
Monday, November 14, 2016

Blacklised news

Soros And Liberal Mega-Donors Plot For War With Donald Trump

George Soros and other liberal mega-donors are gathering in Washington for a three-day, closed-door meeting where they will discuss opposing Trump’s plan for his first 100 days in office.

Turkey’s Operation Euphrates Shield is Shielding What?

Turkey, in a bid to legitimize its uninvited, illegal incursion into northern Syria, has created several media platforms specifically reporting on what it calls “Operation Euphrates Shield.” Operation Euphrates Shield, according to official Turkish government statements, aims at “securing” a buffer zone in northern Syria spanning from the Euphrates river in the east and extending all the way to Azaz in the west. This is also coincidentally the exact same buffer zone US policy think tanks have called for since at least 2012 – specifically seeking Turkey to implement it.
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UK could become part of new trade area with the US, Canada and Mexico after Brexit

Britain could become an “associate” member of a new North American Free Trade Area (Nafta) once Brexit has taken place, it has emerged. The prospect of the UK becoming part of a North American trade bloc under Mr Trump’s presidency could be on the cards with the heightened flexibility Brexit is expected to bring and the President-elect’s disapproval of the deal in its current form.
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Julian Assange — ‘Google is Not What it Seems’ — They ‘Do Things the CIA Cannot’

Julian Assange cautioned all of us a while back, in the vein of revelations similar to those provided by Edward Snowden, that Google — the insidious search engine with a reputation for powering humanity’s research — plays the dark hand role in furthering U.S. imperialism and foreign policy agendas. Now, as the Wikileaks founder faces days of questioning by a Swedish special prosecutor over rape allegations inside his Ecuadorian Embassy haven in London today — and particularly in wake of the presidential election — Assange’s warning Google “is not what it seems” must be revisited.
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Putin And Trump Hold Phone Conversation, Agree To Normalize Relations

Moments ago the Kremlin released a statement in which the Russian presidency reported that Putin and Trump held a conversation, in which the Russian leader congratulated his American counterpart again on his victory in the presidential election, wished him "success in the implementation of the pre-election program, and noted his willingness to build a partnership dialogue with the new administration on the principles of equality, mutual respect and non-interference in the internal affairs of each other."
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Donald Trump is about to be briefed on the US’s ‘deep secrets’

One of the most important phases of the transition to power for President-elect Donald Trump includes briefings on U.S. intelligence capabilities and secret operations as well as separate descriptions of the extraordinary powers he will have over the military, especially contingency plans to use nuclear weapons, according to officials. In 2008, after then-President-elect Obama was given one sensitive intelligence briefing at a secure facility in Chicago, he joked, “It’s good that there are bars on the windows here because if there weren’t, I might be jumping out.”
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The Far Left Is Planning The Biggest Political Protest In United States History For Inauguration Day

We have seen very large protests in major cities all over America since Donald Trump won the election, but the biggest one of all is being planned for January 20th. Radical leftists are calling for thousands upon thousands of activists to descend upon Washington D.C. on Inauguration Day, and they are planning to disrupt the inauguration festivities as much as they possibly can. And if you doubt that the “Not My President” movement can pull this off, you may want to consider that 25,000 protesters showed up in New York City on Saturday on very short notice. These people are bitter, angry, frustrated and incredibly motivated. At this point they still have more than two months to organize their forces, and many are expecting that this is going to be the most chaotic Inauguration Day in American history.
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Trump and Brexit Defeat Globalism, but For How Long?

Trumpism as a stress test for democracy …. A series of populist anti-globalism shocks is a test for Western democracies. Trump’s stunning ascent to the White House is the clearest signal yet of an anti-establishment revolt unfolding in major democracies, stretching across the Atlantic. – Swiss Info Tech Was Trump’s victory actually created by the very globalist elites that Trump is supposed to have overcome?
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Now It’s a Crime to Make Your Own Medical Decisions?

Regardless of where one is in the great vaccine debate I think most of us can agree that the state should not have the authority to FORCIBLY vaccinate people. Additionally Americans should understand that vaccines are good business for some drug manufacturers. Manufactures who have lobbyists. Think about that for a second.
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Fearmongering Propaganda Is Immensely Profitable... And Distracting

If you want to stop being played as a chump, turn off the CNN/MSM and disengage from the self-referential social media distraction. Let's start by asking: if Trump had lost and his supporters had angrily taken to the streets, destroying private property and threatening police officers while proclaiming "not my president," would the mainstream media have characterized the rioters differently than it has the pro-Clinton rioters? Any fair-minded observer knows the answer is yes: the CNN/MSM would have lambasted the "rioting deplorables" as "what's wrong with America."
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Kremlin Gains Two More European Allies As Bulgaria, Moldova Elect Pro-Russian Presidents

The good news just keeps going Putin's way. Just days after Trump defeated the Kremlin's nemesis Hillary Clinton, and at the same time as NATO is panicking over a potential shift in strategy and funding by the Trump administration and as Russian forces prepare for another blitz assault on Syria to cement their hold over Syria, on Sunday pro-Russian candidates won presidential elections in Moldova and Bulgaria on Sunday, giving Moscow new allies in its efforts to regain influence in parts of Eastern Europe it regards as its backyard. And while Russia is the clear winner, one loser to emerge bruised from the two votes is the European Union.
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Donald Trump's First Interview Since Winning The Election: Key Highlights And Full Transcript

As CBS' Lesley Stahl summarized the interview, "what we discovered in Mr. Trump’s first television interview as president-elect, was that some of his signature issues at the heart of his campaign were not meant to be taken literally, but as opening bids for negotiation. Before we get into the nuances of Trump's interview whose full transcript is presented at the end of this post, for those pressed for time here are the key highlights from Trump's interview
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Army Special Forces soldiers killed in Jordan were working for the CIA

The three Army Special Forces soldiers killed at a Jordanian military base this month were working for a CIA program to train moderate Syrian fighters when they were shot at a checkpoint under still-unclear circumstances, U.S. officials said. The Nov. 4 slayings of the three soldiers is believed to be the deadliest single incident involving a CIA team since December 2009, when seven officers and contractors were killed in a suicide bombing in Khost, Afghanistan.
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