
Monday, November 24, 2014

My NightAngel_27

So as you know I've joined a clan called World of Serenity
right and just in a day I become a Recruitment officer I feel so good
Also with my Deathbringer_27 with that actually I was in that clan
until I left and Joined a clan called

[NIN-] Ninjas Elite 

They have posted a video I just don't think I posted it 

on fb but this clan is pretty good but unfortunately on the world 

of tanks website my ratings 0 because someone did something 

to make it that way also I'm confused if I joined this clan

why isn't it telling me that on the World of tanks game?I just can't wrap

my head around that. Just trying to think about it is just like 

trying to drill a hole just to get to oil. (The kind you use for your car)

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