| Thread | | Poster | Replies | Views | Rating | Posted | Updated |
 | Do You Know Someone Suffering From Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder (TARD)? Know the Signs, Spot the Symptoms, Save a Life Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
| Salt | 158 | 4,640 | (134) | today 10:56 AM | today 2:16 PM |
| We Gen X are it Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
| Anonymous Coward | 163 | 4,986 | (33) | today 1:25 AM | today 2:19 PM |
| Expect just the following horrifying scenario will be played out within days!!!! Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 |
| Anonymous Coward | 247 | 14,460 | (80) | today 12:52 AM | today 2:19 PM |
| Mind blowing analysis of the Clinton crime syndicate, you must watch this! |
| DeplorableMsAphrodite | 21 | 893 | (14) | today 1:06 PM | today 2:18 PM |
| Chicago Water Purification Plant Trespasser w/ Pakistan Passport & Duffle Bag Detained, Released, Then Disappears |
| Anonymous Coward | 27 | 1,122 | (10) | today 10:02 AM | today 2:17 PM |
| Rich Plan Underground Doomsday Neighborhood |
| Tess. | 16 | 900 | (6) | today 9:18 AM | today 2:17 PM |
| Neil Cavuto on Fox News this morning with open box of ***PIZZA*** saying today is national PIZZA day...can't make this shit up. Page 1, 2 |
| Trumpet Blows For Republic | 36 | 871 | (6) | today 11:52 AM | today 2:16 PM |
| The
taking down of Hillary Clinton, video of those that did &
| savcash | 20 | 2,673 | (12) | today 2:26 AM | today 2:16 PM |
| BREAKING: Scumbag Soros being charged by slain Dallas Officers family now! Page 1, 2, 3 |
| Anonymous Coward | 71 | 5,698 | (65) | today 12:40 AM | today 2:15 PM |
| 7 Harsh Realities Of Life Millennials Need To Understand Page 1, 2, 3 |
| CitizenPerth | 62 | 3,682 | (28) | today 5:27 AM | today 2:13 PM |
| New York Times: We blew it on Trump Page 1, 2, 3, 4 |
| Anonymous Coward | 96 | 5,833 | (15) | today 6:25 AM | today 2:05 PM |
| MUSLIM MELTDOWN on NYC subway after Donald Trump victory Page 1, 2, 3, 4 |
| serkok | 93 | 4,983 | (22) | today 8:30 AM | today 2:05 PM |
| Hartford PUBLIC Schools issue this letter...to help with the trauma of the "Protected Classes" Page 1, 2, 3 |
| Anonymous Coward | 79 | 2,973 | (10) | 11/11/16 6:11 PM | today 1:26 PM |
| A Voter Revolution = {Published 11-5-16} Says the Lord Jesus Christ = Trump Will Win {Published 11-8-16; 9:08am} FULFILLED!!! Page 1, 2, 3 |
| Once4All | 62 | 1,662 | (19) | 11/09/16 9:45 AM | today 1:23 PM |
| The Mark of the Beast - Third Angel's Message Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 |
| Anonymous Coward | 1,369 | 124,016 | (458) | 12/01/14 9:55 AM | today 12:13 PM |
| Trump protestors are the scorpions with tail that sting in revelation 9. They wear Safety Pins! Lasts 5 months. |
| alex | 5 | 47 | N/A | today 12:09 PM | today 2:20 PM |
Military Coup & Invasion of Syria: Turkey carries out first
airstrikes in Syria since being grounded by Russian air defenses. p897 Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 873, 874, 875, 876, 877, 878, 879, 880 |
| < DL > | 26,386 | 1,342,750 | (594) | 07/15/16 3:31 PM | today 2:20 PM |
| TRUMPS SAYS: GIVE ME YOUR IDEAS, to Make America Great Again. (Link to Webpage) |
| rodom74 | 17 | 315 | (3) | 11/11/16 8:19 PM | today 2:19 PM |
| I tried doing this for my husband and threw my back out |
| Anonymous Coward | 23 | 523 | (4) | today 11:24 AM | today 2:19 PM |
| Islam awakening the white man |
| Anonymous Coward | 30 | 457 | (7) | today 10:23 AM | today 2:19 PM |
 | OFFICER DOWN! : Anchorage Alaska Police Officer Shot Multiple Times in "Ambush" |
| Anonymous Coward | 5 | 130 | (4) | today 1:07 PM | today 2:19 PM |
| So Obama was Satan and now they claim Trump is Jesus ? |
| Anonymous Coward | 10 | 102 | (3) | 11/09/16 3:19 PM | today 2:19 PM |
| My Take On Saudi Arabia and the Shit Storm we Are In Today. Page 1, 2 |
| Anderson_G | 41 | 781 | (12) | 10/20/16 5:26 AM | today 2:19 PM |
| Earthquake Alert~Always Updated*5.5 South of Fiji Islands ~ Pg 6679 Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 6672, 6673, 6674, 6675, 6676, 6677, 6678, 6679 |
| Simple27 | 200,356 | 4,300,898 | (3,965) | 10/22/13 11:55 PM | today 2:19 PM |
| Why is Obama running scared? |
| The Deplorable BeenAround | 2 | 104 | N/A | today 1:45 PM | today 2:19 PM |
| It’s funny that a Mormon would teach me to trust God again. |
| strgzr | 1 | 21 | N/A | today 1:57 PM | today 2:19 PM |
| Who Are The 538 Electoral Voters?? |
| RC68 | 1 | 54 | N/A | today 8:28 AM | today 2:19 PM |
 | My duaghters boyfriened wants to sleep with me |
| Need Numbertards | 10 | 299 | (8) | today 1:53 PM | today 2:19 PM |
 | Your Taxes Please President Elect Trump? Page 1, 2 |
| Big Duke6 | 34 | 352 | (15) | today 12:07 PM | today 2:18 PM |
 | Trump tells Netenyahu that he will name Jerusalem the capital of Israel and move the U.S. embassy there. |
| Anonymous Coward | 17 | 322 | (1) | today 4:45 AM | today 2:18 PM |
| What are you living for? |
| Anonymous Coward | 28 | 218 | N/A | today 12:14 PM | today 2:18 PM |
| Seeing less things this year, How about you? |
| Anonymous Coward | 0 | 10 | N/A | today 2:18 PM | today 2:18 PM |
| Muslims lying about being attacked by Trump supporters. |
| Anonymous Coward | 0 | 8 | N/A | today 2:18 PM | today 2:18 PM |
| If you dont send me my money the selective agent will kill both of us |
| Anonymous Coward | 4 | 53 | N/A | today 1:57 PM | today 2:18 PM |
| Trump refuses salary!! |
| Wolfen /v\ | 28 | 696 | (3) | today 11:38 AM | today 2:18 PM |
| Aryans of GLP |
| Anonymous Coward | 21 | 197 | (3) | today 12:38 PM | today 2:18 PM |
| MsMc | 3 | 52 | (3) | today 2:09 PM | today 2:18 PM |
| Why Trump Protesters Are Freaking Out |
| zinzana | 4 | 178 | (2) | 11/11/16 6:34 PM | today 2:17 PM |
| When Will We See Hillary being pushed around in a wheelchair? |
| GeijutsuDoku | 2 | 24 | N/A | today 1:52 PM | today 2:17 PM |
| Why is glp obsessed with yoga pants |
| Mayonnaise | 9 | 87 | N/A | today 2:05 PM | today 2:17 PM |
| I Live To Inspire Others To Greatness Page 1, 2 |
| Anonymous Coward | 46 | 175 | (3) | today 1:28 PM | today 2:17 PM |
| Well, the whack-a-doodle nut jobs are back here in force since the election has been over. |
| Anonymous Coward | 0 | 6 | N/A | today 2:17 PM | today 2:17 PM |
 | The electoral college will not vote for trump Page 1, 2 |
| COLD DEAD HANDS | 32 | 535 | (12) | today 12:30 PM | today 2:17 PM |
| Merry Christmas Killary |
| Proud Deplorable Cybored | 3 | 63 | (1) | today 12:00 PM | today 2:17 PM |
| India bans large denomination currency! That's one way to fight corruption and tax-cheats |
| Anonymous Coward | 1 | 6 | N/A | today 2:15 PM | today 2:17 PM |
 | My Last Warning To All. (VIDEO - 1st read then watch!) |
| Anonymous Coward | 5 | 327 | (8) | today 9:12 AM | today 2:17 PM |
 | Kirk Douglas is 100 years old in 4 weeks |
| Anonymous Coward | 4 | 75 | N/A | today 2:07 PM | today 2:17 PM |
| 2016 Election: More protests planned for Saturday Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 |
| Baltimoran | 339 | 7,157 | (8) | 11/07/16 11:34 PM | today 2:17 PM |
| Dark Heart, Co-Hosts, and Guests Transcript Archive (Ongoing) |
| XJDUB | 1 | 19 | N/A | 11/08/16 12:57 PM | today 2:16 PM |
 | Nibiru: We're All Going To Die. And Why That's Okay. Page 1, 2, 3 |
| Introvert87 | 61 | 1,785 | (13) | 11/11/16 12:46 AM | today 2:16 PM |
 | OFFICERS DOWN! : Two Boise Idaho Cops Shot During Yard-to-Yard Search for Shooter |
| Anonymous Coward | 10 | 163 | (3) | today 1:13 PM | today 2:16 PM |
| Choking video of Hillary's reaction when she lost the election. Page 1, 2 |
| I told you so | 60 | 10,379 | (45) | today 6:38 AM | today 2:16 PM |
| A short history of US using Depleted Uranium and other Biological Weapons Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
| Anonymous Coward | 122 | 6,485 | (43) | 03/24/15 4:36 AM | today 2:16 PM |
| Oh
boy, when NWO Satanists wake up & learn that they were fatally
misled by the Anti-Christ, him being on God's pay roll all along Page 1, 2 |
| Anonymous Coward | 38 | 1,191 | (8) | 08/06/16 5:36 AM | today 2:16 PM |
| I have a lot of credit with any good sane guy of the planet...any bad guy who wants to buy it for 1/1000 ?? |
| Anonymous Coward | 4 | 41 | N/A | today 1:49 PM | today 2:16 PM |
| No, Donald Trump Did Not Abandon Promise to Repeal Obamacare |
| me777 | 5 | 146 | (6) | today 11:20 AM | today 2:16 PM |
| Theres no reason for the media to constantly cover the protests |
| Anonymous Coward | 14 | 94 | N/A | today 1:30 PM | today 2:16 PM |
| Donald Trump: I may not repeal Obamacare, President-elect says in major U-turn Page 1, 2 |
| Anonymous Coward | 36 | 789 | (13) | today 11:04 AM | today 2:15 PM |
| 46 Million People on EBT (Welfare) |
| BeelzeBob | 0 | 19 | N/A | today 2:15 PM | today 2:15 PM |
| A message from Trump's campaign manager about the Media spreading false rumors about Trumps Transition |
| jake | 20 | 1,116 | (7) | 11/11/16 7:51 PM | today 2:15 PM |
| Mad World Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 1245, 1246, 1247, 1248, 1249, 1250, 1251, 1252 |
| Seer777 | 37,538 | 584,922 | (207) | 12/09/15 11:39 PM | today 2:15 PM |
| Secret information about being bullied Page 1, 2 |
| Paranormal | 45 | 893 | (3) | 11/11/16 2:44 PM | today 2:15 PM |
 | Doctor Love Page 1, 2, 3 |
| ;-) | 61 | 577 | (5) | 11/11/16 1:08 PM | today 2:15 PM |
| Lucius | 21 | 280 | (7) | today 12:03 PM | today 2:15 PM |
| You are dictator of this planet with unlimited power, what would you do? Page 1, 2, 3 |
| Synthesis29 | 68 | 533 | (3) | today 10:34 AM | today 2:15 PM |
| You are in for a rude awakening Page 1, 2 |
| mmhmmm | 53 | 842 | (10) | today 12:44 PM | today 2:15 PM |
| Clinton = WW3 Trump = Civil War 2 |
| Anonymous Coward | 9 | 169 | N/A | 11/11/16 12:06 PM | today 2:15 PM |
| Flu Shot HOAX!!! |
| beebee | 15 | 448 | (4) | today 8:53 AM | today 2:14 PM |
| Your TV is telepathic, using your emotions and brainwaves for food, and capable of possessing you - Video Proof |
| I Am Truthor | 28 | 477 | (5) | today 10:17 AM | today 2:13 PM |
| Cliff richard paedophile Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
| Anonymous Coward | 180 | 58,415 | (32) | 01/28/13 8:30 AM | today 2:13 PM |
| GLP-Jukebox Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 6823, 6824, 6825, 6826, 6827, 6828, 6829, 6830 |
| CaptCarter | 204,871 | 3,360,619 | (1,121) | 12/01/12 12:30 AM | today 2:13 PM |
| DCLeaks just dropped emails from a lot of people, including Huma & Podesta bros. |
| Anonymous Coward | 23 | 978 | (15) | today 2:12 AM | today 2:13 PM |
| Politico claims electors backing out on Trump vote. |
| Ramona Quimby | 17 | 468 | (2) | today 1:10 PM | today 2:13 PM |
| Dear Concern Trolls. The media has had it wrong about Trump since the beginning. Stop trying to get us to listen to them now. |
| Anonymous Coward | 1 | 35 | (1) | today 12:58 PM | today 2:13 PM |
| Could this be a new way of manifesting stuff that actually works? Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 |
| davidnv | 917 | 47,451 | (86) | 09/12/15 10:03 AM | today 2:12 PM |
| Aliens in Government ? |
| GeijutsuDoku | 0 | 24 | N/A | today 2:12 PM | today 2:12 PM |
| Hillary Clinton blames one Comey letter for stopping momentum and the other for turning out Trump voters |
| fromthefuture | 0 | 21 | N/A | today 2:12 PM | today 2:12 PM |
| Ovaltine tastes like a microwaved asshole, why do people drink it ? |
| Anonymous Coward | 28 | 206 | N/A | today 12:52 PM | today 2:12 PM |
| The final nails in Podestas coffin? |
| Anonymous Coward | 29 | 1,051 | (5) | 11/11/16 11:25 PM | today 2:11 PM |
 | Juridical Watch> Support our LAWSUITS Against Obama's LAWLESSNESS >Petition LINK< |
| LunaFlora | 18 | 163 | (2) | 11/11/16 11:30 AM | today 2:11 PM |
| How many have an ASUS? Page 1, 2 |
| Anonymous Coward | 42 | 1,035 | (2) | 11/11/16 5:39 PM | today 2:10 PM |
| BREAKING - Chelsea Clinton eyeing Congressional Run for New York 17th district!! Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
| Anonymous Coward | 144 | 2,908 | (12) | 11/11/16 3:05 PM | today 2:10 PM |
| Mona Lisa on the Moon, The life and death of Mona Ann Lisa on the Moon, 32,000 years in the making by George B. (Fiction) Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83 |
| George B | 2,473 | 57,093 | (146) | 05/27/16 12:48 PM | today 2:09 PM |
| ˇTrInItYˆ or Alex Jones for White House Press Secretary |
| Anonymous Coward | 2 | 44 | (5) | today 1:58 PM | today 2:09 PM |
| Question, best free video software |
| Alhanna | 0 | 20 | N/A | today 2:08 PM | today 2:08 PM |
| Caution regarding the Purple Revolution |
| Anonymous Coward | 2 | 82 | N/A | today 2:01 PM | today 2:08 PM |
| Had anyone seen the trump illuminati card yet? |
| Anonymous Coward | 0 | 49 | N/A | today 2:08 PM | today 2:08 PM |
 | Many church doors are red, and red light is 666 nanometers in wavelength....do you think they know ? |
| Anonymous Coward | 1 | 30 | N/A | today 2:03 PM | today 2:08 PM |
| Today is a DOUBLE 9-11 expect a False Flag? |
| Anonymous Coward | 3 | 83 | (1) | 11/11/16 12:30 PM | today 2:08 PM |
| One of the hardest part in Life is to be sacked by the Anti-Christ, before having chosen Christ based on free will |
| Anonymous Coward | 4 | 60 | N/A | today 1:28 PM | today 2:07 PM |
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