
Monday, November 21, 2016

Sean Hannity news


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WATCH: Mike Pence Responds To 'Hamilton-Gate'

November 20, 2016
Vice President Elect Mike Pence is responding to the political lecture he received from the cast of the Broadway show Hamilton.


Radio Show Recap: Nov 18

November 18, 2016
Special guest host Mark Simone; Lou Dobbs shares how he feels about Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and the rest of the swamp; Pollster Pat Cadell


Here's A List Of World Leaders President Elect Trump Has Spoken To So Far

November 18, 2016
Donald Trump had his first face-to-face meeting with a foreign head of state on Thursday.


Sean Hannity Shuts Down A CNN Hack

November 18, 2016
Maybe CNN shouldn't throw stones on 'Fake News'.



WATCH: An Emotional Donald Trump Discusses His Siblings With TMZ's...

November 18, 2016
Trump gives us a tour of his Trump Tower apartment.


Trump Makes THREE Major Staff Announcements

November 18, 2016
The President-Elect has chosen three individuals to fill top National Security positions on his staff.


Radio Show Recap: Nov 17

November 17, 2016
Donald Trump economic plan will get America working again. Austan Goolsbee joins Sean to discuss; An update on a former Miss USA who was targeted...


The Radio Silence Of Jamie Dupree

November 17, 2016
For regular listeners to The Sean Hannity Show, a voice has been conspicuously absent through much of the 2016 election: the voice of WSB's...


REPORT: Mitt Romney For Secretary Of State?

November 17, 2016
Could Donald Trump be considering Mitt Romney for Secretary of State?



Donald Trump Announces His First 'Drain The Swamp' Measure

November 17, 2016
President-Elect Donald Trump ran on a promise to 'drain the swamp' in D.C. and he's now implemented one measure to achieve that goal.


WATCH: Clinton Says She's Struggled To Leave The House Since Losing The...

November 17, 2016
Hillary Clinton gave her first speech since losing the presidential election.


Hannity to Liberal 'Crybabies': Toughen Up and Get Over Yourselves

November 17, 2016
Loony liberal crybabies need to get over themselves and accept the fact that Donald Trump will be our next president.


Radio Show Recap: Nov 16

November 16, 2016
Newt Gingrich talks about what role, if any, he will have in Trump's administration; Author Ed Klein discusses the rumors that Hillary went...

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