
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

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The Source Of Our Rage: The Ruling Elite Is Protected For The Consequences Of Its Dominance

There are many sources of rage: injustice, the destruction of truth, powerlessness. But if we had to identify the one key source of non-elite rage that cuts across all age, ethnicity, gender and regional boundaries, it is this: The Ruling Elite is protected from the destructive consequences of its predatory dominance. We see this reality across the entire political, social and economic landscape.
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Social Justice Warriors Besiege Trump Tower - Live Feed

Seemingly unwilling to accept the results of the democratic selection of the nation's leader for the next four years, hundreds of grieving Hillary Clinton supporters are laying siege to Trump Tower in New York City. Screaming "Fuck Donald Trump", yelling "Not My President", chanting "Pussy Grabs Back", and burning the American flag, it appears these young millennials are just the kind of deplorables this country should be proud of...

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European Politicians Terrified By "Horror Scenario" After Brexit, Trump

First it was Brexit, then there was Trump. Two "shocking" events that nobody in the media, markets or punditry could admit could possibly happen. They happened... and that's just the beginning - as we showed last night, the political calendar over the next two years is only heating up, with countless potential "black swan" events - often involving nationalist tendencies or outright separatism, and further hits to the establishment status quo - on the horizon.
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The U.S./Turkey Plan For “Seizing, Holding, And Occupying” Syrian Territory In Raqqa

As the U.S. Presidential selection circus draws to a close, the United States and Turkey have announced a new plan to defeat ISIS, the same terrorist organization both countries have created, funded, armed, and facilitated, in Syria. The plan revolves around the conquering, occupation, and governing of sovereign Syrian territory in the East, most notably Raqqa. According to the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Joseph Dunford, after meeting with his Turkish counterpart, that “The coalition and Turkey will work together on the long-term plan for seizing, holding and governing Raqqa.”
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Nestlé Just Granted Permit To Double Water Extraction 120 Miles From Flint, MI

Nestlé is at it again. Recently publicly condemned for pumping 36 million gallons of water from Strawberry Creek in the San Bernardino National Forest, paying a meager $524 annually for a permit thatexpired long ago, the multi-national company is now planning to milk the citizens of Flint, Michigan, to keep their water privatization plan afloat. Nestlé was just given a permit to almost double the groundwater they extract from the Michigan area amidst the recent Flint water crisis. This means the company will be taking more than 210 million gallons annually while many Flint residents are still suffering from the long-term effects of lead exposure.
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Rioting Snowflakes: Hillary Fanatics Burn Flag, Threaten To Kill

America's pampered snowflakes, attending liberal universities all around the country, were apparently "triggered" by Trump's victory last night which caused them to take to the streets in protest. "Fuck Donald Trump" and "Not My President" seemed to be the preferred rallying cries of these pampered, entitled youth as they took to the streets and destroyed public property.
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Schools offer counseling to help students process Trump win

Virginia Tech will be offering counseling to its students who are “waking up with fear, anxiety, concern, questions, and confusion” over the election of Donald Trump. In an email to “students, colleagues, [and] friends,” VT’s director of intercultural engagement center, Tricia Smith, writes that she wants all members of the school community “to hear clearly that you are loved.”
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Dow surges 300 points, tracking for record close after Trump election win

U.S. stocks surged more than 1 percent Wednesday with financials and health care leading after Republican Donald Trump won the presidential election, defying market expectations for a Hillary Clinton win. The day's rally took the major averages within 2 percent of their all-time intraday highs, and marked a stunning recovery from a sharp plunge in stock index futures overnight. Trade volume Wednesday was roughly 12 billion shares, the highest since the surprise U.K. vote to leave the European Union in June.
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GLOBALIST DESPAIR: Disbelief, questions at United Nations after Trump victory

The election of Donald Trump as the next U.S. president was met with disbelief and despondency on Wednesday among some United Nations officials and diplomats amid uncertainty surrounding his foreign policy and likely engagement with the world body. Trump, a Republican, has described the 71-year-old United Nations as weak and incompetent and threatened to pull out of a global deal to combat climate change - a cornerstone of the legacy of U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon, who steps down at the end of 2016 after serving two five-year terms as secretary-general.
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Hillary's Concession Speech - "This Is Painful, And It Will Be For A Very Long Time”

After refusing to address supporters last night in New York, Hillary finally took the stage, only an hour behind schedule, to make her last speech as a Democratic nominee for President this afternoon. As she seemingly fought back tears during the entire speech, Hillary admitted that, like it or not, "Donald Trump is going to be our president and we owe him an open mind and a chance to lead.”
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Hillary Clinton gives concession speech after losing US election

Hillary Clinton says she hopes Donald Trump will be “a successful president” for all Americans, as she stressed it was important to accept the result of the US election. The Democratic candidate has spoken publically for the first time since losing the race to Trump. “Last night I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country. I hope that he will be a president for all of our country,” Clinton told a cheering crowd at the Wyndham New Yorker hotel in Manhattan.
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Putin Congratulates Trump, Says Russia Is Ready To Restore Relations With The US

Perhaps the most beneficial outcome resulting from last night's loss of the Clinton Clan's loss, whose "charitable" donations to the Clinton Foundation from generous donors such as Saudi Arabia just ended, is that with Hillary not in charge, the probability of World War III has been taken off the table. This was confirmed early this morning, When Russian President Vladimir Putin - whose relations with the US and Barack Obama have deteriorated to Cold War levels - congratulated Donald Trump for his election victory on Wednesday, and said he expected relations between the Kremlin and Washington to improve.
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