
Friday, November 21, 2014


One more thing so these few days I been looking for a clan in Worldoftanks
so yesterday I talked to someone that in a clan there clan is abbreviated Coque
(Not sure what it stands for) so I talked to him I apologize if I don't remember his name
right now since I went to bed this time but still on an unanticipated time this time
was 2:30 I'm not sure why that happens to me I guess when I am distracted I forget what time
it is lol so this person supposedly sent me an invite to his clan I checked my Worldoftanks
notifications and I didn't get the invitation so I told him I didn't receive it so he tries again
and I check again and still I didn't get the invitation and I think 3 times I refreshed the page
still I didn't get it so bear in mind I applied to a lot of clans so now today I check my notifications
and I still didn't get a invitation so I hit my clan just for the heck of it and I see I got accepted
into a clan!!!I'll share the link: my name in World of tanks is Deathbringer_27_Warrior so check out the link you'll see a list.....Well I don't to spoil it
so check out the link!

Also check out a link that my clan put out!!

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