| Thread | | Poster | Replies | Views | Rating | Posted | Updated |
 | LIVE NY Times forecast.... TRUMP, 95%.... Time, 12:40 est. Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 |
| 411 | 257 | 14,787 | (47) | 11/08/16 10:45 PM | today 12:47 AM |
 | Stay humble Page 1, 2, 3, 4 |
| Anonymous Coward | 100 | 2,782 | (45) | 11/08/16 11:53 PM | today 12:47 AM |
| All Trading Suspended!!! |
| Fire and Ice | 24 | 1,589 | (6) | today 12:31 AM | today 12:46 AM |
| Dow -800 Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 |
| Batman is cool | 234 | 12,908 | (24) | 11/08/16 9:26 PM | today 12:44 AM |
| CNN are now singing Trumps praises.... |
| Anonymous Coward | 4 | 146 | N/A | today 12:43 AM | today 12:47 AM |
| OMG!!! The Tears in CNN are hilarious! |
| Anonymous Coward | 1 | 58 | N/A | today 12:46 AM | today 12:47 AM |
| The 11/08/2016 JUDGEMENT DAY PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Thread and Drinking Game - Watch Live! Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214 |
| ScrumpTheDeplorableTexan | 6,406 | 189,302 | (109) | 11/08/16 7:16 AM | today 12:47 AM |
| I told my brother(who lives in Lancaster), the Amish carry Trump to the finish line. |
| Stu | 0 | 1 | N/A | today 12:47 AM | today 12:47 AM |
 | If you like your guns you can keep them. |
| Anonymous Coward | 1 | 6 | N/A | today 12:45 AM | today 12:47 AM |
| People crying, leaving Clinton headquarters |
| JohnTheRevelator111 | 7 | 430 | (1) | today 12:34 AM | today 12:47 AM |
| Official Hillary Thread! I'm with her! Page 1, 2, 3, 4 |
| Anonymous Coward | 99 | 1,346 | (62) | 11/08/16 9:35 PM | today 12:47 AM |
| The actual amount of crow being swallowed on CNN right now is downright pornographic. |
| gmigriff | 18 | 655 | (3) | 11/08/16 11:52 PM | today 12:47 AM |
| Deplorable Lews Therin | 5 | 171 | N/A | today 12:19 AM | today 12:47 AM |
| Anonymous Coward | 11 | 311 | N/A | today 12:33 AM | today 12:47 AM |
| Pennsylvania nearly there |
| Anonymous Coward | 2 | 39 | N/A | today 12:45 AM | today 12:47 AM |
| If Trump takes MI and Pennsylvania its all over |
| Anonymous Coward | 13 | 234 | N/A | today 12:33 AM | today 12:47 AM |
| Dammit....it's going to be a nail bitter |
| Nexus-9 | 0 | 8 | N/A | today 12:47 AM | today 12:47 AM |
 | This is still too close man im worried |
| Anonymous Coward | 8 | 260 | (1) | today 12:30 AM | today 12:47 AM |
 | Van Jones melts down on the Clinton News Network - it is a Whitelash against minorities. |
| Drive 900S | 0 | 7 | N/A | today 12:47 AM | today 12:47 AM |
| Why Are They Not Calling Michigan, Pennsylvania??? |
| Anonymous Coward | 11 | 354 | N/A | today 12:39 AM | today 12:47 AM |
| He's not my president Page 1, 2, 3 |
| Anonymous Coward | 71 | 1,101 | (20) | 11/08/16 11:59 PM | today 12:46 AM |
| What if... |
| Anonymous Coward | 0 | 13 | N/A | today 12:46 AM | today 12:46 AM |
| Rosanne Rosanna Dana Banana | 1 | 45 | (2) | today 12:41 AM | today 12:46 AM |
| Christian's Who Tried to Predict the Presidency ... Time to Man Up. Page 1, 2 |
| rodom74 | 31 | 710 | (3) | 11/07/16 3:19 PM | today 12:46 AM |
 | We Just Grabbed Lady Liberty By The Pussy |
| boilerbengal | 0 | 11 | (1) | today 12:46 AM | today 12:46 AM |
| Hillary Clinton Election Watch Party |
| Anonymous Coward | 0 | 23 | N/A | today 12:46 AM | today 12:46 AM |
| Which country should Trump nuke first? |
| Drop the nukes | 6 | 51 | N/A | today 12:44 AM | today 12:46 AM |
| Be Ready For The Event! |
| Anonymous Coward | 1 | 64 | N/A | today 12:45 AM | today 12:46 AM |
| PRESIDENT HILLARY CLINTON -- First Woman President is Projected Winner as of 11pm EDT |
| Anonymous Coward | 7 | 576 | (9) | 11/08/16 11:08 PM | today 12:46 AM |
 | God Is Among Us, Can you Feel it? |
| God Is With Us | 29 | 349 | (6) | 11/08/16 11:45 PM | today 12:46 AM |
| This is still close. Calm the fuck down. |
| Anonymous Coward | 0 | 20 | N/A | today 12:46 AM | today 12:46 AM |
| I hoped George W. Bush would stop illegal immigration in California. He didn't and now it's been overrun by criminals. |
| Anonymous Coward | 1 | 8 | N/A | today 12:45 AM | today 12:46 AM |
 | Boycott The Blue States For Their Perpetual Retardation. |
| TroutHound | 10 | 98 | (3) | today 12:11 AM | today 12:46 AM |
| LIVE Clinton's Celebration Party |
| Anonymous Coward | 1 | 74 | N/A | today 12:44 AM | today 12:46 AM |
North and South Dakota, Arkansas, Kansas, Nebraska and Wyoming!!! Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ..., 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 |
| Luisport | 1,604 | 72,038 | (61) | 11/05/16 3:04 PM | today 12:46 AM |
| Megyn Kelly talks about how "other" news outlets were unfair to Trump |
| OU8122 | 9 | 172 | (1) | today 12:33 AM | today 12:46 AM |
| Impossible for Trump to win. |
| Anonymous Coward | 28 | 1,166 | (16) | 11/08/16 10:21 PM | today 12:46 AM |
| Let me this clear for my name - HELL YEAH TRUMP!!!! |
| Doom'Tard | 0 | 5 | N/A | today 12:46 AM | today 12:46 AM |
| Amish tip Trump to the presidency |
| Stu | 1 | 72 | (1) | today 12:32 AM | today 12:46 AM |
 | They're still trying to shoe her in. It aint over yet |
| Anonymous Coward | 5 | 236 | N/A | today 12:38 AM | today 12:46 AM |
| US Senate Stays Solid GOP |
| - | 0 | 7 | N/A | today 12:45 AM | today 12:45 AM |
| It's Done |
| Anonymous Coward | 1 | 65 | N/A | today 12:45 AM | today 12:45 AM |
| Van Jones....lol |
| Hotmess | 0 | 35 | N/A | today 12:45 AM | today 12:45 AM |
| Don't rub it in that behavior is what the immoral liberals do. |
| Anonymous Coward | 0 | 7 | N/A | today 12:45 AM | today 12:45 AM |
| Deliberately Not Calling |
| Vigilance | 4 | 166 | (1) | today 12:42 AM | today 12:45 AM |
| I've got a good feeling about the next 24 hours as we head into the U.S. election! Page 1, 2 |
| Coppercoal | 32 | 747 | (7) | 11/07/16 7:53 AM | today 12:45 AM |
| One Question |
| rnglsh | 0 | 7 | N/A | today 12:45 AM | today 12:45 AM |
| The Most Dangerous Period In the History of American Democracy will be AFTER this Election, not before Page 1, 2, 3 |
| Flying Elvii | 70 | 4,028 | (26) | 10/29/16 12:48 PM | today 12:45 AM |
| If a Trump Win is a Good Thing, Why Are DOW Futures Down 840 Points ? Page 1, 2 |
| Anonymous Coward | 31 | 568 | (4) | today 12:16 AM | today 12:45 AM |
| He has Pennsylvania but.... |
| Anonymous Coward | 0 | 63 | N/A | today 12:45 AM | today 12:45 AM |
| Hillary Clinton wins 2016 presidential election!! Woooow!! |
| Anonymous Coward | 4 | 368 | (7) | 11/08/16 11:59 PM | today 12:45 AM |
| What is going on with Wisconsin? |
| christian | 2 | 91 | N/A | today 12:40 AM | today 12:45 AM |
 | Do u Even Trump Bro ??? |
| DO U EVEN TRUMP BRO ??? | 0 | 2 | N/A | today 12:45 AM | today 12:45 AM |
| Now lets put some people in jail for Treason. Hillary and Obama, you're first. |
| rodom74 | 1 | 9 | N/A | today 12:44 AM | today 12:45 AM |
 | Tonight will be forever known as the Bitch slap heard around the world. |
| Seeker of Truth | 18 | 248 | (8) | 11/08/16 11:50 PM | today 12:45 AM |
 | The media is going batshit crazy!! Page 1, 2 |
| Advil | 48 | 2,015 | (5) | 11/08/16 10:30 PM | today 12:45 AM |
 | The defining moment when Obama created the Trumpasauraus Rex |
| Anonymous Coward | 0 | 16 | N/A | today 12:45 AM | today 12:45 AM |
| Those who don't smoke marijuana but think it should be legalized |
| Anonymous Coward | 18 | 173 | (1) | today 12:04 AM | today 12:45 AM |
| Trump won't do shit about gay marriage |
| Anonymous Coward | 4 | 49 | N/A | today 12:41 AM | today 12:45 AM |
| Time to set the American flag right side up again next to our usernames? [Poll] |
| Of Deplorable Merit | 0 | 9 | N/A | today 12:45 AM | today 12:45 AM |
| Let's make America great again |
| Anonymous Coward | 1 | 13 | (1) | today 12:42 AM | today 12:45 AM |
| I wanna see Trump sodomize George Stephanopolis |
| The Trump Thump! | 0 | 6 | N/A | today 12:45 AM | today 12:45 AM |
 | The Media is Finished....The Libs Will Turn on Them Now |
| centrist77 | 0 | 11 | N/A | today 12:45 AM | today 12:45 AM |
| Link to Hillary's Live Stream Watch Pary (err Funeral) - They Are All Crying! |
| Anonymous Coward | 2 | 181 | N/A | today 12:33 AM | today 12:45 AM |
| Are you shitting me? Trump really win? |
| Doom'Tard | 8 | 266 | N/A | today 12:37 AM | today 12:44 AM |
 | The Star Spangled Banner (instrumental by Ted Nugent @ Trump rally) |
| Anonymous Coward | 1 | 30 | (1) | today 12:35 AM | today 12:44 AM |
| I hope you were paid a fortune to promote Trump Trinity Page 1, 2 |
| Anonymous Coward | 48 | 893 | (18) | 11/08/16 11:35 PM | today 12:44 AM |
| WTF?!? Huma email to her brother...is this legit?? "Hillary is a walking cadaver" Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
| The Deplorable Halcyon Daze | 172 | 14,100 | (42) | 11/06/16 8:32 AM | today 12:44 AM |
| Mr. Trinity. You, SIR; Come out and take a bow...SIR! |
| Anonymous Coward | 10 | 198 | (3) | today 12:38 AM | today 12:44 AM |
| Hillary can still win, right? |
| Anonymous Coward | 0 | 19 | N/A | today 12:44 AM | today 12:44 AM |
| Here's her comeback |
| Anonymous Coward | 8 | 548 | (1) | 11/08/16 11:26 PM | today 12:44 AM |
| TRUMP WINS Leave America NOW |
| Anonymous Coward | 6 | 247 | (5) | 11/08/16 11:24 PM | today 12:44 AM |
| Trump is Gods choice to save America |
| yeshuacalling | 5 | 74 | (1) | today 12:01 AM | today 12:44 AM |
| DOS / DDOS happening? |
| ScoutsOUT | 14 | 436 | (3) | today 12:36 AM | today 12:44 AM |
| Can we put the American flag to its right place now? |
| Anonymous Coward | 9 | 95 | (3) | today 12:40 AM | today 12:44 AM |
| Dear America... Please Remember that 1 in 2 Californians Are Conservative! |
| CaliforniaDreamin | 4 | 75 | N/A | today 12:34 AM | today 12:44 AM |
| I blame the people who chose not to vote! |
| Miss Hingle | 9 | 201 | N/A | today 12:03 AM | today 12:44 AM |
| Watching CNN... disgusted |
| aha | 0 | 85 | N/A | today 12:44 AM | today 12:44 AM |
| Well...I guess Trump just sent a message to Hitlary to suck his dick. |
| Anonymous Coward | 1 | 87 | (1) | today 12:38 AM | today 12:44 AM |
| Eat CROW Megyn Kelly!!!! |
| Bebe | 0 | 22 | N/A | today 12:44 AM | today 12:44 AM |
| Keep your eye on PA *Update: Just went Red Page 1, 2 |
| Zedakah | 36 | 956 | (3) | 11/08/16 10:32 PM | today 12:44 AM |
 | State of IOWA Saves the country |
| Anonymous Coward | 4 | 148 | (1) | 11/08/16 11:40 PM | today 12:44 AM |
| Watch Commumunist Morans Watch Party (Hillary's campaign) Live LInk |
| Anonymous Coward | 4 | 95 | N/A | today 12:35 AM | today 12:44 AM |
| Minnesota you are a disgrace. |
| Anonymous Coward | 4 | 163 | N/A | today 12:39 AM | today 12:43 AM |
| Megyn Kelly is Ready to Cry |
| OldWhiteGuy | 0 | 51 | N/A | today 12:43 AM | today 12:43 AM |
| Celebrity Round Up List Page 1, 2 |
| Deplorable Grove Street | 39 | 789 | (4) | 11/01/16 11:07 AM | today 12:43 AM |
| Brexit win and Trump win is the PEOPLE -v- TPTB |
| Anonymous Coward | 0 | 12 | N/A | today 12:43 AM | today 12:43 AM |
| Please Trinity Keep the Captcha |
| Anonymous Coward | 27 | 404 | (8) | 11/07/16 10:01 PM | today 12:43 AM |
| Jews Hate Trump |
| jackie childs | 3 | 39 | (1) | today 12:40 AM | today 12:43 AM |
 | How soon can we have Barry, Comey, and Hilldebeast In Chains... |
| Smack Down | 0 | 14 | N/A | today 12:43 AM | today 12:43 AM |
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