Trending Articles:
The Rise of Mandatory Vaccinations Means the End of Medical Freedom
Mandatory vaccinations are about to open up a new frontier for
government control. Through the war on drugs, bureaucrats arbitrarily
dictate what people can and can’t put into their bodies, but that
violation pales in comparison to forcibly medicating millions against
their will. Voluntary and informed consent are essential in securing
individual rights, and without it, self-ownership will never be
respected. The liberal stronghold of California is trailblazing the
encroaching new practice and recently passed laws mandating that
children and adults must have certain immunizations before being able to
attend schools or work in certain professions. The longstanding
religious and philosophical exemptions that protect freedom of choice
have been systematically crushed by the state.
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John Podesta Told Cheryl Mills ‘Dump All Those Emails’ on Day News of Clinton’s Private Email Server Broke
In what could prove to be the proverbial nail in the coffin of
Hillary Clinton’s presidential ambitions, an email released by WikiLeaks
this morning – the 25th batch of emails from Clinton campaign chair
John Podesta – reveals potential criminal intent to violate a court
order for subpoenaed documents. John Podesta sent the message only hours
after the New York Times reported that Clinton might have violated
federal records requirements by using the server, according to the
latest batch of Podesta emails released by WikiLeaks.
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Break Out of the Illusion
In the old Soviet Union, people had “free” elections and were
“free” to choose any Communist candidate that had been selected for the
election. Most of the people of the Soviet Union understood well that
their elections were shams. Here in the United States, we also have
“free” elections and the corporate media narrative is that you need to
vote for one of the two candidates that have been selected for you,
because if you go outside of that “choice”, the other terrible candidate
that you do not want will win the election. You may not particularly
like the candidate you plan to vote for, but that candidate is certainly
the “lesser evil”. The corporate media has successfully spun that
illusion so now many people do not even realize that there are choices
outside of the Democrat/Republican duopoly that is strangling our
election process.
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Alabama Declares State Of Emergency Over Pipeline Explosion
The explosion killed one worker and injured six others.The blast
shut down the pipeline, that supplies gasoline to millions of people,
for the second time in less than two months, raising concerns over
possible gas shortages and price hikes. The state of emergency came into
effect on Tuesday and will last until December 1st unless the governor
sees fit to end it sooner.
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Hillary Clinton’s Wall Street Fundraising Benefited From Loophole In Federal Anti-Corruption Rule
Despite an anti-corruption rule that was designed to reduce the
financial industry’s political power, top officials from the investment
firm BlackRock hosted Hillary Clinton at campaign fundraisers earlier
this year. The cash — which poured in through a loophole in the law —
came in as BlackRock’s federal contracts to manage billions of dollars
of retiree assets will be up for renewal during the next president’s
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US-Supported Terrorists Shell Russian Embassy In Damascus
They’ve done it before without causing casualties or damage.
According the Russian Foreign Ministry, terrorists fired two mortar
rounds at the embassy’s compound. One shell exploded near the diplomatic
mission’s entrance, damaging the building and four vehicles. The attack
came from terrorist-controlled Jobar district. On Friday, the Security
Council addressed the incident, saying its “members…condemned in the
strongest terms another mortar shelling of the Embassy of the Russian
Federation in Damascus (Syrian Arab Republic), which caused significant
material damage.”
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Clinton Campaign Questions Release Of FBI's Marc Rich Pardon Records
As reported moments ago, in what appears to have been a surprise
release, the FBI's Vault twitter account released 129 pages of files
related to the FBI's 2001 prove into Bill Clinton's 2001 pardon of Marc
Rich. And while NBC reported that the files were releases as part of a
normal subpoena, the increasingly paranoid (not without reason) Clinton
campaign immediately had questions. According to Politico, "Hillary
Clinton’s presidential campaign raised questions about the timing of the
FBI’s release Tuesday of records on a 15-year-old investigation into
President Bill Clinton’s pardon to fugitive financier Marc Rich."
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Obamacare “Near Collapse” in Minnesota as Prices Jump 60% Average
News on Obamacare cannot possibly come at a better time for the
Trump campaign. The Obamacare exchanges in Minnesota are near collapse.
The state’s insurance regulator says Minnesota health-care is in an
“emergency situation” and calls the average 60% hike a “stopgap for
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Someone Just Donated $2.5 Million to Bail Out Everyone Arrested at Standing Rock
Following the recent mass arrests of 141 people at the Dakota
Access Pipeline construction site located near Standing Rock, North
Dakota, an anonymous donor just donated $2.5 million to bail out
everyone who was arrested at the protests.
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Not Just Hillary, Entire Obama Administration Exposed for Using Private Email to Avoid FOIA Requests
Wikileaks is helping President Obama keep his 2008 campaign
promise — to be the most transparent administration in U.S. history —
whether he likes it or not. And, once again, we’re learning more about
the inner sanctum of the administration and its communication practices.
As FBI Director James Comey announced Friday, a new investigation into
Hillary Clinton’s email scandal has been launched, just days before the
presidential election. Comey’s move drew fire instantly from the
Democrats who claim Comey is attempting to sway the election in Donald
Trump’s favor. While many are focused on Comey’s actions and renewed
investigation, Wikileaks has uncovered what may prove to be a systemic
problem of executive branch accountability not merely limited to the
former secretary of state’s emails.
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John Podesta's Best Friend At The DOJ Will Be In Charge Of The DOJ's Probe Into Huma Abedin Emails
Now that the FBI has obtained the needed warrant to start poring
over the 650,000 or so emails uncovered in Anthony Weiner's notebook,
among which thousands of emails sent from Huma Abedin using Hillary
Clinton's personal server, moments ago the US Justice Department
announced it is also joining the probe, and as AP reported moments ago,
vowed to dedicate all needed resources to quickly review the over half a
million emails in the Clinton case.
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Police across the country are being equipped with ‘Christian’ facial recognition cameras
Soon, cops across America will be wearing body cameras equipped
with facial recognition software. Watchguard Video (WGV) claims their
new “Redactive” software will enable law enforcement to identify anyone.
(WGV is really, Enforcement Video LLC) Redactive quickly scans the
entire video clip first, automatically recognizing faces, so the user
[officer] spends much less time manually performing the task.
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‘Chairman Cash’ – John Podesta is Paid $7,000 a Month by Foundation Run by Banker With Ties to Financial Crisis
The Podesta family seems particularly adept at earning
extraordinary sums of money via selling out the American public. Earlier
this year, I highlighted how John Podesta’s brother Tony was paid
$140,000 per month by the medieval monarchy of Saudi Arabia. After all,
who cares about women’s rights when the pay is good?
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US Drone Pilots May Be ‘Illegally’ Acquiring Targets From UK Bases
Creech Air Force Base, Nevada, is widely known to be the heart of
the United States’ overseas drone operations, from where more than 100
drone flights per day—mostly in the Middle East—are controlled. Notions
of this base’s overworked drone pilots, sitting in stuffy trailers
monitoring and killing targets 8,000 miles away, have been popularized
by movies such as Good Kill and Eye in the Sky.
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17 Shot Dead As Chicago Records Deadliest Weekend Of 2016
After a summer of extreme violence, homicides in Chicago were
supposed to slow down going into the fall and winter months. But, that
certainly does not appear to be happening as the city just recording its
most violent weekend of the entire year with 52 people shot and 17 of
them killed. This weekend's violence brings the tally of year to date
killings in Chicago to 646, an annual run-rate which implies the most
violent year since the mid-90s.
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New State Department Documents Reveal More Clinton-Abedin Email Exchanges of Classified Information on Unsecure Server
Judicial Watch today released 323 pages of new Department of
State documents, including previously unreleased email exchanges in
which Clinton and top aide Huma Abedin sent classified information over
Clinton’s unsecure email system. According to Freedom
of Information Act (FOIA) exemptions cited in the documents obtained by
Judicial Watch, three of the Clinton-Abedin email exchanges contained
material “classified to protect national security.”
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Seven World-Historical 'Achievements' Of The Iraq Invasion Of 2003
Here is a list of the noteworthy, ongoing results of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq beginning in March 2003.
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Australian Banker James Starkey Brutally Killed in South African Hotel Room
When work took him to South Africa, Australian banker James
Starkey lived in an opulent apartment complex in Johannesburg that
promised “tight, highly effective, and extremely efficient security
controls”. But on October 8, a concerned colleague could not make
contact with Mr Starkey. The colleague went to the Raphael Penthouse
Suites himself and asked staff to let him into Mr Starkey’s room.
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Truancy crackdown 'Operation Round Up' hunts homeschoolers
Homeschool students in Florida’s Jackson County are being hunted
down in a countywide initiative called “Operation Round Up,” which was
launched by local school board officials to enroll more children in
pubic schools. After watching a television interview featuring the
Jackson County School Board’s director of student services – who called
on the community to report any suspected truant students to her – one
homeschool family sought legal advice out of fear that the public school
was aggressively and specifically targeting homeschool students.
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A newly released Podesta email reveals that Google CEO Eric
Schmidt contacted the Hillary campaign in 2014 to begin their
partnership in sponsoring Clinton’s campaign run for President in 2016.
The revelations come from a memo in the email sent to Cherry Mills which
was then forwarded Robby Mook, John Podesta, and David Plouffe.
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