| Thread | | Poster | Replies | Views | Rating | Posted | Updated |
| Deplorable KC_Goldshine | 447 | 21,442 | (143) | today 11:34 AM | today 5:35 PM |
| On November 20, 2016, an astronomical event will begin that is unique in the history of man Page 1, 2, 3 |
| Unsinkable Sam | 89 | 5,701 | (51) | 10/31/15 3:25 AM | today 5:36 PM |
| IS THIS REAL? Clinton advised to use PROJECT FIRESIGN aginst population |
| PACNWGUY-01 | 23 | 564 | (4) | today 5:00 PM | today 5:35 PM |
| WikiLeaks - King of Morocco paid $12 MILLION DOLLARS for a Meeting With Hillary Clinton! PAY-TO-PLAY! Page 1, 2 |
| Flying Elvii | 57 | 1,970 | (27) | today 1:20 PM | today 5:35 PM |
| REVISIT] WikiLeaks Releases 23,000 Hillary Emails Marked “C” For Confidential (Classified) Page 1, 2, 3, 4 |
| BOOM! | 106 | 5,972 | (31) | today 2:20 PM | today 5:34 PM |
| BREAKING: Judge reaffirms nationwide ban on Obama transgender school bathroom policy |
| Anonymous Coward | 23 | 1,392 | (16) | today 1:45 PM | today 5:34 PM |
| CNN Debate Backdrop Spells RIG IT Right Behind HRC....Lol!!! Page 1, 2 |
| Anonymous Coward | 35 | 3,161 | (8) | today 12:55 PM | today 5:33 PM |
| RaisingLiberty | 11 | 558 | (1) | today 5:03 PM | today 5:33 PM |
| Picture of "Nasty Hillary" giving Trump the finger on national TV last night has been photoshopped. Here's the original !! |
| Yes I Did !! | 29 | 4,048 | (5) | today 2:17 PM | today 5:32 PM |
| Prediction: Hillary will win with proof of obscene vote fraud. Page 1, 2, 3 |
| Hawk-02 | 66 | 1,771 | (16) | today 2:05 PM | today 5:32 PM |
| WOW! Trump Revises His Statement on Honoring the Election Outcome in November! Page 1, 2, 3 |
| Anonymous Coward | 83 | 5,387 | (46) | today 1:43 PM | today 5:29 PM |
| Bill to ban assault weapons proposed by Michigan Democrats Page 1, 2 |
| Seanjohn | 46 | 1,005 | (5) | today 11:33 AM | today 5:28 PM |
UNSECURE EMAIL SERVER "They know POTUS and HRC emailed" |
| me777 | 18 | 672 | (9) | today 1:02 PM | today 5:21 PM |
| SUNY professor says Trump win at least 87 percent certain; other polls 'bunk' Page 1, 2 |
| Anonymous Coward | 36 | 1,919 | (16) | today 12:54 PM | today 5:19 PM |
| Stephen Hawking's alien-hunting project is currently investigating strange signals from 234 stars |
| Baconspiracist | 22 | 1,201 | (6) | today 10:47 AM | today 5:15 PM |
| BREAKING: American Soldier Killed By IED In Northern Iraq |
| SN7 | 17 | 614 | (7) | today 1:49 PM | today 5:13 PM |
| NK failed missile launch during debate |
| Elam | 16 | 945 | (1) | today 1:31 PM | today 5:12 PM |
| Interesting.. Page 1, 2 |
| Anonymous Coward | 33 | 2,967 | (14) | today 1:23 PM | today 5:06 PM |
| Must see- THIS IS HUGE/ UFO LIGHTS CHAROLETTE NC 10/15/16 Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
| Anonymous Coward | 129 | 10,013 | (48) | 10/18/16 5:35 PM | today 4:45 PM |
| President François Hollande Admitts Obama and Hillary are ISIS |
| Anonymous Coward | 27 | 1,884 | (13) | today 11:00 AM | today 4:42 PM |
| Julian Assange Framed (Connection to Hillary, David Soloff Threatens Drone Strikes, Rockefeller Grant to Premise Data) Page 1, 2, 3, 4 |
| majestic12snp | 91 | 3,328 | (50) | 10/19/16 11:59 AM | today 4:24 PM |
| The Presidential Candidates are Fighting for the Right to Take Orders from The CIA for 8 years |
| Anonymous Coward | 7 | 422 | (6) | today 2:21 PM | today 4:09 PM |
| Did Max Spiers fake his death? |
| Anonymous Coward | 6 | 310 | (3) | 10/19/16 6:01 AM | 10/19/16 8:13 PM |
| Hillary's Campaign paid these people to inicite violence - it's confirmed |
| malvor | 20 | 1,324 | (16) | 10/17/16 3:55 PM | 10/17/16 11:27 PM |
| Jim Jordan Gets FBI Director To Confirm Cover Up of Evidence Tampering |
| malvor | 17 | 1,589 | (16) | today 10:52 AM | today 5:35 PM |
| Is it easier for gays to adopt? |
| Anonymous Coward | 0 | 2 | N/A | today 5:35 PM | today 5:35 PM |
| Is it OK to abort a baby just before birth? Page 1, 2 |
| Anonymous Coward | 35 | 321 | (4) | today 12:43 PM | today 5:35 PM |
| Metal Gear Trump -~-new Video-~- |
| NUFF' SAID | 9 | 212 | (6) | 10/19/16 5:30 PM | today 5:35 PM |
 | I may or may not know of time travel |
| Anonymous Coward | 18 | 223 | N/A | today 4:24 PM | today 5:35 PM |
| Once the PTB realize Hillary has Lost, LOTS of People are Going To DIE! |
| Flying Elvii | 22 | 509 | (2) | today 3:10 PM | today 5:35 PM |
| Now that Trump Slaughtered Hillary last night, What will she do for a living after Politics? Page 1, 2, 3, 4 |
| Anonymous Coward | 95 | 1,767 | (12) | today 11:32 AM | today 5:34 PM |
 | Westworld steal scenario from GLP !!?!? |
| zabalzis | 19 | 326 | (1) | 10/19/16 4:04 PM | today 5:34 PM |
 | Scientists Accidentally Discover Efficient Process to Turn CO2 Into Ethanol |
| Emiliano Zapata | 0 | 15 | N/A | today 5:34 PM | today 5:34 PM |
| Bisexual Satanist Sethikus Boza ready to "level up" with Sarah Adams |
| Anonymous Coward | 8 | 384 | (9) | 08/03/16 4:01 PM | today 5:34 PM |
| Stephen Hawking is a fraud |
| Anonymous Coward | 24 | 322 | (6) | today 4:33 PM | today 5:34 PM |
| I am Satan, there is no other, All Power belongs to me Page 1, 2, 3 |
| Satan | 64 | 620 | (7) | today 5:34 AM | today 5:34 PM |
| I'm getting targetted again |
| Neo | 12 | 330 | (5) | 10/19/16 4:01 PM | today 5:34 PM |
| Could any men here help me understand why my boyfriend spends so much time in the toilet? Page 1, 2, 3 |
| Loo | 70 | 1,514 | (5) | today 5:46 AM | today 5:34 PM |
| Belgian F16s shooting up village near Aleppo |
| redhouserebel | 15 | 282 | (2) | today 1:36 PM | today 5:34 PM |
| Anonymous Coward | 28 | 1,001 | (4) | today 3:50 PM | today 5:33 PM |
| Tired of Lame MEMES like "Chad" "Cuck" Etc? |
| Anonymous Coward | 12 | 96 | (2) | today 5:00 PM | today 5:33 PM |
| When I retire, I'm gonna be a gigolo |
| the deplorable last one | 5 | 59 | (2) | today 4:56 PM | today 5:33 PM |
 | Trump is up in the polls!!!! multiple ones!!! Page 1, 2, 3, 4 |
| Looking Around | 94 | 5,237 | (21) | today 12:19 PM | today 5:33 PM |
| Breaking!!! BUSH Emails PRES-ELECT OBAMA while votes are still being cast!! Proof 2008 Election was Rigged? |
| OldWhiteGuy | 4 | 94 | (1) | today 5:19 PM | today 5:32 PM |
| NYC dinner with Trump and Kilary: False flag incoming? |
| Anonymous Coward | 1 | 28 | N/A | today 5:31 PM | today 5:32 PM |
| I will be the next Prime Minister of USA and President of Canada. |
| NIcholas CT | 9 | 85 | (2) | today 1:28 PM | today 5:32 PM |
| THIS is What Happens When You Tell the Truth About Hillary on MSM |
| Anonymous Coward | 2 | 83 | N/A | today 5:13 PM | today 5:32 PM |
| GLP-Jukebox Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 6694, 6695, 6696, 6697, 6698, 6699, 6700, 6701 |
| CaptCarter | 201,008 | 3,269,843 | (1,094) | 12/01/12 12:30 AM | today 5:32 PM |
Military Coup & Invasion of Syria: Syrian Army Vows To Shoot Down
Turkish Jets Flying Over Syria After Earlier Strikes on SDF/YPG. p835 Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 829, 830, 831, 832, 833, 834, 835, 836 |
| < DL > | 25,069 | 1,286,836 | (538) | 07/15/16 3:31 PM | today 5:31 PM |
 | Mysterious dragon’ filmed flying through Chinese mountains (VIDEO) |
| ~•Sands Of Time•~ | 1 | 45 | (1) | today 5:31 PM | today 5:31 PM |
| Trump deciding whether or not to concede is pure BS |
| Anonymous Coward | 1 | 40 | N/A | today 5:26 PM | today 5:31 PM |
| Obama wiki release OUT now 1st batch |
| Anonymous Coward | 21 | 269 | (2) | today 5:10 PM | today 5:31 PM |
| LATEST RASMUSSEN ELECTION POLL: Trump 43%, Clinton 40% |
| Pericles the Deplorable | 2 | 80 | N/A | today 4:52 PM | today 5:31 PM |
| Just lost control of my Bank Account |
| Anonymous Coward | 28 | 653 | (2) | today 4:15 PM | today 5:30 PM |
| HIllary Clinton Gave Away National Secret On Live TV_Debate!!! |
| Anonymous Coward | 25 | 1,004 | (9) | today 2:54 AM | today 5:30 PM |
 | Change is in the air. |
| Anonymous Coward | 3 | 68 | N/A | today 5:22 PM | today 5:30 PM |
| If Presidents Are Merely Puppets |
| Rev Woo-Woo | 9 | 131 | (4) | today 1:45 PM | today 5:30 PM |
| Have any of you actually seen any Hillary signs on peoples lawns showing support? Page 1, 2 |
| Renegade Citizen | 47 | 509 | (6) | today 8:07 AM | today 5:30 PM |
| The World at War Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 1809, 1810, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815, 1816 |
| JazzyG | 54,475 | 1,326,484 | (793) | 03/31/15 6:28 PM | today 5:30 PM |
| Joe Scarborough Lashes Out At The Media, Defends Trump's Refusal To Say Whether He'd Accept Election Results |
| Deplorable Codfish | 1 | 41 | N/A | today 5:18 PM | today 5:30 PM |
| Woman mistakes town meeting for Donald Trump rally and smears 30 cars with smooth peanut butter in protest |
| Anonymous Coward | 12 | 311 | (2) | today 4:44 PM | today 5:30 PM |
 | Pacific NW--slammed with CHEMTRAILS--ANYONE ELSE???? Page 1, 2 |
| wk | 49 | 668 | (10) | 10/12/16 6:02 PM | today 5:30 PM |
 | BREAKING VIDEO ***Hillary's Press Sec. Feeding questions to reporters |
| Outraged | 1 | 62 | N/A | today 5:25 PM | today 5:30 PM |
 | A man's face is his autobiography, a woman's face is her work of fiction |
| Anonymous Coward | 13 | 171 | (5) | today 3:48 PM | today 5:29 PM |
| URGENT: Donald absolutely MUST use an ear-device in the debate on Monday! Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 |
| Anonymous Coward | 406 | 13,430 | (156) | 09/24/16 11:58 PM | today 5:29 PM |
| Tonight
Trump & Hill Face Off >one seat apart @ Political Roast Gala in
NYC w/ Cardinal Dolan between them.>LIVE LINK 8:50pm EDT < Page 1, 2 |
| LunaFlora | 55 | 1,723 | (16) | today 10:54 AM | today 5:29 PM |
| CANADIANS: Stand with me against the TPP by getting involved with LetsTalkTPP |
| Anonymous Coward | 9 | 74 | (2) | today 4:18 PM | today 5:28 PM |
| Sci-Fi
Cult of Evolution: How did it calculate the critical blood Ph at 7.35
and program lungs and kidneys to maintain it with no knowledge? |
| DGN | 13 | 132 | (3) | 10/19/16 10:00 PM | today 5:28 PM |
| The 10/19/2016 FINAL PRESIDENTIAL EVIL DEADBATE Thread and Drinking Game - Watch Live! Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158 |
| ScrumpTheDeplorableTexan | 4,719 | 147,120 | (108) | 10/19/16 12:00 PM | today 5:28 PM |
 | Celebrities "leaving" America if Trump is elected = code for HEADING FOR THE BUNKERS. |
| T minus... | 10 | 149 | (2) | today 4:57 PM | today 5:28 PM |
| October 8, 2016 Culminates The 50 Year Jubilee Since Israel Was Restored By Decree On June 28th, 1967 Page 1, 2 |
| Anonymous Coward | 49 | 1,398 | (40) | 10/07/16 6:12 AM | today 5:28 PM |
| Will Golden State Warriors Win The 2017 NBA Championship? |
| Javale McGee | 21 | 127 | (3) | today 4:22 PM | today 5:28 PM |
 | That time of year again! The FOURTH Annual GLP pumpkin carving contest is here! Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
| Chrit | 159 | 6,363 | (47) | 10/15/16 12:01 AM | today 5:28 PM |
 | Research: Ancient Europeans Ate Roasted Rodents |
| Anonymous Coward | 20 | 173 | (1) | today 2:50 PM | today 5:27 PM |
| It really must be the end of the world.… Cleveland is winning Championship's |
| Anonymous Coward | 2 | 38 | N/A | today 4:53 PM | today 5:27 PM |
| Middle East situation - military reports, videos, photos, discussion... Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 568, 569 |
| KneelB4Zod! | 17,045 | 389,537 | (326) | 12/12/15 2:22 PM | today 5:27 PM |
| ON
THE WAY TO WW3 - BREAKING: Turkey army intensifies shelling on Efrin
border areas, villages constantly targeted, civilian casualties!!!p.2103 Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 2098, 2099, 2100, 2101, 2102, 2103, 2104, 2105 |
| Luisport | 63,135 | 3,145,976 | (1,741) | 07/15/14 5:12 PM | today 5:27 PM |
 | I Thought About It And Trump Is Human Garbage. He's The 1%er Stereotype. |
| Anonymous Coward | 29 | 241 | (23) | today 3:05 PM | today 5:26 PM |
| The End Approaches - End Time Revelation - 30 Days to the Next Event Window |
| ARCLIGHT01 | 17 | 556 | (6) | 10/19/16 3:13 PM | today 5:26 PM |
| The Number 28? |
| Anonymous Coward | 24 | 424 | (2) | 10/19/16 6:48 PM | today 5:25 PM |
 | "Hillary Clinton tried to slap me and call me a pervert" |
| Eminem | 6 | 248 | (3) | 10/01/16 5:21 PM | today 5:25 PM |
 | Quantum Metaphysics: Reality, consciousness, time-space, mind, matter (We're opening a PORTAL to a new dimension! Page 8) Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 |
| Chaon | 213 | 10,615 | (95) | 05/11/16 12:17 AM | today 5:25 PM |
 | As an european, I REALLY hope that Trump.... |
| Anonymous Coward | 0 | 32 | N/A | today 5:24 PM | today 5:24 PM |
| Hillary lost 75 Lbs in 2 months.... something is very wrong with the Pics Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
| Mystical Life | 161 | 9,860 | (19) | today 7:55 AM | today 5:24 PM |
| Hillary Has a new campaign slogan! |
| Anonymous Coward | 3 | 55 | N/A | today 5:19 PM | today 5:24 PM |
| Two Media Slugs Destroying Our Country! |
| Anonymous Coward | 4 | 72 | N/A | today 1:42 PM | today 5:24 PM |
| I will tell you some secrets for no other reason than to jade my family. I am of the bloodlines. Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621 |
| Anonymous Coward | 18,627 | 617,510 | (280) | 06/24/16 6:17 PM | today 5:23 PM |
 | Online dating sucks for all guys, even CHADS |
| Anonymous Coward | 11 | 354 | (6) | today 1:03 PM | today 5:22 PM |
| The MONARCH Program is The Program for Royal Spawn in the United States |
| Anonymous Coward | 15 | 151 | (2) | today 11:30 AM | today 5:22 PM |
| If you live in Louisiana, watch the skies this Thursday, October 20, 2016 |
| X | 15 | 1,000 | (11) | 10/18/16 2:49 PM | today 5:21 PM |
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