
Monday, June 30, 2014

Do you Still want to Fight?

Do you want to fight?
Question is what are you fighting for?Is
it for the right reasons or
the wrong reasons if you are fighting for the
wrong reasons then don't fight at all
and rethink why you are fighting.

Friday, June 27, 2014

When all hope is lost

Have you ever felt hopeless?When something is not going the way
you planed or thought well sometimes when you thought you lost someone
they just end up being found by somebody else its incredible I mean
it just takes an unlikely people to find someone that's lost out of your whole neighborhood
only one found your lost relative or say a pet its happened to me today I was
worried because my cat has not returned from where ever she was at while
one of my relatives thought she got killed but then sometime in the afternoon I knew she couldn't
have gone far but yesterday I looked for clues to see if I would be able to determine
where my cat could have gone because she was gone for about 3 days I didn't find anything but a friend of mine yesterday told me she might have got taken to animal control
because my cat didn't have a collar on her so my cat decided several months ago to convert herself
to a outside kitty now months later (June 25th) she gets lost now today a friend of mine
found her it lifted my worry off her and I was very happy to see her again.Never give up hope even when things are not working out the way you wanted it to work out there is still hope
just hang on to that hope and anticipate the best things to happen to you.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

I'm taking a 3 day Challenge starting today

Me being on the computer almost all day practically
all day to the point one of my fingers said 'I can't take this any longer
give this computer a break!' even when my side of my arm
hurts from sleeping the wrong way and waking up to pay the consequences
It hurts even now I'm lucky that my arm is allowing me to type but
I am truly not going to let my arm kick the bucket.I'll give you updates in 2 days time

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

War part 3

War is not something you want to look forward
to its something that in the end it will haunt you perhaps for the
rest of your life and it can change your life forever especially
if you have family/relatives-----it would have an affect on them it wouldn't be something 
positive if you are dead of course but if you are lucky enough to survive
they would be very happy to see you and all that good stuff.It would be better to embrace the
life you were given and to tell the story and be happy you lived to tell the 
tale and pass it on to another generation and be proud you done something for your country and 
be proud to live in your country don't be ashamed to do it to let 
your relatives/Country know that you fought for them and everything we stand for.There's no regret except to the one who feels that they should have told their family 
of the war and learn from what you experienced doing the war and towards the end of the war if you
live through it and embrace the fact you are alive and you get to see 
your family again

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Let the music take you away

Kicking off the night with peaceful
music.It truly does tell a story just use your imagination
and make it go with this song and when
you do that just sit back,relax and let the music take you on a ride 

Friday, June 20, 2014

War part 2

The Gov. is pretty much changing the Constitution and also
taking away everything we stand for as a nation its practically sad that few of us
see that out of billions of people that are citizens of the United States
not to mention ''Somebody'' is letting illegal people into the United States without
giving them papers to fill out in order to be a Citizen of the United States
Here's one fact about me:I'm no news person I simply don't work for a news company
or no one I'm simply a citizen like you who's seeing this or a few of you are anyway
but the Gov.don't want us saying a thing about nothing that we see wrong with the Gov.
they are making what's right seem wrong and what's wrong right you see what I mean?
Crazy right?Absolutely I mean the Gov. is pretty much telling to and not to teach to students
Isn't it true that if you are going to get taught something in history you would one day have
avoided that if something bad happened a long time ago and come up with solutions to fix
the mess that someone made that way things will get better----Well the Gov. does not want that
do they?NO!not at all they are enjoying the amusement of making things hard for us instead of
making things easier for us and they are making if you want to one own a business or something
they are making that hard too if you have a dream that you really really want to pursue they
are making it impossible to make it happen its easy for other people because they have the money
to make it happen but not for most people.I don't have to provide links to nothing I mean you
probably heard it on the radio or television or 'some' Website that the gov. don't own.I was told that we will hear rumors of war are we hearing that yes and unfortunately we have 'Someone' weakling
our Military then again I bet some of you knew that already or some of you did not know that also
I already told you that the gov. is making things impossible for us to do certain things or pursue certain things like your goal.To me its like we are fighting a war on our home front and trying to push against all odds to make something happen.I say to you it takes some great leaders that's wise enough to move mountains-----If you move mountains you will see where you are going that way you will make the right turn instead of walking blind to a death trap if you fall into the death trap you are done because you were given a chance to make a difference but you decided to sit back and watch nations destroy each other until no one is left to tell a story and you happened to be in the mist of it and you got killed.But if you do the opposite you will make a difference and change the world and make the right decisions not for your own personal gain but for the people of your country and be proud to be a part of a great country you live in and be proud of what your country stands for and not letting anyone defy what your country stands for and believes in I don't care what people believe in as long as the believe in something like a greater power not of this world you know?And be proud of it and not criticize anybody for what they believe in I wouldn't care if they believed in some nature God or some graven image they made or whatever as long as they believe in something even if they don't believe in nothing I would still respect them anyway and treat them like family as we as a country should treat each other I mean we are humans for goodness sakes I mean can we stop killing each other? I mean if they are insane or doing something crazy do something about it I mean I'm not saying that its okay to kill people but if you are defending your family from lunatics then do what you can to defend your family or relatives or friends from those people and do your part to help the country out in a good way I don't care what you do as long as its something positive and making money for your family and stop complaining about how much the other persons making if you want to be in their field learn a skill and make something of yourself I don't care if you learn multiple skills that would help increase your pay by thousands of dollars I mean I'm no doctor or governor or any of those things but I am a type of person who is open to learn multiple skills and find out what I'm actually good at I mean wouldn't do the same?I would I mean if you came from a long line of musicians or something like that wouldn't you want to find out?Finding out what you are good at is great because then you can launch yourself on a path you want to take I mean it could be your career don't you think?Absolutely that's what I'll do If you're sick of the low pay do something about it don't just stand there and wait for something to happen before your eyes you got to move and find something better that pays well and learn a skill while you're at it don't let anyone including the Gov. stop you I mean there will be obstacles don't get me wrong but once you get to where you want to be there is no stopping you from achieving your dream why should the Gov. Stop you for?You should ask yourself that question if you have something in the inside of you the Gov. probably wants to take it from you like a thief robbing you of your possessions that some of those possessions you hold dear because it was handed down to you by your grandma or whoever and now you would never see them again because they took it from you.Sometimes you have to fight to get something they stole from you even if it takes tracking their license plate or something in order to find them and take back whats yours
and make something out of what ever talent or gift you have you don't have to steal from them to prove a point though but teach them something perhaps they will learn from you being a good example and they would possibly go on to teach people good things.

Thursday, June 19, 2014


War never was my favorite thing to talk about I mean
its sad and full of tragedy I mean its reality people die not
naturally obviously when they are fighting for they're country
-----for they're freedom and for they're family unfortunately
they are some that don't get to see they're family or they're uncles
or nephews or anybody they know because they got shot and killed
but right now what does that mean?Did they die in vain?That's a big
question only few could answer or more than twenty can answer
you know I love the bald eagle its our American symbol that's supposed
to mean something its supposed to make us proud of where we live
(country wise) I'm sure that somebody might kill me for saying the truth
because no one will accept the truth I mean we should know what the
truth is we all know the saying 'The truth will set us free' its not the same
if you live in lies you will stay blind until you see the light of truth
but if you don't see the light that means you refused to see the light of truth and
decided to remain blind----Its reality not fiction like a book that speaks of
fairy tales and all that good stuff which is cool and all but its not real of course
I'm not comfortable in how things are going I'm sure none of you are either
If I tell you I know or feel like I will not live to see my relatives who I hold dear
to my heart because someone shot me or attempted to assassinate me or kill me or not like the
game I watched someone play you know a game Assassins Creed?While the Assassin creeds
theme songs is on Spotify anyway the eagle -----Our Eagle is Slowly being taken away
you know how much people hate Israel?Well they hate it so much they want to wipe
it off the face of the Earth-----Which we know that of course also I'm convinced that soon we will enter WW3 I say soon because I don't know when this will happen but I feel we as humanity will
not survive since we are going to destroy each other which is Terrifying really of course what about
the people going to mars will they survive?That's also a big question that depends of the sun
if it blows up or not also we have a enemy that is obviously not on our side and is power hungry
and enforce unjust stuff to control us obviously limit us and things like that and you know about
the 1 world gov. That one we heard about on youtube well that might happen unless we stop it I mean
It seems to me no one on this country is our ally (A specific place in this country)
If you want to fight for the right reasons go ahead and fight but if you fight for the wrong reasons you might as well not fight at all.And that's the truth everywhere you go also in some churches they
are changing things to please other people Why?You have to research the answer yourself I mean I can't do everything for you only you can do that also if you see corruption do something about it and
do what you have to do to survive also We know the Gov. is doing crazy stuff right now I can't talk about it now I'm too tired to talk about it I'm practically beat I'll talk to you tomorrow

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A crazy moment with a Spider

There was someone that woke up to a spider staring at
them one day and he freaked out so the spider explained himself and said this:
You wouldn't believe that spider would you shoot I bet when I go to sleep and wake up
the next day and when I go to the bathroom I will notice a spider bump on my cheek and the best explanation will be:'The spider just wanted to kiss me goodnight before it goes about its business'
That's why I don't trust a spider in my house I would never know its intentions of being in my house until tomorrow---if I wake up tomorrow

Has this happened to you?

Has this happened to you when you are sleeping peacefully
all of a sudden your wife wakes you up for no reason and you try
to go back to sleep because its to early for you to wake up And you are like this 'Let me sleep
honey its to early or if its your child he'll be like 'Mom let me sleep for one more minute!!"

If I don't wake up now I'm going to do something crazy

If I don't wake up now I'm going to do something crazy I need up only you can help me wake up

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Learning to give and do the right thing

To me there is only one true failure in life.

“Failure is knowing that you can make a difference in someone’s life but You CHOOSE not to!”- David L. Hill

Monday, June 9, 2014

Count your blessings

That's the problem with some people today they are not thankful for what they have instead they complain and want more instead of being thankful for what they have its sad really.

Friday, June 6, 2014


I've noticed how cranky the game was being towards
me since I pretty much in the game Age of Mythology I reach some new age with
the wisdom or whatever some God in the game helped me
(Whatever his or her name) got me to a new age and got me some nice looking warriors
and bull-like creatures and other things and me and the computer
had pretty much the same God just if you move up in the new age up to the Titan age you
get to worship new 4 Gods it doesn't matter what his or name was
and you get Demi-Gods to I'm not able to post the game here since I don't know how to do that
but anyways the computer I was playing against was cranky and we are on islands right
and the computer cheated and used one of those underworld passages
to get to my island and I was in a hurry and his army appeared out of nowhere and attacked me
it was crazy its like it brought the war to me it was awful and I ended up losing my men
while trying to fight off monsters I almost had it but then the computer pulled a fast one on me and defeated me I was so upset at it I'm just glad I didn't light up the computer
Because I know I would have to pay for it in the long run but it was fun I enjoyed it awhile ago me
and my ally was pretty much having a hard time trying to defeat the enemy while taking over the island and getting it set up I have to give credit to my ally for helping me while he was distracting the
enemy and drawing its attention so that I would catch up when I have enough logs and money and enough siege weapons to destroy the enemy so then I helped defend his village he would have lost all his villagers but we worked together and came up with a way to defeat the enemy so we concentrated on the main island while I defended his island and mine of course then later on in the heat of battle we unlocked the secrets of the Titans and as my ally was leading the attack on the enemy I was busy trying to release the Titan as my ally did on the enemies island which unfortunately it failed but we managed to take down the enemies Titan with strong siege weapons on the stuff and we ended the battle with a bang with my siege weapons I transported from my island with my transporter ship
then the final count down when I was about to destroy the enemies crops when we won the fight
The in case you haven't played its the second video below it will give you a Tutorial about it and what you need to know about the Gods in the game :)
If you find the game challenging don't be discouraged ----its a strategy game if something doesn't work try a different approach with another strategy that's what I do even if I get a little upset I get over it and find another way to defeat the enemy ----Its all about patience if you have patience you
will be able to defeat the enemy

Thursday, June 5, 2014

If the media told the truth

If the media told the truth I think we
can form a solution to a problem without to
much violence,we can make the world
a better place and make reasonable decisions
and follow the constitution and not put
each other down no matter if we have a different
religion we can respect what each other believes in
it doesn't matter what it is and respect each others
opinions without having to kill each other or
argue or nothing like that and perhaps not punish everyone
for what one person did and punish the one who did it
and be united in unity and follow our dreams and be a great
country and not make things hard on one another
I mean isn't that what people want I mean everyone should want that
to happen also we should be proud to wear our American flag
shirt even the young people I mean its a shirt that we should be proud of.


Wednesday, June 4, 2014


If you train yourself to be the best that you can be
you will be the best if you train yourself to be a programer
you must know math (Given) the same with other jobs.
If you want to succeed you must Push harder than you ever
pushed before I don't care how hard it is no matter if the world
says you can't do it!!If YOU know you can do it do it!!!Don't let anyone
stop you if you have to cut them from your life to archive whatever
it is you want to archive do it even if it will sadden them its not about them
its about YOU and when you archive it,They will regret what they
said because you made them eat there words :) and they will be proud of you
There's no need for them to be jealous or hate perhaps they will work for
you one day :) If you trained yourself to work hard and succeed you
WILL succeed  if you believe you can archive something you will archive it
if you don't believe you can archive something you won't archive it
and things will be harder on you.

Try me

Test me see that I won't break the dam so that my
revenge won't hurt no one try me hopefully I will still be like the still waters.Try my currents
if you like but if you ride the wrong current you are out of luck for hungry sharks are lurking there  
see to it that you don't ride that current if you do you became food for sharks.
Try my patience watch and see that I will remain calm until I lose my patience with you and turn
into a different person that you will not like to see.Try reading my story maybe you will understand me.Everyday is a new chapter added to the story whether it is a good or bad but its the twist in the story that will be the most intriguing part of the story.But to think that you learned everything there will be more chapters added and it might be difficult but it would be worth making the effort -If you dare.Try me but watch my currents they may not all lead to the same place but go whether to the good current where you will find peace and joy but to get to that you need to first find the first chapter and read from there but it would be in order.Good luck

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Not letting anyone break you

Any wall can withstanding some siege type machines
but what's precious is the heart----love without that it would be tough
being nice to people and respecting them.There could be
so much crap that you have to put up with in your life I am a witness to
that myself ----People will and always talk about you no matter
where you could be it doesn't matter if you are near or away from them
they will talk about you behind you're back but are you going to
let that bother you no!!!I have my own life to live and enjoy
I don't have room to blow up on them curse them out,beat them up I can have
people that might talk about me or not but I rather live a life
of happiness not pain there is to much going on in the world to be miserable don't you agree?


Let your true colors shine
like the sun let no dark cloud cover you
let no one bring out the worse in you
but bring out the best if you let them bring
out the worse you will be unstable
and you will destroy everything in your path