
Friday, November 11, 2016

Blacklisted news

Trump adviser: He might rethink Israel, Iran plans

President-elect Donald Trump might not move too quickly to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and rip up the Iran nuclear agreement — two actions he promised during his campaign, a top adviser said. Trump will instead focus on brokering an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal, foreign policy adviser Walid Phares said.
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3 Disturbing Facts Every American Needs to Consider this Veteran’s Day — This is How to Thank a Vet

If you have served in any branch of the military, Veterans Day has symbolic and emotional meaning others can only relate to empathetically, but might never fully grasp. Today, we honor those who fought for the United States, dedicating a portion of their lives in defense of what we, as a nation, hold dear — often returning scarred and battered inside and out. A mythos exists about the armed services — indoctrinated veneration of men and women in uniform, and a call to duty — where, by design, the people of this land aren’t taught to question war or the military, or the consequences reverberating into the past and future.
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Long Time Mass Surveillance Defenders Freak Out Now That Trump Will Have Control

The Lawfare blog, run by the Brookings Institution, has long reliably been a good source to go to for reading what defenders of mass surveillance and the surveillance state are thinking -- in a non-hysterical way. While I disagree with much of what's posted on there, it tends to be thoughtful and interesting reading. Its founder and Editor-in-Chief is Ben Wittes, who's always good for an impassioned defense of the NSA's surveillance on Americans, and was all in on forcing tech companies to break encryption. He wasn't worried, you see, because he was quite sure the NSA would never spy on him. Because, you know, he's a good guy.
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Huma Abedin Said To Suffer Emotional Breakdown

While most of the attention in the past week has been on Hillary Clinton, and her reaction to the "shocking" election outcome, the reality is that Hillary's life is set with or without the presidency, and absent some major FBI-related escalation, she will live a comfortable life after her separation from politics courtesy of the millions in fees collected from speeches and the money dumped into the Clinton Foundation (whose donors may now demand refunds, as the Clintons no longer have any political favors to repay).
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Nusra On The Run - Trump Induces First Major Policy Change On Syria

Asked about Aleppo in an October debate with Clinton, Trump said it was a humanitarian disaster but the city had "basically" fallen. Clinton, he said, was talking in favor of rebels without knowing who they were. The rebels fighting Assad in western Syria include nationalists fighting under the Free Syrian Army banner, some of them trained in a CIA-backed program, and jihadists such as the group formerly known as the al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front.
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"Smug Media" Attacks Trump While Refusing To Condemn "Violent Riots" Led By "Anarchist Groups"

Yesterday we shared an op-ed on the "The Unbearable Smugness Of The American Media" which highlighted the media's unwillingness to accept or even try to understand the will of the American electorate. Rather than accept the fact that Trump's victory was the direct result of Washington's complete failure, on both sides of the aisle, the media has instead doubled down and attributed his win to the notion that there are just more "racist white people" in the country than they originally thought. Which is fine so long as you can ignore the fact that Trump actually performed 8-points better with Hispanics than Mitt Romney did in 2012...but that doesn't fit the narrative to best to ignore it completely.
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Paris attacks: Counter-terrorism chief wants fingerprinting & iris scans for all at UK borders

Every person entering the United Kingdom should be forced to undergo “fool-proof” fingerprinting and iris scans, the country’s newly appointed counter-terrorism chief says, claiming the move will prevent terrorists from entering Britain. Speaking one year after the Paris attacks left 130 people dead and 368 injured, the UK’s new senior national coordinator for counter-terrorism policing, Neil Basu, said the atrocities were a “sit up and think” moment for those tasked with defending Britain.
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Leaked Emails: Aspartame Linked to Diabetes, Alzheimer’s and Obesity

Diet soda is supposed to offer you the sweetness of regular soda without any additional calories. However, new information has confirmed that diet soda is actually linked to a myriad of health problems including diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Aspartame may result in methanol toxicity, which has recently been linked to Alzheimer’s disease. Good diet and nutrition is key to helping people ward off the worst form of dementia, but many may think that diet soda is not doing their body any harm and drink it in excess despite an otherwise healthy diet.
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Canada, Mexico ready to talk about NAFTA with US

Canada and Mexico agreed Thursday to US President-elect Donald Trump’s demand to have a fresh look at their tripartite 22-year-old free trade pact, fearing they could be shut out of the US market. But the two US allies diverged on the level of changes to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) each was willing to accept, with Mexico taking a harder line.
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'Safe spaces' abound for students in 'emotional crisis' over Trump

Colleges and universities nationwide are establishing "safe spaces" for students troubled by the results of the 2016 presidential election, offering everything from counseling hours to painting activities. St. Mary’s university has embraced the trend of colleges shielding students from the presidential election, offering a safe space with “warm drinks” and “nourishment” for students who are stressed by results.
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Crippled Fukushima reactor fully exposed for first time since meltdown

Fukushima’s Nuclear Plant reactor No. 1 has been fully exposed for the first time since the March 2011 tragedy, after the utility company safely removed the last cover sheet of the temporary protective construction. Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) used an industrial crane to lift the last of its 18 protective panels Thursday. Each of the panels weighs around 20 tons and measure 23 by 17 meters.
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Anarchist rioters shatter windows in Portland following once-peaceful protest

Set to meet Thursday at 5 p.m. in Pioneer Courthouse Square, protesters who took to the streets in response to Donald Trump's win on election night Tuesday and Wednesday plan to continue their efforts. Masses of demonstrators, topping 2,000 at times, blocked bridges and marched through standstill highway traffic Wednesday night in protest of President-elect Donald Trump's victory. The #NotMyPresident chants and marches have been accompanied by minimal damage and vandalism in Portland, but that has not been the case nationwide.
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Poll: Half of America Can’t Afford More Than $100 a Month on Health Insurance

More than half of Americans—52.5 percent—say they cannot afford to spend more than $100 a month on health insurance premiums, according to a poll from HealthPocket, a technology company that compares health plans. The group asked survey respondents at the beginning of open enrollment what was the highest monthly premium they could afford to pay for health insurance in 2017
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French MEP pleads guilty to masturbating in DIY store, avoids prosecution

French MEP Robert Rochefort has pleaded guilty to sexual exhibition after being caught masturbating in a DIY store in the proximity of children last August. The MoDem party politician, who represents the south west region in the European Parliament, somehow avoided prosecution and a public trial, according to 20minutes. Rochefort took to Twitter Wednesday to say that there was good news and no further action would be taken. He also thanked all those who had supported him.
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The TpP is dead! Announced nearly an hour after Trump's visit to Obama

The Senate’s soon-to-be-top Democrat told labor leaders Thursday that the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the trade deal at the center of President Obama’s “pivot” to strengthen ties with key Asian allies, will not be ratified by Congress. That remark from Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), who is expected to be the incoming Senate minority leader, came as good news to the AFL-CIO executive council, which met Thursday in Washington. An aide to Schumer confirmed the remarks.
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Toward A New World Order?

A Brave New World is coming? Perhaps. We had a recent discussion with a group of people in the hopeless business of doing long term forecasting. This made us think about what the world will look like over the next 20 to 40 years. A pretty thankless task, but the bottom line is without a damn good war, Asia will be the way of the future. As an experiment, assume, as most long term forecasters do, that both Europe and the US have reached a mature plateau where growth will average around 1.5 to 2 per cent over the long term, while China will slowly decelerate from the current 6.5 to 3 per cent and India from today`s 7 to around 4. In this scenario (which we do not necessarily believe in, as China is up for en epic crash) what will be the share of global GDP by, say, 2060? And what are the geopolitical implications?
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Trump List of Cabinet Prospects: All Insiders

The list, obtained by BuzzFeed News, reveals a number of familiar faces including Ben Carson, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich and others being weighed for multiple positions. In total, the list includes 41 names and covers 14 different departments. A source told BuzzFeed that the list is not final and will likely be changed in the future. Attorney general picks include Chris Christie, Jeff Sessions and Rudy Giuliani.
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