
Friday, December 25, 2015

No surprise when I hear something like this about what my not so former commander anymore did today or recently this week

firewizard101 (12/21/2015 7:04:12 PM) death
firewizard101 (12/21/2015 7:04:42 PM) duck kicked me again
firewizard101 (12/21/2015 7:04:49 PM) fucking idiot he is
firewizard101 (12/21/2015 7:05:00 PM) look
firewizard101 (12/21/2015 7:05:11 PM) revenge has a clan
firewizard101 (12/21/2015 7:05:15 PM) he's the leader of it
firewizard101 (12/21/2015 7:05:22 PM) its almost dead, only 4 people
firewizard101 (12/21/2015 7:05:33 PM) but we may bring it back to life
firewizard101 (12/21/2015 7:05:44 PM) screw GWE and lets make a better future for us
firewizard101 (12/21/2015 7:05:57 PM) ill try to persuade my friends in GWE to join us
firewizard101 (12/21/2015 7:06:00 PM) :)
firewizard101 (12/21/2015 7:06:06 PM) see ya

Also by the way Merry Christmas! Sorry I could not post 2 days in advance since the next day
Thursday was going out of town to spend Christmas with my step-dads family. I had a great time :)
Also wanted to say I hope you are enjoying the holiday and wish you the best :)

Also I since I recently got kicked from a clan for the reasons I mentioned on my recent
post about it I at first was like I don't want to join another clan but now I'm just like Okay I'll give this clan a shot and see what happens if the clan is going to be like this Clan Galactic Warrior Empire
I recently got kicked out of from the leader of that clan the capital S-c-u-m-b-a-g / Dickhead of a leader Like another commander I meant awhile back after I actually tore his clan to pieces the clan I tore apart was Warriors of Serenity Reason being they actually messed up my rating making me look bad and stuff like that plus actually tried to hack my account information which was not cool at all that I actually since the commander of that clan was dumb enough to give me his account information I made him pay majorly that he won't be able to recover his clan or rebuild it plus actually 99% almost made it my account totally. But failed since he learned of it a day later that was in 2014  I basically made him pay 2 fold for doing what I mentioned then it was a good thing my mentor for warned me that he was going to do attempt to hack my account info I stupidly gave him myself BUT the difference is that I heeded my step-dads words and changed it just in time to avoid that from happening since previously before him I ran into a similar situation with this 'Alia' person that somehow talked me into handing over my account info or if not I probably was being to trusting too him that I did and I had a great rating and good tanks on both accounts until I don't know what happened that he somehow took away all my tanks not only that but messed up my rating on both that ever since then (2014) I had too work even harder to fix my rating presently, its better than before plus as you know I have a teir 9 now as I mentioned in my other posts also am still working on my tanks now that I just got back also working on improving even more on my tactics etc.
Also today and on unless I change my plans I'm going to hunt dorckyduck down and blow him up in worldoftanks who says I want revenge when I want to get even there's this part in a movie I can't remember which but they say 'Don't get mad, Get even'  the way I look at it is that its not always a good thing because recently I heard about some Gentleman who knows probably in his 20s or early 30s that tried to murder both his own parents I did 'Ask why would he do that?' they didn't get into what exactly happened that unfortunately brought that outcome but because of him doing that I was told he's either gonna get the Electric chair or an Lethal injection I also was told that his parents are in stable condition neither of them got fatally wounded. On our presidents case he actually would deserve that including the whole government that's full of snakes that's doing nothing but only bringing about our nations this nations downfall severely. Not only that but affecting the younger generations future poisoning they're minds with bad things not giving them the truth about what our founding fathers did and happened to they're country that actually got them to come here and change things for the better and not for the worse. Today, (The Present) here we have a corrupt government changing things for the worst and slowly taking away our freedoms and much more. Not only that but letting terrorists into our fking country that god knows when they are gonna terrorizing everything and destroy us its like our fking country has already been conquered right now. Those that actually like for real have there eyes open and are wanting to do something about it are working on it they are trying to get in office so they could actually do something  about unlike the next one running to become president I doubt that Ted Cruz Will do anything to save his country seriously and I'm actually not taking any sides I'm just looking at it from perspective. I don't think Donald Trump is hitler I actually find that funny because a friend of mine actually told me that someone said he's hitler  now if he was hiter  he'll have to be a German doing German things right? And has to be on the Truly bad side of crazy and wearing a German Military hat honestly.  To me all I see is a countdown to the united states being blown off the map if not that multiple people terriorizing any and all places (The united states being destroyed both from the inside and the outside) The ones destroying our country who truly is our enemy is the Government and obamas followers now as for us being destoryed but the outside it will be by those coming into our country.


And I'm sorry to even say this on Christmas well technically it passed now so mostly I am not going to be sorry about mentioning that or this: I not sure if I can call us a country anymore today the (present) I can honestly say that the name itself betrays itself we are not acting like a United people acting as one to accomplish something that will benefit this country in a positive way that can impact us the United States. I'm told that ''Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to accomplish uncommon results. ''
Well where's the teamwork in the United States? Nowhere That saying does not or should not only apply in games it should apply everywhere. Also there's another saying That ''Together we are an unstoppable force, But separate we are weak and can be easily picked off one by one'' And I actually find that true in our case that's the case. Its a similar situation of what my commander did to me actually I take that back it is the same situation but its a different case. What he did to me was act on his own with hate in his heart not discussing it with the officers of Galactic Warrior Empire having a clan meeting with me in it. Point is the clock is ticking and if we get into Marshal law those fking people that our coming here is gonna kill us, They're will be riots everywhere Etc if that fking president is in office that is what is going to happen. And they're won't be much we can do by then because the fools are saying we should not have anything to protect our self when we should actually. not those who had a criminal record no they are the people who shouldn't have something to Protect him or herself just because one person made a mistake does not mean everyone else should suffer because of that person it is that person who should suffer and pay the consequences according to the law and have the weapon taken away from him or herself. And Seriously this country is not moving in the right direction honestly if it was moving in the right direction more people will be working and there will be no more poor people living on the street. If it was moving in the right direction things wouldn't be so expensive at all If America was moving in the right direction they would be no more debts to pay and people making more money depending what job you have any how long you work still you would be making much better money especially depending on what field of work you do.
If America was moving in the right direction it wouldn't be to or overbearingly hard to employ someone. And if America was moving in the right direction America would have solar power panneled roads or what not that is actually powering the city that even if there was a power outage you would actually lose no power since you are not using electricity since Solar panels draws energy from the sun also it won't hurt the sun now if it did the sun would show that it is (Through its wrath) but its not.  So no we are NOT Moving in the right direction noting everything that's going on.

Check out todays news :

And there's more news here if you'd want to check it out:

I challenge you to research What was the problems the united States had before our founding fathers came and changed it for the better if that google link does not work for you.


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Heroes of the Storm

So, I just downloaded heroes of the Storm just now
It looks good :) What do you think about it?

I'm actually going to try this out also when I just went to create an account it
took me here =>
I don't know if it does record game play so I wouldn't know its why I'm going to find out after I create an account there :) Also I tried out this game called Neverwinter and I found out its actually a really good game well it depends on your taste but yeah its another of my new favorite games now added to my most played games list I have going on

So here's my list I have so far that I have:

  • Heroes of the Storm (New)
  • Worldoftanks
  • Neverwinter 
  • Callofdutyworldatwar for pc (you can get it at Steam)
  • Red crucible (You can get it on steam)
  • Warframe (Unfortunately with that its becoming a challenge for it to let me create an account and find out what's its about so I can actually play it) 
  • Warmode (You can get it on steam But truthfully I hate that game I can't understand it its difficult you'll see what I mean So I highly don't recommend that game ) 
Let me know what you think about Heroes of the Storm & Neverwinter
Also I'll be posting new videos on 
I'm not sure when I'll be posting them but be on the lookout for any new videos coming :)

Just got Emailed this

I just got emailed something pertaining to this =>
I can't help but wonder if its a scam There's people sending emails similar to that its amazing how many things get in my spam folder lol also I also came across this => 
It does list some good jobs to work from home it sounds Wonderful  :) Just wish I actually was making money that in the future will become a great career I also have tried applying to goodwill online recently. So I'm just hoping for the best and at lest have a nice start I mean I have to start somewhere right? Especially one who actually never worked before or has real experience in regards to that.  So in order to get real experience the opportunity door has to open at some point and see what it can offer you know stuff like that to give you a good start I think the big thing is actually waiting because not everyone is patient  and wants something right this second or something like that it just is crazy how people want something right this minute. Anyway have a good day and be safe and be careful on the way to work also don't forget to checkout  the Live Earth Quake maps to be updated in earthquake activity also Please check out what's going on God like Productions Consiracy Forum Website 
Also here's Today's news:
Freaking amazing what the TV media would say and what people who actually live in their country would say can't trust the media news. Anyway also check out the latest posts on Drudge
Also If YOU know a good Trustworthy or an honest news website like what I posted Please feel free to email me or tag me in a post on a honest news website Preferably I would prefer email

because hello internet is a powerful thing I even viewed some great music on some EPIC MUSIC I came across the other day I actually loved it! Its amazing! :D I can't get enough of it its just...............God I have no words to describe it...........Its just Inspiring I just love it :) It just sets the tone in everything espicallially if you are meditating or say playing a video game it just helps you get more into it it just makes it more interesting and fun especially chilling outside I can find some great outside music like this one above its perfect if you're out and about hanging outside and getting comfortable Especially Suns of sunset  its something like that I'm trying to remember the name lol its been awhile since I last viewed it on youtube I think I probably posted it on my fb page lol I'm not sure lol #Beenawhile 

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Arguement part 2 from Guess what happened to me: Worldtankschat

Deathbringer_27_warrior (12/17/2015 9:46:39 PM) If this is your course of action I bet you took this upon yourself without fking emailing me or having a meeting with me to discuss this matter
Deathbringer_27_warrior (12/17/2015 9:47:14 PM) Out of hate
Deathbringer_27_warrior (12/18/2015 4:45:03 AM) I'll let you believe your lies
Deathbringer_27_warrior (12/18/2015 4:45:55 AM) Because truth is you're wrong I have platooned with them You don't ask questions you Assume shit
Deathbringer_27_warrior (12/18/2015 4:46:45 AM) And How dare you play that card with me Like you did Revenge
Deathbringer_27_warrior (12/18/2015 4:47:16 AM) And I'm Starting to think he's right about you
Deathbringer_27_warrior (12/18/2015 4:48:37 AM) How dare you Make False Accusations Without even consoluting all the members to see if platooned with them
Deathbringer_27_warrior (12/18/2015 4:49:59 AM) And How dare assume you know what the fk I'm doing When you don't go to bed till around 3 or 4 if not 2 When I go to bed Much later than you do
Deathbringer_27_warrior (12/18/2015 4:50:41 AM) You can't assume shit without proof and as far as I know you got none
Deathbringer_27_warrior (12/18/2015 4:50:56 AM) To back up all your claims

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Guess what happened to me

Here's what I found out from my friend But first let
me give you me and my dickhead commander our conversation we just now had:
{TSR}Dorkyduck: Well you done it now.
Deathbringer_27: Don't talk to me dorckyduck you kicked me out don't try my patience
{TSR}Dorkyduck: i listened to your side of the story
Deathbringer_27: As you did yesterday
{TSR}Dorkyduck: and you refuse to hear mine.
Deathbringer_27: What story?
Deathbringer_27: You didn't bring a story you yelled at me
{TSR}Dorkyduck: yelled at you?
Deathbringer_27: And pissed me off
{TSR}Dorkyduck: i told you not to sign into tournaments if you cant even get in one.
{TSR}Dorkyduck: you never have completed a tournment al the way.
Deathbringer_27: He didn't tell me when it starts
{TSR}Dorkyduck: and you never listened to me.
{TSR}Dorkyduck: most of whom you recruited had 38% win ratio.
Deathbringer_27: I always listen to you except for yesterday
{TSR}Dorkyduck: you let our group drop rating.
Deathbringer_27: I didn't check them! Dorckyduck
{TSR}Dorkyduck: i know you didnt
{TSR}Dorkyduck: you dont even platoon with them
Deathbringer_27: I didn't have time for checking dorckyduck it was past my bedtime
{TSR}Dorkyduck: i had too last night and they team damaged me and were little children.
Deathbringer_27: over past my bedtime that I was to fkin tired to do it
{TSR}Dorkyduck: Firewizard has put more input than you since he came back.
{TSR}Dorkyduck: thats embarassing Deathbringer_27.
{TSR}Dorkyduck: not to mention our FIRST team battle today.
Deathbringer_27: What did he say? He never said anything to me
Deathbringer_27: I was not there cause guess who kicked me ?you
{TSR}Dorkyduck: i need someone to fight with a gun
{TSR}Dorkyduck: not with hot coco lol
Deathbringer_27: What???
{TSR}Dorkyduck: your too fragile
Deathbringer_27: What do you you mean fragile I have a powerful gun
{TSR}Dorkyduck: you compromised the group last night too.
{TSR}Dorkyduck: came back raging about the game.
{TSR}Dorkyduck: thats my exo.
Deathbringer_27: How the hell did I fkin 'compromise' The group I didn't do a damn thing to compromise anything
{TSR}Dorkyduck: i can only show you the hole
{TSR}Dorkyduck: you'll to get the fish yourself.
{TSR}Dorkyduck: you cant go beyond 1000
{TSR}Dorkyduck: i need someone who can.
Deathbringer_27: Stop beating around my question just tell me without riddles
{TSR}Dorkyduck: Fire has done what i expected of you.
{TSR}Dorkyduck: he completed the job.
Deathbringer_27: What did he possibly do?
Deathbringer_27: He just got back not even a week ago
Deathbringer_27: What did he do exactly? He just got back Not even a week ago
{TSR}Dorkyduck: for one thing we got a ranked team battle going to day which you let rot.
{TSR}Dorkyduck: he also connected with the members.
{TSR}Dorkyduck: and mentoring.
{TSR}Dorkyduck: you seek revenge on me, well go ahead make a team prove me wrong.
{TSR}Dorkyduck: most of whom you recruited are gone.
Deathbringer_27: We do Unranked battles dorckyduck. We never done a 'Rank' Battle
{TSR}Dorkyduck: today was our first and we won.
{TSR}Dorkyduck: your out Death.
Deathbringer_27: Funny how many good things I done to help us the clan grow and try to become a success and bring people good people into our clan not only that helped build the fking buildings in the fking not completely built stronghold that's fking taking forever to get completed since it seems your main focus is the buildings that are already been built from the start
Deathbringer_27: And That we grown by a whole lot than we did in 2014
Deathbringer_27: And I also helped recruit players in Swtor in 2014
Deathbringer_27: When have I not dine things for us
Deathbringer_27: ? The clan
Deathbringer_27: Not all the players I recruited where all bad
Deathbringer_27: Most of them had good fking personal rating
Deathbringer_27: And I have been talking to people Not every topic they even talk about is familiar to me or don't know what to say about it
Deathbringer_27: I have talked to people. You can't expect me to talk too them when I'm in a fking Random battle or its my dinner time be talking to them when its my time
Deathbringer_27: And second of all not everyone in the clan asks questions
Deathbringer_27: And most of the time I don't have time for 'Mentoring' When I do its when we host a training room but not all listen to what I say
Deathbringer_27: What is this about Dorckyduck? You are mad because of what happened Yesterday? Are you serious? You are not over that?
Deathbringer_27: So now you are ignoring me now huh I see how it is.
Deathbringer_27: As for tucker he has teir 6's Why the fk did you kick him?
Deathbringer_27: You got rid of speed
Deathbringer_27: Today you have gone to far
Deathbringer_27: I thought we will be best friends or friends at lest but it seems you can't handle that instead you are more good at pushing good people away
Deathbringer_27: Especally the ones who been with the clan for 2 years now
Deathbringer_27: And maybe I was actually going to leave the team today Dorckyduck
Deathbringer_27: The fkin Standto just starts tomorrow
Deathbringer_27: I would have left the team

Also here's what my friend Arjan Hanekamp

tells me today:
''Hey deathbringer, i just heard from Nacho in-game that Duck is going crazy
He said that Duck kicked you out cause you were raging over something
and he also kicked JTucker not sure why
and he kicked anyone with less than 39% winrate
And i have one question.. did you reinvite me to the clan before you got kicked?
I cant imagine that duck sent me that invite.'' -Arjan

I sent you invites have my ways
Dorckyduck pissed me off yesterday yelling at me and demanded for me to bring out a teir 4or 3 when I didn't have one -me 

Also I put Dorckyduck on my bounty list to destroy in Worldoftanks  Also I send my dickhead commander a message on worldoftanks .You are free to read it Also be advised that I'm posting me and The dickhead commander our chat from yesterday to (Before he kicked me) Dorkyduck (12/16/2015 8:02:42 PM) your presence is needed here
Dorkyduck (12/16/2015 8:05:38 PM) !!!
Deathbringer_27 (12/16/2015 8:07:28 PM) I don't have a teir 4 Dorckyduck. And don't yell at me plz chill at that you know I disapprove with that and hate it
Dorkyduck (12/16/2015 8:07:40 PM) tier 3 then
Dorkyduck (12/16/2015 8:07:44 PM) get in
Dorkyduck (12/16/2015 8:07:48 PM) i have to go
Deathbringer_27 (12/16/2015 8:10:10 PM) I have no tier3 dorckyduck I probably have one on my 2nd account and I'm not going to rebuy one here
Dorkyduck (12/16/2015 9:04:23 PM) first off it was an alert for you to come and help
Dorkyduck (12/16/2015 9:04:47 PM) and the tourn tier 1-4
Dorkyduck (12/16/2015 9:11:32 PM) you above all should know that deathbringer
Deathbringer_27 (12/17/2015 9:38:04 PM) Gee thanks dorckyduck for showing me how much of a friend you are Jerk I thought I could trust you now I know I can't trust you and I now know you'll do anything to get me off the clan family. Gee Thx. And thx for my early birthday preasent you imbecile
Deathbringer_27 (12/17/2015 9:39:15 PM) And that you'll whine for the littlest things
Deathbringer_27 (12/17/2015 9:51:17 PM) If you ever platoon with me or if I ever catch your ass in a random battle on the enemy side you are so dead
Deathbringer_27 (12/17/2015 9:52:38 PM) Consider us being friends since 2014 done I know longer know you as a friend but as an enemy who shoulkd get taken out
Deathbringer_27 (12/17/2015 10:33:25 PM) Funny you blocked me from saying my piece you bitch
Deathbringer_27 (12/17/2015 10:33:48 PM) And you ignoring me on Steam
Deathbringer_27 (12/17/2015 10:34:37 PM) Not only that You kicked me out of the group we have in Facebook Wow
Deathbringer_27 (12/17/2015 10:35:33 PM) See no I have more reasons to want to kill you if I ever cross paths with you in a random battle
Deathbringer_27 (12/17/2015 10:35:39 PM) Now*
Deathbringer_27 (12/17/2015 10:36:43 PM) Not only that you deliberately block me from your friends list for no God damn  reason.

He's going to pay. He's going to know that he went to far this time with me He's not getting away with it.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Who's in the Wrong?

So this happened just a few days ago this happened within
my clan anyway I received this from my Guild leader after he took action without talking to
all the officers including myself so this is what my commander messages me:
Dorkyduck (12/13/2015 7:50:41 PM) he blames rng Dorkyduck (12/13/2015 7:51:05 PM) cromwell (me), vk 40. 01 m vs two kv-2s, cromwell Dorkyduck (12/13/2015 7:51:07 PM) he blames rng. Dorkyduck (12/13/2015 7:51:30 PM) then he teamkills me in the training room next battle after refusing to take out a tank he lectured on me that not one covered for. Dorkyduck (12/13/2015 7:51:41 PM) every skimish player showed up to the training too.

So I got a Facebook message from Revenge, Aka: Arjan Hanekamp after he Revenge,
Informs me he got kicked from my clan saying:

wow duck just kicked me out of the clan over a joke
i would like to talk to you about this when you are available

So I tell him what dorckyduck told me so his side of the story is this:last night we were doing several skirmishes and we werent doing too great in the beginning, just because everyone was spreading all over the place so i suggested to duck that we stayed at base camping as a group. We did that and won 3 times in a row. Everything was fine up until that point. The problem started at the next skirmish. I wasnt going to join in this time but since Arutha joined I thought ok ill come back in and bring my Tog so me and Arutha could both be Togs, but he didnt seem to be wanting to do so I guess, he didnt talk much. That was fine. So I went in as my Tog and at start me and the other heavies were camping in the corner at our base and all the mediums were spread out on the opposite side of our cap circle. That was already different from the last 3 battles since we didnt all stick together. Then what went really wrong in this battle is that one of the heavies said he got spotted so they moved and I did too for a little bit. I was going to stay in cover behind a little hill but one of them told me to follow them and i did. That is when the enemy T37 started sniping me and he kept unspotted the entire time. He kept sniping at me and i called out the help sign and bleeped the map where he was. Yet not one of the remaining 6 team mates bothered to spot the sniper that was single handedly taking out 70% hp of the Tog (which in my eyes would be the key tank in our team) I was unable to get into cover in time as the tog is slow and no one helped me out. While I was getting sniped the rest of our team was basically just acting for their own, not working as a team. It was basically every man for himself that battle which is why we lost that battle unlike the 3 before. After the battle all Duck had to say was ''angle your armor'' and Nacho said that we would have won if we didn't have a Tog. So since that happened and no one was helping me out I got pissed about what had just happened and I started raging. It's a game, players rage sometimes. Later on, after Duck kicked me out of the clan I had talked to Nacho for a bit and I had apologized to him for raging out like that. I didn't mean any harm, I was just in the heat of the moment. Now after the skirmish there were several training rooms and 2 times it was like a 3v2 where me and Duck were on the opposite team. I was a KV-2 and Duck was a cromwell. The first time I unloaded on Duck I left him on like 7hp so yes I blamed that loss on RNG. I dont remember what it was the second time but something similar happened. I believe I miraculously tracked him or something. So then there was one more training room where Duck wanted to re-do the skirmish with the Tog to see what went wrong. As we had 6 or 7 on our team and there were only 2 on the enemy team and I didnt really feel like playing the Tog again, I told Duck no when he told me to take the Tog. So then he dragged me out of the team and then I believe it was HRguy who told Duck to just let me be what tank i want. So then we went ahead and started the game that was like 6v2 or 7v2. So since we were just kinda messing around in training rooms and there was no way this training game was actually going to be fair I thought i'd shoot at Duck just for a laugh and I happened to 1 shot him. And it seemed that he took that very personally and blocked me on Skype and kicked me out of the clan after that. Like i said after that I had talked to Nacho for a bit. I said that I was just messing around for a laugh and Nacho said he found it quite funny and that he was pretty mad about Duck kicking me out of the clan like that, I had explained to Nacho that before the clan was named GWE and was TSR, I was leading the clan with Duck and that the reason why I had left the clan at that time is because Duck started making calls based on his own judgement aside from having a poor structure. The reason why I had joined the clan again is because I believe he had changed and the clan seemed to be doing well. What I really dislike is that he pulled one of his old cards again. I know that what I did was not right, that is a fact. Perhaps I shouldn't have raged like that about the Tog game but him kicking someone out of the clan over someone TeamKilling him in a fun training room is going too far. That is an abuse of power, he used his clan powers to settle one of his personal affairs. What I did should be talked over, he could yell at me all he wants, I don't care about that. What he did, like I said is what he used to. He acted on his own behalf, not discussing the matter with any kind of officer, just kicking me out just like that. I told Nacho that he did these things before, not necessarily kicking people out but making clan decisions on his own without consulting other officers. Nacho told me that he would have voted to not kick me out and he was really upset about what Duck did. You can talk to Nacho about this if you want. If this is the kind of policy you are going to want in the command of your clan, count me out. I really hope that you agree with me that this is not the way things should be done. Yes I did something wrong, but this is not the way to act on it. --Revenge 

Funny thing is Note this I emailed Dorckyduck aka:

Samuel Hidalgo  and he Still did not reply to my email yet I still await his answer


So my question for today is who is in the wrong?
  • Is it Dorkyduck?
  • Is it Revenge?                                                                                                                                

Monday, December 7, 2015

Sunday, December 6, 2015

How happy I am to say this

So yesterday my Best friend my Step dad brought me a
Premium gold for worldoftanks right? So Here I am about to use a little gold 2 purchase
a premium for a day right? But somehow I brought the wrong one that was for 7 days!
Wiping out all the gold so I'm like 'o shit! Damnit I was trying to purchase
A premium account for a day!'  and I'm like I'm going grind my tanks out  because at that time
I was broke on credits in worldoftanks because of poor matchmaking who hates me
for I don't know what reason anyways I decided to grind my teir 8 all day long because I never had a teir 9 before and I wanted a teir 9 real bad that I decided to sacrifice my sleep so I did I was grinding that T32 all the way to today that I ended up going to bed a 7 in the morning only to wake up
later and do some more matches with the T32 then went back to bed woke up at I think 10 anyways I spend sometime with fam. before I login to Grind my T32 somemore  until finally
now I had enough Xp to Research the M103! and Buy it later after selling my kv1 that had the Spallliner and everything it needs to become the Hulk like the 0-1experimental  and also
sold my T32 transferring my crew to it and brought the Ammo for it and tried it out and its actually not bad aside from needing huge upgrades lol but though everything on it is stalk does not mean
it won't tear another tank up or find a way to deal some damage! hahahaha so know I can finally chill and actually get some sleep since I do need it.  Gosh I hope to actually work from home
because it seems that they are making it hard for me to have a job a career job something that I could enjoy.  And hope to visit my Grandmother soon and spend Christmas over there in NewYork
And have a phone to call my Brothers via texting and buy something for my nephew and niece. Its actually been forever since I last seen them hope they are doing okay. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Age Of Sniping

Gotta love being a td and staying where no one see you
but you see them hahahahahahahahahaha like this one from yesterday:

The only sad thing is that one the first scene you'll notice what an ally did
That costed the match to bust lol I think he did not think it all the way through before he
capped base to early when the match just started.  lol

My Gratitude

I'd like to give a shout out to whoever brought me a Premium account
for Deathbringer_27_warrior it helped me a whole lot I finally have a Jg panther4 (Td teir 6)
German tank at first with that tank I was like fking hate this tank because I couldn't
pen anything because it took me to a teir 8 match the funny thing is that I ran into a enemy hellcat then I was like 'Fk yes!' then I shot that and I bruised it severely it got finished off by
my ally tank the Ferdinand teir 8 tank though it was a jerk not letting the Jagpanther 8.8 teir 8 have a place to snipe  so the Jag panther was like 'fk you Ferdinand' so it just went to another spot to
snipe so I'm shooting all the teir 8 enemy tanks that are advancing the score was like if I can
remember was 8 something then it was increasing (We were winning) so anyway I'm at half hp because the enemy hellcat shot me so I go straight to the enemy base when its down to just the enemy T34 American heavy tank teir 8 baiting it to find me and ram me the T34 says
'you give up?' I said 'Yes just come ram me'  lol before that I was attempting to suicide my tank but failed then I was like hell might as well go to the enemy base. lol  so I hid well on the enemy cap
so I eventually successfully captured the enemy base and I got an Invader badge for doing just that :)
I have to say the match was very close  lol  it went down to me and the arty on our side then the enemy heavy tank I mentioned I'll post the video here if I can find it by the way I'd like to introduce
what I'd like to call epicness because it has my favorite music that actually suites my mode
when I get into battles I'll show you what I mean like this one from this week:

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thinking about posting some useful files here

Can you believe this shit?

Check out this video please, Let me know what you
think about this :
I'm afraid this is going to happen to us if we continue to let this
happen. Why are we not defending ourselves Yet? I'll leave that question for you to answer.
Plus see if you can answer this: Why is Obama still in office after every wrong thing he
did much less why is Hillary and the others still in office? If Hillary was going to
be president, We will be in a much whole new shit hole worse than what we
are currently in. I've seen many homeless people out on the street begging. Yet I've come to believe they actually gave up on life. Perhaps life has not been to kind too them. That the last option
is to just beg, Or rob any store they could possibly think of in order to survive.
I'm sure you seen them to out and about moving to one spot too another begging. And plenty more Homeless people outside like them doing the exact same thing. Its obvious that America
our country is not doing well at ALL and people say that America is moving in the right direction. Bullshit look around America is in a Shit Hole. And how the Hell are we gonna get out of this Steep pile of shit? GET A FUCKING NEW PRESIDENT THAT STANDS FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE AND WOULD MAKE GOOD JUDGEMENTS AND IS NOT AFRAID TO SPEAK HIS MIND AND WOULD MOVE AMERICA OUT OF THIS PILE OF SHIT WE ARE IN AND HAS A PAIR OF BALLS TO FIX WHAT'S GOING ON IN OUR COUNTRY.  AND WOULD BRING REAL ISSUES THAT DOES NOT INVOLVE CLIMATE CHANGE . By the way have you checked the weather on the internet? Just a few days ago I checked the weather and I saw something strange.....The clouds were moving in the wrong direction. I believe it has everything to do with the chemicals constantly being sprayed up in the air for god knows why that its effecting the earth change the weather patterns, Earthquakes occurring in non common areas were there's hardly any earthquakes that occur there then God knows what else is happening. Perhaps the North and South poles are getting ready to change unless it has already. But thing is perhaps everyone has a different opinion and its true everyone does. Have you ever even considered that what ever you do could effect the rest who's not even had a taste of a real life yet? Something to think about. Because its not Always okay to be selfless. Think about others.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Hi Guys

Hi guys how are you today?
Mine is so-so but otherwise good!main-video/pvyry
has been updated still needs some updates but its getting there
:) Also had a magnificent match. This week I can describe 3 days as
so-so, a little painful and headache Painful because somehow I
can assume that maybe I slept wrong I have no idea then a pain in the chest.....
then a headache that I have no idea why I had a headache it does
remain a mystery. Today its just a pain in the chest but aside from that I had a wonderful
Marathon of Hemlock Grove I ended up finishing it lol then watched a movie
about a sharpshooter getting hunted by people that want to assassinate him I'll put the Title
later today or sometime whenever I squeeze some time to put a update here adding a title
Its a wonderful movie :) As for Hemlock Grove, Its getting Real Good I hope they put new
episodes out soon. I hope you enjoy the 2015 Hemlock Grove Trailer :D

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Report from Steven:

win 10 is now preventing people from making a personal choice of letting them download what ever they want under Microsoft says Steven
and in a few months some hacker will be releasing a pirated version of
So they are forcing them now?-Me
win 10 to disable that feature and yup
win 10 by microsoft's default is now a nightmare
I'm glad I didn't download windows 10 plus my step-dad still isn't sure if it will work for my computer anyway
win 10 works for both of my laptops but I still opted out anyways
So I guess I should be grateful I still have windows7 lol
win 7 is the best system for gaming
better than win 8-10
since it allows you to play games win 8 and 10 are not capalble of playing such as classic games
So were do I find this info?-Me
whats the intro your looking for?
About the hacker that will disable a windows10 feature and about Microsoft not giving us a choice if we want to download it or not
and Microsoft is even disabling legally bought games and softwere plus that is in development in chinia
*china atm
threw win 10
You missing my question -Me
and dang
its currently in development in china atm but a Chinese hacker and idk the status as of it atm
where do I find this info lol
the info isn't available atm on accessing it
What do you mean?-Me
I mean how did you find this out?-Me
I heard by a random person who said he "will be downloading the pirated version of win 10"
So how did he find this info out?- Me
and china is known for taking out spyware out of their version of os of windows systems
I did research about the Chinese taking out default virus's and spyware Microsoft uses and I don't remember the site I found the info on
Okay, after you remember the site please post the link-Me

plus Microsoft is now forcing people threw win 10 to subscribe/but their default services

and sooner or later Microsoft win 10 will be charging people for use of internal os services

Jonthan Cuevas

10:05 PM (9 minutes ago)
to Samurai
It won't be a surprise if it really happens or would happen-me
it will be happening sooner or later since Microsoft is turning any os system win 10 or later in to a Microsoft service.
So I'm not sure about this information but if he sends me the link I'll check out this info because clearly this sounds like he is just assuming stuff I'm not sure how you will make out of this.

GWEDeathbringer_27's blog

Check out the blog there is a minor upgrade I should call
it  :) And its fresh out of making it:  

and yesterday was splendid I platooned with some clanmates and
had a blast unfortunately my computer was lagging the whole
time which I was not to pleased but the first match on my now fully upgraded
Cromwell on my first day back on Worldoftanks but the rest was
just crazy I wish you were there to see how horrible the lag was
and my computer a few weeks ago was not behaving like that before so I'm not sure
what was supposed to be different yesterday I still don't know what was up with
it I only guessed that maybe I have stuff opened so I closed the whole thing down
(The websites I had open) And it still behaved the same I'm still like 'really?
Are you kidding me?'  So this lag messed up my whole performance and I had a world record
ping rate which was 999 and I was on the East server that I'm supposed to
be on usually like if I was to go west server I'll get a ping rate like up to 150 or something like that
but not 999 I mean literally if you were to get that ping rate its like its all over
it messes your performance, It makes you not able to stop your tank from getting it to go where it
needs to go, Makes you like unable to control the tank, Makes your screen kind of
freeze. If anyone had this happen to you, you know Exactly what I'm talking about then
I'm like fuke this lag I'm out and you know how many times I restarted
the computer? Like 5 times and still no change I still can't believe it. Its just crazy.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Half my neighborhood got a Powerout

So..........I was doing a pvp mission on Starwars The Old Republic
It was 11pm something when all of a sudden the power went out and I'm like
'Wtf? I can't do one more pvp mission?' Then I was like 'Really?' Then
I don't know but for some reason I remembered a horror movie that bad shit happens
at night so then when I'm looking for a flashlight I end up spilling my drink
and I'm like 'Fk' it hit the ground thank heavens and that God the cup was plastic lol
then I look out side and I notice that the other side of my neighborhood and notice
that they didn't get a powerout then I'm pissed and wondering why is my side of my neighborhood
the unfortunate ones then I get out my room then soon my fks are wide awake cuz they're fan stopped
working and figured that they only turned off our power because of the stupid bill but that
wasn't the case then they joined me at see if weren't the only one that it happened to
Turns out we weren't the only ones and neighbors were out but I couldn't help but
wonder if a dumbass tampered with a fuse. And I still don't know and plus the radio didn't talk about
it which was stupid shouldn't the stupid new be up to date on stuff like that? So
I was restless and I'm still wondering about it.  So I'm hoping to get some answers soon.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Check out my new blog :)

Check out my new blog tomorrow or August
I'll be working on it I can give any guarantees if I'll be posting frequently
but whenever I'm available I'll be posting O and here's the link:

Also check out my new preview of what I made:

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Went live stream for the first time

Check out the link to my live stream the next live stream
will be on June 16 hopefully I'll get to talk too Quickybaby
and give him complements of his videos :) Also check out
my new clans Webpage:
And be sure to check out
if you'd like to find out more about my clan:)

Monday, May 18, 2015

Feel free to subscribe and or watch some of my vids

Feel free to subscribe and feel free to watch
some of my vids from my channel I'll be uploading
more vids momentarily but in the mean time
have a great afternoon towards evening :) if you'd like to talk
feel free to Email me at
or lol Lol that email goes
to my Flamethrower account email I have some vids there that
I have viewed or watched you can also friend me on Facebook
or leave me a message on Facebook
I can't guarantee that I'll friend you but if you leave a message
I'll be happy you reply back :) Oh and here's my channel link lol I forgot to post this:

Before I Start getting my tanking on....

Before I go to Wot today and blow shit up
and use my strategies to conquer the enemy today,
I just want to take the time to let you know
About a lucky moment I had in Wot lol you know I love
playing Wot, of course starwars the Old Republic,
And World of Airplanes and most certainly Cod basically
Any action game you can think of that I'm good
at I play it, if I have it of course but I don't have a gaming system
like an Xbox 360 or playstation or those types of things.
Anyway back to World of tanks I had the most lucky moment ever!
I swear if I find the video that I'm thinking about uploading
momentarily I'll show you you see I was in a map I forget which map
its called  but it has a city in the corner anyway I was in my T29
I spot the enemy I take a turn a right turn like almost flanking the enemy
I was in a Teir 8 battle I'm telling you I was being a badass I was taking
chunks out of they're hp I hit a teir 7 or 8 it was a At8 something like that
and of course the enemy spotted me later but some of the enemy brought me down to
4 hp one T20 almost kicked my ass lol -----But I found a way to escape the city
I went badass on an Arty and enemy tanks I've seen right when the Arty was about to finish
me off I was like 'Bitch you are not gonna kill me today!'hahahahahahaha and kicked his ass
for the second kill and I also destroyed a heavy or a medium tank for a third kill
lol I was sooo freaking lucky LOL I can't get over it!!! It was like Wow!!
I'm telling you I had so much fun! I can't wait to do that again! :D

wotb 2015 05 15 14 48 41/Teamstealth Reborn

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Having several days off from here gave me time for myself

Okay so what I have done since my last post is take
a long vacation away from here I just remembered that I had
a website lol anyway it brought some great things
I even made a new star wars account because I had trouble accessing it
and was like fuke it I'll make a new starwars account so
I did and so far things been great and made a new friend on Facebook
which later on became my commander and this time his clan is more
fun he has his own website going on and the clan plays more than one game!
and he's really cool before that I ran into him in Worldoftanks
ever since then he has been very cool and stuff like that and damn I forgot
the website to his site I go to sometimes Nvm he posted a link in my
private message lol here it is:
Oh check out a video I just watched from one of the members in my new clan
TSR I love my new clan they treat me better than what the other clan I
applied to. Also check this out:

Also check out some pics I have:

These are who I've met and or fought and some of them were taken doing a warzone
I had yesterday I had a blast though my team didn't do so well honestly still I had a great time #Takingdowngiantsisalwaysasweetvictory I think you have a good idea what I was playing yesterday
lol I hope I see you there today on the Server ProphesyofFive !! Catch you later :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

An Update from my commander from yesterday

We went up a bit that's cool now let's do progress -Madame Red

Also one more thing I kicked out one of my clan members out of the clan
for being inactive for over a year also his personal rating sucked. This is what I said to Madame about one of our members after I kicked  mgZEKE117   one of our members : ' I'm thinking about that person that been inactive for about a year he never attended anything he got a shiity rating that's super poor and all he has is teir 4's or 3's and he created the account in what 2011 or 2013 or 2010 and man is rating is super poor and all he has is teir 4's or 3's that's it man I could use a beer I almost opened a bottle of beer to mix it with the iced tea I just now made but I couldn't open it the stupid top to the beer won't turn to open'  I mean seriously if you were to check this mgZEKE117 you would have been shocked to at what you would see I promise you.

Monday, February 9, 2015

A cryer in Wot that one shotted me lol

So one the last half of a battle I was in my T20 and
of course what I have on my tank is all stock right anyways I ran into a Su-100
or Isu-152 that had a little bit of hit points left and there was a heavy next to me going after the
same tank but he didn't have a clear shot at it but I did so I believe we were to kills away from winning when I one-shotted the tank destroyer I was itching to destroy apparently
my ally got pissed and one shotted me so I'm like wow poor baby so then I decided to go to my
contact list I had a full list so I went through them looking for players with the least rating
so I finally found one and deleted one of my friends from my contact list and looked up the player
that one shootted me and said 'Awwwwww poor baby you need someone to tuck you in
you mad that I destroyed that tank before you shot it' he didn't say anything So I think he was
Jealous on what I did that he had to one shot me also when the battle was over because he one shootted me he got me to get payed a little more in Wot hahahahahaha I wasn't trying to be a bully or mean
I was just stating from what I have witnessed today I suppose jealous people are more prone to doing stupid things than non jealous