
Saturday, November 5, 2016

Sean Hannity news

2 days    |   2 hours    |   32 minutes    |   50 seconds


Hillary Double Standard

Petty Officer First Class Kristian Saucier is in jail because he had six photographs of classified areas of his submarine on his cell phone.
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100-Day Plan

Donald Trump has released his 100-day plan to restore prosperity to our economy, security to our communities, and honesty to our government.
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America's Choice

Sean speaks out about Donald Trump's WORDS vs Hillary Clinton's ACTIONS.
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Follow Sean Hannity


WATCH: Donald Trump Releases Powerful 2 Minute 'Closing Argument' For...

November 5, 2016
Donald Trump has released his closing argument in a video entitled "Donald Trump's Argument for America."


New Email: Hillary Clinton Sent Classified Material...To Chelsea Clinton

November 5, 2016
A recently released State Department email from 2009 shows then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sent classified material to he daughter Chelsea...


Radio Show Recap: Nov 4

November 4, 2016
Hillary tells out-of-work to “be positive”, STATE DPT emails on Carlos Danger’s laptop; Former Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa...


Mother Of Jailed Sailor Slams The 'Clinton Double Standard'

November 4, 2016
The mother of a sailor sent to federal prison for mishandling classified information is 'disgusted' at the 'Hillary Clinton double...


WATCH: Filmmaker Shows What White Liberals REALLY Think Of Black Americans

November 4, 2016
Ami Horowitz perfectly sums up just how incredibly absurd—and racist— the left's position on voter ID laws is.


LEAKED EMAIL: Podesta: Calling Chelsea Clinton 'Not Smart' Is An...

November 4, 2016
An email leaked by WikiLeaks on Friday suggests that some Clinton insiders don't hold Chelsea Clinton in very high regard.


WATCH: Hillary Clinton On Crime

November 4, 2016
This is the truth about Hillary Clinton on crime.


LEAKED EMAIL Appears To Link Clinton Campaign Chairman To Bizarre Occult...

November 4, 2016
This is by far the most bizarre email to date.


Eric Trump: A Candidate Under Investigation Is 'Unthinkable'

November 4, 2016
The FBI has found what they're calling an 'avalanche of new evidence' of pay-to-play is at the Clinton Foundation.


Radio Show Recap: Nov 3

November 3, 2016
Sean’s “Countdown to Election Day” Roundtable w/Rose Tennent, Leslie Marshall and Jonathan Gilliam; Congressional Candidate Sgt. Brian Mast;...


HILARIOUS: GOP Strategist Takes Out Hillary's 'Inauguration Jewelry'...

November 3, 2016
Republican Strategist Dallas Woodhouse brought an unexpected accessory to his interview on MSNBC, which he hilariously referred to as Hillary...


WATCH: Latest Trump Ad Features...Anthony Weiner

November 3, 2016
Donald Trump is taking aim at Hillary Clinton in a new ad featuring former Congressman Anthony Weiner.


REPORT: FBI Officials Knew About New Hillary Emails Weeks Ago

November 3, 2016
Say what you will about the timing of FBI Director James Comey's bombshell letter to congress, it doesn't appear that the agency went off...


WATCH: Dem Donor Won't Apologize For Calling Black Republicans...

November 3, 2016
A follow up to Wednesday's bombshell Project Veritas video.

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