 | (2) | 10/19/16 10:53 PM | today 7:01 AM |
| Warning! Last debate over, Obama knows she'll lose! Now he'll False Flag, EMP and start WW3 |
| Anonymous fear monger | 0 | 14 | N/A | today 7:01 AM | today 7:01 AM |
| Video of UFOs in Podestas email? |
| Anonymous Coward | 12 | 197 | (2) | today 5:56 AM | today 7:01 AM |
| Someone has modified Grand Theft Auto V so you can use exploding Samsung Galaxy Note 7's as weapons (video) |
| Anonymous Coward | 0 | 7 | N/A | today 6:59 AM | today 6:59 AM |
| Putin
tries to 'split' the Royal Navy response to Russian warships in the
North Sea by sending TWO MORE towards the UK from Portugal |
| Dumachii | 10 | 331 | (2) | today 5:06 AM | today 6:59 AM |
| Hillary's Three Debate Outfits: Red, Black and White Have Nazi Scum Written All Over Them. |
| Anonymous Coward | 12 | 109 | (12) | today 6:07 AM | today 6:59 AM |
| I'm the queen. |
| Anonymous Coward | 19 | 204 | (2) | today 4:55 AM | today 6:58 AM |
 | &
For like the tenth time scientists prove planet x exists, again, which
they will hide, again, and repeat the statement every year, again |
| Anonymous Coward | 4 | 95 | (1) | today 4:09 AM | today 6:57 AM |
| TRUMP LIVE Stream RALLY ~ Thurs Oct 20 12:30 PM EDT ~ Delaware Country Fair Ohio > LIVE LINK< |
| LunaFlora | 4 | 43 | N/A | today 12:49 AM | today 6:57 AM |
| TRUMP. I am from NEW YORK and... |
| lock the top lock | 6 | 150 | (2) | today 6:29 AM | today 6:57 AM |
| The Chemtrail Denial Program Is Still, After Milliions Of Dollars And Man-Hours, An Utter Failure At All Levels Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 |
| Anonymous Coward | 548 | 9,504 | (178) | 08/18/16 12:19 PM | today 6:57 AM |
| Maybe it'll b better if Trump loses |
| Tess. | 9 | 194 | (6) | today 6:07 AM | today 6:57 AM |
 | Am I the only one who is not BRAINWASHED by the election. |
| Anonymous Coward | 16 | 181 | (4) | today 5:49 AM | today 6:56 AM |
 | Polls, Predictions and Trends the Media Won't Show You |
| Deplorable Sin Remover | 3 | 80 | (1) | 10/19/16 9:08 PM | today 6:56 AM |
| Brit response to watching those debates:I fell sorry for America. |
| Anonymous Coward | 5 | 87 | (1) | today 6:34 AM | today 6:55 AM |
| Last night- "When was America Ever Great?" asks Hillary |
| The Deplorable DonniesDarko | 2 | 59 | (1) | today 6:45 AM | today 6:53 AM |
| Wikileaks Exposes The Assassination Of Scalia… This Could Bring Down The Clintons And The Democratic Party! |
| Deplorable KC_Goldshine | 18 | 612 | (4) | today 3:04 AM | today 6:53 AM |
| Audio/Video Evidence Hillary Being Fed Answers In Last Night's Debate! |
| Deplorable KC_Goldshine | 26 | 519 | (8) | today 3:33 AM | today 6:53 AM |
| ESA ExoMars Arrival and Landing....LIVE NOW!!!! |
| Anonymous Coward | 20 | 347 | (2) | 10/19/16 11:16 AM | today 6:53 AM |
| ON THE WAY TO WW3 - BREAKING: Philippines' Duterte, in China, announces 'separation' from US - AFP!!!p.2100 Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 2093, 2094, 2095, 2096, 2097, 2098, 2099, 2100 |
| Luisport | 62,993 | 3,140,301 | (1,737) | 07/15/14 5:12 PM | today 6:53 AM |
| Lyme disease relief has been found!!! |
| Finally | 22 | 819 | (2) | 10/18/16 7:08 PM | today 6:51 AM |
| 'Most accurate' Poll: Trump leads Hillary By 1 |
| Daniel-Cherry | 1 | 84 | (4) | today 2:07 AM | today 6:50 AM |
| About This Collapsed Economy Thing |
| Anonymous Coward | 1 | 30 | (1) | today 6:49 AM | today 6:50 AM |
| I don't want US Citizenship Anymore Page 1, 2, 3 |
| Anonymous Coward | 62 | 566 | (1) | today 1:52 AM | today 6:50 AM |
| Can't afford underwear Page 1, 2 |
| Anonymous Coward | 32 | 648 | (5) | 06/14/16 11:40 AM | today 6:49 AM |
| Lets add Hostas to our Edible Plants List!! |
| CrazyMama73 | 30 | 1,306 | (6) | 08/13/13 2:21 PM | today 6:49 AM |
| What happened to three hobos? |
| Anonymous Coward | 2 | 49 | N/A | today 6:33 AM | today 6:48 AM |
| HIllary Clinton Gave Away National Secret On Live TV_Debate!!! |
| Anonymous Coward | 19 | 627 | (7) | today 2:54 AM | today 6:48 AM |
| Middle East situation - military reports, videos, photos, discussion... Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 560, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567 |
| KneelB4Zod! | 16,996 | 388,621 | (326) | 12/12/15 2:22 PM | today 6:48 AM |
| I'm afraid of the Life Review after I die Page 1, 2, 3 |
| Anonymous Coward | 81 | 1,211 | (4) | 10/18/16 6:59 AM | today 6:48 AM |
| 2000+ Seattle teachers wear Black Lives Matter shirts and hold a rally |
| BoatyMcBoatFace | 1 | 40 | N/A | today 6:27 AM | today 6:47 AM |
| Let's Be Honest, If Anyone Wanted Hillary For President It Would Have Happened In 2008 |
| Deplorable dollop | 0 | 26 | (1) | today 6:47 AM | today 6:47 AM |
 | The sex industry did NOT come about due to the 'sexual liberation' of women... |
| Anonymous Coward | 4 | 128 | (3) | today 4:14 AM | today 6:47 AM |
| God Dammit Trump.. Read up on World Policy.. You have had over a year.. |
| Anonymous Coward | 15 | 222 | (6) | today 5:40 AM | today 6:47 AM |
| This Woman, Feminist, Lesbian is voting for Trump and here's why.... |
| BuffaloGal | 4 | 128 | (9) | today 6:15 AM | today 6:46 AM |
| I'm not interested in your dopey 'election' |
| Anonymous Coward | 1 | 33 | (3) | today 6:37 AM | today 6:45 AM |
| I've had women grab my junk at dance clubs and honky tonks 20-30 years ago |
| Irredeemable Xeven | 1 | 35 | N/A | today 6:42 AM | today 6:44 AM |
| Why are so called 3rd wave feminists and LGBT etc so rabidly angry lately? Here is why. Page 1, 2, 3, 4 |
| Anonymous Coward | 105 | 5,816 | (34) | 09/20/16 5:50 AM | today 6:44 AM |
 | Trump + Hillary Duet ! |
| M5 | 3 | 66 | (2) | 10/18/16 2:50 PM | today 6:41 AM |
 | Elections are distractions from life to give the illusion of input to the powerless. |
| Anonymous Coward | 1 | 48 | (2) | 10/19/16 12:06 PM | today 6:39 AM |
 | AI Mind Control Will Torture and Enslave Us - And It's Already Started! BUMP 4.TRUTH Page 1, 2, 3 |
| Secret Servant | 81 | 2,269 | (20) | 10/07/16 7:06 PM | today 6:38 AM |
| G.I. Joe Mexico |
| Anonymous Coward | 3 | 63 | N/A | today 6:26 AM | today 6:38 AM |
| All celebrities are trained by the secret services since an early age |
| Anonymous Coward | 23 | 462 | (4) | 10/19/16 2:13 PM | today 6:37 AM |
 | Turkey will build a dam and stop the Euphrates from flowing! (bible prophecy) Page 1, 2 |
| Anonymous Coward | 37 | 453 | (2) | today 1:35 AM | today 6:37 AM |
| Just placed another €2500 (€5000) on Donald - this time 9/2 |
| The Animator | 1 | 51 | (1) | today 6:29 AM | today 6:36 AM |
| I'm still in love with my ex Page 1, 2 |
| Anonymous Coward | 34 | 674 | (3) | 10/19/16 9:41 AM | today 6:35 AM |
| Liberal/feminist propaganda on "Star Trek: TNG" |
| Anonymous Coward | 2 | 69 | (3) | today 6:27 AM | today 6:35 AM |
| WWIII Prediction |
| Man Without a Name | 8 | 1,530 | (3) | 03/02/15 9:14 PM | today 6:34 AM |
| Look people, the world is crazy enough as it is |
| Anonymous Coward | 11 | 119 | (2) | today 5:03 AM | today 6:34 AM |
| A Brief History of 500 Years of British Anti-Russian Propaganda. |
| Anonymous Coward | 12 | 121 | (4) | today 5:01 AM | today 6:32 AM |
| Think |
| jacaran | 4 | 83 | (1) | today 5:51 AM | today 6:30 AM |
| Rigging the Election VIDEO |
| Anonymous Coward | 0 | 31 | N/A | today 6:30 AM | today 6:30 AM |
| Deputy killed in Modoc County — the 4th on-duty California police officer to die in 2 weeks |
| OceanEyes | 0 | 23 | N/A | today 6:28 AM | today 6:28 AM |
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