
Friday, June 6, 2014


I've noticed how cranky the game was being towards
me since I pretty much in the game Age of Mythology I reach some new age with
the wisdom or whatever some God in the game helped me
(Whatever his or her name) got me to a new age and got me some nice looking warriors
and bull-like creatures and other things and me and the computer
had pretty much the same God just if you move up in the new age up to the Titan age you
get to worship new 4 Gods it doesn't matter what his or name was
and you get Demi-Gods to I'm not able to post the game here since I don't know how to do that
but anyways the computer I was playing against was cranky and we are on islands right
and the computer cheated and used one of those underworld passages
to get to my island and I was in a hurry and his army appeared out of nowhere and attacked me
it was crazy its like it brought the war to me it was awful and I ended up losing my men
while trying to fight off monsters I almost had it but then the computer pulled a fast one on me and defeated me I was so upset at it I'm just glad I didn't light up the computer
Because I know I would have to pay for it in the long run but it was fun I enjoyed it awhile ago me
and my ally was pretty much having a hard time trying to defeat the enemy while taking over the island and getting it set up I have to give credit to my ally for helping me while he was distracting the
enemy and drawing its attention so that I would catch up when I have enough logs and money and enough siege weapons to destroy the enemy so then I helped defend his village he would have lost all his villagers but we worked together and came up with a way to defeat the enemy so we concentrated on the main island while I defended his island and mine of course then later on in the heat of battle we unlocked the secrets of the Titans and as my ally was leading the attack on the enemy I was busy trying to release the Titan as my ally did on the enemies island which unfortunately it failed but we managed to take down the enemies Titan with strong siege weapons on the stuff and we ended the battle with a bang with my siege weapons I transported from my island with my transporter ship
then the final count down when I was about to destroy the enemies crops when we won the fight
The in case you haven't played its the second video below it will give you a Tutorial about it and what you need to know about the Gods in the game :)
If you find the game challenging don't be discouraged ----its a strategy game if something doesn't work try a different approach with another strategy that's what I do even if I get a little upset I get over it and find another way to defeat the enemy ----Its all about patience if you have patience you
will be able to defeat the enemy

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