Election exodus: Canadians invite 4 states to secede from US

In a gesture to ease the pain of Americans unhappy with the
presidential election result, a group of Canadians have invited the
residents of California, Oregon, Washington and Nevada – where Donald
Trump lost to Hillary Clinton – to secede and join Canada.
“Dear California, Oregon, Washington – I’m sure we can work something out if you want to join Canada,” tweeted Chad Harris, a reporter from Kamloops, British Columbia.“To the west coast of the United States, if you want to you can all become Canadian Provinces, since you voted closer to the experiences we have as Canadian,” Andrew Mercier, from Calgary, wrote on Facebook. “Therefore WA, OR, NV, and CA you are now provinces, also bring all the goodness that you have to us!!!” the Canadian added.
UPDATED: Someone created a map. #USElection2016pic.twitter.com/oSd2jok6wh— Chad Harris (@ChadHarrisBC) 13 ноября 2016 г.
“Dear Canada,
We, the fine people of Washington, Oregon, and California, wish to secede. We offer our people, our land, and our resources to you, Oh Canada. We promise not to fight this, but instead, to fight FOR this. Although, you being…you know…Canadians, we’re confident in a polite transition as we become your fourth territory, Washorefornia.
Or Calorington.
We’re fine with either.
Just please take us.
Pretty please?”
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